Weekly Newsletter
February 1, 2018
In the News  
Steam Bell Brewing Boosts Midlothian Brewing Space
Saucy's Sit-Down Bar.B.Q Opens Second Gateway Region Location in Hopewell 
CCAM's Apprentice Academy in Prince George County to Provide Workforce Training in Manufacturing Jobs 
Partner Spotlight
A branch of Marsh & McLennan Agency, Rutherfoord-MMA's goal is to provide smarter service, smarter coverage, and smarter solutions for your business needs. Their Delivered Smarter initiatives are designed to bring Marsh & McLennan Agency's world-class resources together with your local Mid-Atlantic consultants to strengthen the way you do business. Rutherfoord-MMA is known for individualized attention, global technology, industry expertise and data analytics.

Five Local Businesses Win $5,000 Each in Metro Richmond Exports Initiative's Pitch Competition

By John Reid Blackwell | Richmond Times-Dispatch | Full Article   
Five Richmond-area businesses each won $5,000 at a business pitch competition held Jan. 25 by the Metro Richmond Exports Initiative.

The "Shark Tank"-style pitch competition was held at the group's annual meeting in Richmond. The Metro Richmond Exports Initiative is a nonprofit program that helps central Virginia businesses export their goods and services.

Ten small- and medium-sized local businesses gave presentations about their export plans to a panel of judges.
Volleyball Club's $8M Facility Readies for Opening 
By Rich Griset | Chesterfield Observer | Full Article  
Looking out from the future mezzanine of Richmond Volleyball Club's new facility in Chesterfield, Darcy Carroll and Skip Weston see the future of their organization taking shape.  

Below, construction workers whiz around in cherry pickers over what will soon be eight volleyball courts; dozens of tile pallets sit on the floor, awaiting installation. Everything is coated in a layer of dust from drywall and other culprits.
Located in Stonebridge, a mixed-use development situated on the former site of Cloverleaf Mall, the $8 million, 50,000-square-foot facility being developed by the Chesterfield County Economic Development Authority is nearing completion.