IndyGo Improving Local Routes

bus at transit center
On Sunday, February 11, IndyGo will implement the first wave of local bus route improvements as part of the Transit Plan's 70% increase in service. Some of the busiest routes will have more buses on them, and some routes will have more service on the weekends.

Sign up for IndyGo's Newsletter to hear all of the latest  news for  Marion County's local routes and Red, Purple, and Blue rapid transit lines! (Visit, scroll to the bottom of the page, and fill out the "Newsletter Sign-up" box - for desktop users it is in the bottom right-hand corner.)
Opening for a Director of Transportation

janus logo
Janus Developmental Services is seeking a new Director of Transportation to run Hamilton County Express. For more information, visit the job listing on the Janus website.
Indy Moves Meetings

Indy Moves invites all Indianapolis citizens to learn a little about how people and goods move to, through, and around Indianapolis today and share ideas for projects in the future.

Visit for information on upcoming meetings, taking place in  locations all around the city between January 31 and March 8.

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