Email Newsletter - February 9, 2018
Sunday, February 11, 2018

Sermon: Rev. LeeAnn Inman
"Known by the Company We Keep: Called by the Saints" 

Scripture: Mark 9:2-9 (CEB)

Just to make it perfectly clear that Jesus is God's Word Incarnate, our last story of identification in this season comes full circle with the booming voice of God again saying not only "This is my Son, the Beloved," but "Listen to him!" And to put the exclamation on the point, Jesus is seen with Moses and Elijah as if they are personal counsel to him. Had any doubts about Jesus? Leave them on the mountaintop. We have been given, says the letter to the Corinthians, the "light of knowledge" to shine in our hearts. This light is the same light that has shone on the people of God through the ages. We are called to join our voices with the saints, known as those who praise a living and loving God.   
Ash Wednesday Drive-Thru Imposition of Ashes and Evening Service - February 14
Ash Wednesday (February 14th) marks the beginning of Lent, the 40 day period of prayer and spiritual reflection before Easter.  It emphasizes two themes: our human condition and our need to repent (turn toward God). This Lenten journey helps us prepare to live fully through the life, teaching, death and resurrection of Jesus.

This year on Ash Wednesday , we'll again be offering a morning drive-thru imposition of ashes and blessings session from 7:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. under the Peace Church portico.  You won't even have to get out of your car.  Our pastors will draw the cross of ashes on your forehead and offer a prayer of blessing as you are on your way to work or school.

Later that evening from 6:30 - 7:15 p.m., don't miss our Ash Wednesday worship service featuring shared prayers, special music, candlelight and ashes. This service will be family friendly, with a creative version of the traditional imposition of the ashes that all ages can participate in and understand. We know it's Valentine's day too, so we're starting the service at an earlier time.  Please join us before your Valentine celebrations to observe a holy start to the Lenten season!
New Worship Series Begins - February 18
Seven Weeks: February 18th to April 1st
Theme: Trusting in God's everlasting covenant with us.

Most of us have had the experience of signing a contract or other legal document on the dotted line.  Contracts are built on distrust, protecting ourselves from liability if the other person doesn't hold up their end of the bargain.  Yet healthy human development and relationship are built on trust.  Trust becomes possible only when we willfully and lovingly yield all authority and power and make ourselves vulnerable.  The deepest and most eternal trust that undergirds our souls comes from a relationship with God, who has given all to be with us and keeps not only God's promises but ours as well, in an unbreakable love known as covenant.

February 18th - A Global Guarantee - Genesis 9:8-17 - God's covenant impacts our view of creation today.

February 25th - Promises We Can't Keep - Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 - God's covenant is not based on faithfulness, but on need.

March 4th - Contracts and Covenants - Exodus 20:1-17 - Contracts are a compromise, covenants mean being all-in.

March 11th - Unbreakable  - Ephesians 2:1-10 - Nothing can break God's covenant with us.

March 18th - Marriage Vows - Jeremiah 31:31-34 - God's covenant is deeply personal and intimate.

March 25th (Palm Sunday) - What Happens When You Assume? - Mark 11:1-1 - God's covenant defies all our assumptions and expectations.
Peace Preschool 2018-2019 Registration - February 21 & 28
It's almost time to register for the 2018-2019 school year! Mark your calendar for Wednesday, February 21st.  Doors open at 7:30 a.m. and registration begins at 9:00 a.m.  first come, first served.  Peace Church members can register one week early, before the open community registration on February 28th. We offer classes for 2 1/2 to 4 year olds, including a free VPK program.

Peace Preschool is licensed through the Florida Department of Children and Families.  All teachers have completed the required DCF certifications, are CPR/First Aid certified, fingerprinted and nationally background checked. For questions or to book a tour, contact please Preschool Director, Jenny St. Jean, at 407-438-4043 or email  [email protected].  Florida State License #C09OR0188
Known and Called Outreach Opportunities - February 11th, 18th & 25th
Each Sunday over the next three weeks, take the opportunity to enjoy some unique experiences that will give us a chance to engage with our lager community and transform our hearts as we gain a deeper understanding of what some our neighbors  encounter on a daily basis.  We have scheduled three unique experiences that will move us  outside of our comfort zone and provide us with a chance to encounter life from a different perspective.   

On the 11th, we'll help a local neighbor who is experiencing significant hardships in her life, by helping clean her apartment, but also bring her relief from the burden of anxiety and hopelessness that she carries in her life.  On the 18th, we'll be going to United Against Poverty, a ministry in Orlando that serves the working poor community.  There they have a grocery store with items being sold at a fraction of the cost in regular stores.  We will be volunteering in the store, helping with shoppers and organizing the shelves.  Finally, on the 25th,  we'll be heading over to another local church to visit the "Compassion Experience," as we walk through various full-scale replicas of various dwellings from some of the world's greatest places of need in order to experience the living conditions for children and families tin these areas.  

All of these opportunities are free.  We will  be meeting at the church at 1pm. There will be no need to bring anything other than a willingness to grow from our experiences.  Sign up sheets for each week's activities are on the back table in the sanctuary.

Sunday, February 11th - Helping Clean Neighbor's Apartment - 1:00p.m. to 4:00p.m.
Sunday, February 18th - United Against Poverty - 1:00p.m. to 4:00p.m.
Sunday, February 25th - The Compassion Experience - 1:00p.m. to 3:00p.m.

5th Annual Divas & Dudes 5K Run/Walk - March 4
On Sunday, March 4, our Peace Youth will be hosting our FIFTH ANNUAL Divas and Dudes 5K  as a fundraiser for our high school and middle school summer mission trips, as well as a great opportunity for our entire church to reach out into our community. This year we've received special permission from Hunter's Creek to start and end the 5K right here at the church!  We're hoping to double (or more) the number of runners from last year.  Online registration is now open at   and the cost is only $25 for adults and youth ($35 for registration on the day of the race).  So if you plan on running, make sure to register now.
If running isn't what you would like to do, we will also have plenty of need for volunteers as we open our doors and hearts to the community at large (sign up sheets are on the back table in the sanctuary).  Here are the various roles we'll need help with:
*Set Up/Clean Up : We will need help setting up and cleaning up our breakfast area, as well as space for our vendors, registration, etc.

*Hospitality/Children's Area : We will be serving breakfast throughout the entire morning, and will need help with serving, keeping things clean, and greeting people as they enjoy their meal.  We'll also need help with managing our bounce houses and kid's activities.

*Registration : We will be checking in all race participants, and possibly registering new ones.  Therefore, we will need help checking people in and making sure they have their race information.

*Vendor Organization : We will need a few people who are able to assist in helping all of our vendors get into place, and making sure they have what they need.
Finally, if you aren't able to help on the day of the race, here are a few other options for ways you can be involved:

Being or Getting Race Sponsors : What truly makes the fundraising portion of our race successful are the local businesses that financially support the cost of the race itself. Therefore, if you or someone you know would like to have your business placed on the back of the race t-shirt, please contact Joanna Sell via phone  407- 908-4212 or email  [email protected] for more information on options and costs.
Being or Getting Vendors : One of the unique opportunities with our race this year will be having businesses from within our local community represented.  It'll be a chance for us to meet and learn about the various options for a whole host of categories available to us right in our very own backyard that we may not be aware of.  So if you have a small business, or would like to encourage one that you have a connection to, please contact Joanna Sell via phone  407- 908-4212 or email  [email protected] for more information on securing a vendor location for the day.  We are looking forward to a great morning of exercise, food, games and celebrating our community.
Dress a Girl Around the World - Meeting Weekly
Our "Dress a Girl Around the World" ministry makes dresses and dolls for little girls and shorts for little boys who live in poverty around the globe. Last year our clothes were sent to 8 different countries! Our sewing workshops are every Tuesday morning in the Peace Youth Room starting at 9:30 a.m.  Don't know how to sew? No problem, we also need volunteers to assist with cutting fabric, ironing and constructing dolls. 
Stay Connected

Peace United Methodist Church  |407-438-8947Website |
NEW CHURCH OFFICE EMAIL: [email protected]  

Rev. LeeAnn Inman, Lead Pastor - [email protected] 
Rev. Jim Berlau, Associate Pastor - [email protected] 
Sunday Worship Services: 8:15, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m.

The Peace Church Office is open Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. and on Fridays from 8:30 a.m. - Noon.  For EMERGENCIES after normal business hours, call 407-438-8947 Ext. 203 and follow the instructions to reach our Pastor on call.