GREETINGS                                                             May 3, 2018
Got longings? Got personal needs? Got questions about life or God?  
These are matters of the heart, and all of them can become a focus for
prayer.   If you can give yourself the gift of at least ten to fifteen minutes
of time set aside, you can offer up these forms of prayer from the heart.
Sit or lie in a comfortable position so that your body is stable and your
weight is distributed evenly.   Take about five deep, slow breaths letting
the tension or concerns of the day flow out with each exhale. After five
breaths, let go of trying to control your breathing so it finds its own
natural pace.                                                                                                                                  
Consider what it is you would like to ask of God. What is your deep longing?
What niggling question would you like to lay in God's lap? What do you
need in your life right now? Come up with a word or short phrase that
expresses your desire; e.g. 'freedom within', 'reassurance', etc.
Think of your preferred name for God: Creator, Mother, Father, Holy
One, Divine Spirit ... Combine your name for God with your short phrase
that expresses your longing. Spend a little time forming your two part
Let that two-part phrase become your prayer from the heart, saying it
aloud or silently repeatedly for several minutes. You may choose to inhale
on your name for God and exhale as you express your longing. Just
breathe your prayer, let God become part of it. After a few minutes slip
into contemplative silence as you let the love and attention of God fill
you and surround you.   End with a word of thanks.
You may choose to let your prayer become a kind of daily mantra for the
week. Write it down on a sticky note that you attach to a mirror or your
refrigerator or near your computer screen; or on the back of a business
card you can keep in a pocket or your wallet.  Use those reminders to
invite yourself set time aside to pray again from your heart.

In our thoughts and prayers are Judy VanDuzer and Patricia Bradshaw's grandson, Daniel. 



Time Out with Jesus
Tuesday at noon in Brockhouse Park (Fiddler's Green and Wilson Sts.) Bring a lunch and share in a half hour or more of time for meditation and prayer. Should the weather be unpleasant, we will meet in The Gathering Place.
Next week please support the Living Rock Ministries by donating food to the youth in the Hamilton area.  They are always in need of pasta sauce, canned fruit and canned vegetables. 

Wesley Urban Ministries
Volunteers are needed to serve food on Sunday, May 20th.  Please sign up on the sheets on the UCW Bulletin board down the hall.  Also needed are cupcake bakers.  If you could bake two dozen cupcakes and bring them iced to church the morning of May 20th it would be appreciated.


Spring Lunch
There will be a Spring Lunch on Friday, May 11th at noon. Ask your friends to join us for a great lunch catered by Frank Pierce. The cost is $20. Proceeds will go to the Interval House.  Tickets are on sale today and the last opportunity to purchase tickets is May 9th. There will not be tickets available at the door. Rides are available.
Walking in God's Way
Explorations and Reflections on Putting our Faith into Practice
Tuesday Afternoons: 1:30-3:00;
                                                Wednesday evenings 7:30-9:00                                            
in The Gathering Place
Come share how you are already letting faith inform the way you live out your life and how you might broaden or deepen that effort.
How does faith help us make decisions or commitments?
How does faith invite us to take care of our own bodies and respect others?

What does faith have to say about how we manage our money and resources? 
How do we currently practice hospitality as persons of faith?                                 
How is God calling us to grow that ministry?

MAY 29 & 30     "TESTIMONY"   --   "KEEPING SABBATH"
In what ways do we already share own faith story?
What might it mean to share it more openly and widely?                                             
How do we already honour our need for Sabbath time? How might we increase that?

JUNE 5 & 6         "FORGIVENESS"   --   "HEALING"
How forgiving are we? How in need of forgiveness are we? What's next?                     What has been our experience of healing?                                                                         
What might healing ministry be like as both givers and receivers?

Start your spring cleaning and donate your old electronics to the 3 rd annual electronics recycling event being held on May 25 (4-8), May 26 th (9-5) and May 27 th (a.m. only) in the front parking lot. Electronics include any type of television, video or DVD players, radios, cell phones (MUST BE WIPED CLEAN), cordless phones.  Items do not need to be functioning. This event helps to support Outreach. 
New this year -  we will also be collecting used clothing in support of the Ontario Foundation for Cerebral Palsy.  Volunteers are needed to assist with the event.  Please contact Kim Cheeseman -   [email protected]