January meeting for 
PFLAG ( Parents  and  Friends of 
Lesbian , Gay , Transgender , Queer and Gender Non-Conforming  
Students) at LAG!
Dear Parents, 

It's been difficult for many of you to join us after school for PFLAG meetings, so we are meeting this month  on January 17th from 6 - 7:30 pm (unfortunately, for bureaucratic reasons it will coincide with Academic Forum). L ate comers as always are welcome!

Next week, we will also be holding our first Gender Inclusivity subcommittee meeting (Tuesday, January 9th at 3:30 pm). Please join us if  you want to get involved in working towards a more inclusive and supportive environment at LaGuardia for LGBTQ students.

If you can't make it this time, but want to stay informed, please contact me at  [email protected].

I can't wait to see you all! We are stronger together. 

Kateri Jochum
Art Parent, SLT Member, PFLAG Coordinator
Pronouns: she/her


What is PFLAG?
LaGuardia High School has long been a safe space for the LGBTQI community. The administration, the teachers, students and especially the parent body are strong allies of LGBTQI students. The students have a Gay-Straight Alliance and last year the administration was able to seamlessly integrate multi-stall gender neutral bathrooms into the school's inclusivity plan.

But as we heard back from parents, we realized there was a need and a desire for more than safe PHYSICAL spaces at LaGuardia - and for more than just the students. 

We wanted to give the parents of LGBTQI kids at LaGuardia an opportunity to meet and get to know each other; to talk about the special challenges they and their kids face; to exchange tips and ideas; and to work together to help LaGuardia become a more inclusive space for kids of all sexualities, genders, and gender expressions.  Parents should know they have a COMMUNITY here at LaGuardia they can fall back on.

Visit the LaGuardia Arts Parents Association Website

LaGuardia Arts High School Parents Association | 100 Amsterdam Avenue | New York | NY | 10023