February 2, 2018

Punxsutawney Phil says six more weeks of winter.  Sigh.  Of course, that's just about what we always says.  This is his 104th prediction, and he's only predicted an early spring 17 times.  It's a pretty safe bet that we have six or so weeks of cold, ice and snow ahead of us.
That's the weather.  But what about in your heart?  Is it chilly in there when you think about people in the other political party?  Is there a frozen spot reserved for certain family members?  What do you see in another person - or in yourself - that whips up a blizzard wind?
No matter what it's like outside, your heart can be a warm and safe place of refuge for the broken and vulnerable places of yourself, your neighbors and the world.  A groundhog won't help you out there.  But God will - the all-loving, justice-seeking, infinitely creative God.  Phil might predict six more weeks of winter, but God predicts an eternity of abundant life.

Rev. Cindy


Sunday, February 4, 9:30 am

This Sunday, feed your body and your spirit with the sacred act of sharing communion.  We'll celebrate by intinction, coming forward to take a piece of bread and dip it in the cup of juice.  And with the Patriots in the Super Bowl that evening, the SOUPer Bowl after worship will get us psyched!
Sermons         Worship Bulletins  

Spiritual Nurture
In the cold month of Feb., come experience the warmth of Spiritual Nurture!
- Feb. 4 and 11, at the second hymn Rob gathers with elementary kids in the Pipe Room, Paul with middle and high school youth in the Community Center.
- Feb. 18 and 25, all ages will join with Jen in the Gathering Room for Children's Fellowship, a chance to play together and have a snack.
Nursery care is offered every week, during the entire service, for children up through second grade.
Tenth Annual Folk Coffeehouse
Saturday, February 3, 7 - 9 p.m.
Save the date! Nothing could be better than shaking off the dark winter chills and enjoying warm, gentle music in the Gathering Room with friends on a Saturday evening (7 - 9 p.m.). The Music Committee invites you to enjoy the many talents of our community and perhaps offer some talents of your own in a traditional folk "coffeehouse" setting. This event is intended to slow us down, warm us up, and bring us together as appreciators of music.
Volunteers are needed to support this event.  We need help with set-up/clean-up and with preparing refreshments to offer during intermission. 
Please contact Peter Senghas ( [email protected] or 978-263-5508) if you would like to participate or if you have a question about this event.

"Souper" Bowl Sunday Soup Sale
Following worship on February 4, the Fellowship Ministry Team will host its annual Soup Sale. A variety of homemade soups, chili, and beans will be available for sale to the congregation. Interested cooks can sign up on the sheet posted in the Gathering Room or contact Deb Simmons at 978-365-9711 ([email protected]) for more information.

Save the date and be a SOUPer Hero for Puerto Rico!   
Feb. 11, right after worship, join together for soup, bread and dessert - all for a minimum donation of $15 (kids eat free)!  Have your soup in a premium, hand-painted bowl for an additional $15.  We will also simply be accepting donations for rebuilding in Puerto Rico.  Please note that this is a separate even from Fellowship's Souper Bowl, which will be held on Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 4, as usual.  It's a chilly winter - we can never have too much soup!

Ash Wednesday Healing Service
Feb. 14, 7 pm

As Lent begins, we gather in the sanctuary for a peaceful service of reflection, the opportunity to receive prayers of healing, and the receiving of ashes.  Sounds of Peace will provide special music.
Let's open doors... To build community and grow God's love.
The Master Plan and Capital Campaign Teams (MPT/CCT) have unanimously embraced a proposal for renovating the historical building! Come learn more, join in the planning, and vote to support.

Feb. 11: Open House, presentation at noon in Sanctuary. MPT & CCT members will present the project and discuss campaign goals, timing and how to get involved.

Feb 13: Open House, at 10:00 - 11:00 am, Gathering Room.

Feb 15: Open House, at 7:30 -8:30 pm, Gathering Room. 

Mar. 18: Congregational meeting to present and vote on the project and capital campaign, after worship in the Gathering Room.
For more detail, read on...
Braving The Wilderness Book Discussion
Boundaries. Reliability. Accountability. Vault. Integrity. Nonjudgment. Generosity.
Join Rev. Cindy in reflecting on these themes and our own stories as we discuss Brene Brown's newest book, Braving the Wilderness . We'll gather on Wednesdays 2/28, 3/7, 3/14 and 3/21 at 7 pm in the Gathering Room. Read the whole book, read a page, doesn't matter, please join us! RSVP to [email protected] or 978-263-7387 for more information and to save your spot.

Fostering Racial Justice Group
Fostering racial equity and justice by activating the community to dismantle bias and systems that reinforce racism.
Waking Up White Book Discussion
Join us for a guided discussion of Waking Up White. Debby Irving describes her continuous journey from white unawareness to white alertness. She candidly and generously shares her personal process with us. Her work is important because like her, many of us are still trying to understand what it means to be white in this country. In a culture where race plays a center role, understanding the assumptions that we believe to be true is critical. This book can help us start the process of understanding the extent of white privilege in our society.
Maria-Veronica Barnes, FRJG member, will facilitate book discussions for members of our community who are interested to dig a bit deeper. The book has questions and reflections at the end that will guide our conversation. We will review different parts of the book in each session, so you are welcome to all of them or a couple, if you prefer that.
Let's meet at the Gathering Room at UCC Boxborough, 723 Massachusetts Avenue, Boxborough on,
  • January, 31st 7:00 PM
  • February, 7th 7:00 PM
Registration is free, just sent an email to [email protected] by January 20th to let us know that you are coming.
Even if you didn't read all chapters you are welcome to come!!!
Breakfast Learning Workshops &
Discussions on Immigration

Saturday, February 3
FREE Breakfast & Program
Breakfast: 8:30; Program: 9:00 - 10:00
Cheryl Hamilton, International Institute of New England

Cheryl Hamilton will describe IINE's extensive work in helping newly-arrived refugees rebuild their lives in the United States. In addition, she will tell us about the very successful Suitcase Stories sessions initiated in 2017-live, story-telling performances that  feature foreign and U.S.-born residents sharing refugee and immigrant experiences.

St. Matthew's United Methodist Church
435 Central Street * Acton, Mass. 01720
www. saint-matthews.org * 978-263-2822

I was a stranger and you invited me in. Whatever you do for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you do for me.
- Jesus
Resting in God's Love: Seeing God in Creation, in Ourselves and in Each Other
Please join us as we gather at the Barbara Harris Camp and Conference Center in Greenfield N.H. on the weekend of April 6-8 for the 41 st Annual Boxborough Women's Retreat!
Come away with us for a time of reflection and renewal. Through images, music, poetry, scripture and a variety of activities we will explore our theme, "Resting in God's Love: Seeing God in Creation, in Ourselves and in Each Other."
Prayer, worship, stillness and the gift of being in community will be at the heart of our time together. Opportunities to participate in activities with the whole group and in small groups, as well as to spend time alone, will all be provided. There will be time to walk in the natural beauty of the woods, to rest, to converse and to journal; time to laugh and to play. In addition, you are always free to choose your level of participation and to take time away from the group, as needed. We expect to leave on Sunday renewed in our connections with God, with ourselves, and with one another.
The Rev. Joan Murray will be our retreat leader and companion on the journey.
About our leader: Joan is a member of Wellesley Village Church, UCC. She served Common Cathedral, the outdoor church in Boston and Chaplains on the Way, an ongoing community ministry which she founded in 2008. In both settings she ministered with people experiencing homelessness. She is passionate about social justice and grounded in the Spirit. Having retired from full-time ministry in 2014, she volunteers as a pastoral caregiver at MANNA, a ministry to people experiencing homelessness at the Episcopal Cathedral of St. Paul in Boston. She is an online student of the Living School out of the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, NM. She enjoys walking the labyrinth and spending time with her grandchildren.

Registration deadline:
March 1, 2018
Cost: Double room: $270       Single: $350     Scholarships available: see Rev. Cindy.
(Retreat Form on the back of this page)
Questions: Nicolette Wellington, [email protected] , Ginny Harris, ( [email protected] ), Kellie Senghas ( [email protected] ) and Lauraine Harding ( [email protected] .) Cindy Worthington-Berry ( [email protected] )
Adult Mission Trip
July 15-20th, 2018
You are invited to join us on our fourth Adult Mission Trip to Cherryfield, Maine, where we work in partnership with the Maine Seacoast Mission. Last summer's trip was another resounding success and we are excited to be making a return trip. We'd love to have you join us! Maine Seacoast Mission was started in 1905 by two brothers who were both pastors who realized that the spiritual needs of the island residents of far Downeast Maine were not being met. Today Maine Seacoast Mission's focus includes rural education and healthcare issues. While they provide a wide array of support services, they only utilize mission trip volunteers in their Housing Repairs Program. Downeast Maine has an old and decaying housing stock and the need for repairs and weatherization on these homes is constant. With the support of volunteers, Maine Seacoast Mission is able to help their most vulnerable neighbors. The UCCB has reserved several spots for this trip. We can always adjust this number later, so the more, the merrier! To join us you only need to be 18 or older (too "old" to participate in one of our youth mission trips). While this has been called a "hammer and nails" experience, all levels of physical ability and expertise are welcome. Feel free to check in with prior years' mission trippers for a sense of the physical demands of the week. Please contact Peter or Kellie Senghas if you are interested in joining us or if you wish more information
([email protected]; [email protected]; or 978-263-5508).
Weather Policy

In the event of inclement weather, Buildings and Grounds works with the Pastor to determine if it is safe to hold worship or other events at UCCB.  They take into consideration travel advisories, weather outlook, and the condition of the church itself.  For Sunday morning worship, information regarding the canceling or continuing of worship is left on the outgoing voicemail by 7 am.
Regardless of whether or not worship or other events are officially canceled, all parishioners, staff and lay leaders are urged to make their own decision based on their individual circumstances and comfort level:  safety is our first priority.
If you have a role in worship or an event and are unable to attend, please notify Rev. Cindy via email ([email protected]) or church voicemail (978-263-7387).

Want to learn more... click the links below!
  United Church of Christ Boxborough
An Open And Affirming Congregation
978-263-7387 | boxboroughucc.org