W E D N E S D A Y  W E E K L Y
January 24, 2018
In this Issue

Upcoming Events

January 24
5-6 p.m.
Great Room

January 25
Dads' Day
Drop-off - 10:30 a.m.

WMS Birthday Celebration
10 a.m.

January 29-February 1
Toddler conferences
(all classes still in session)

February 1
Talent Show
9:30 a.m. & 7 p.m.

February 2 & 5
Primary/Elementary conferences
No classes for Primary/Elementary only -  pre-registered child care available

February 8
February 16

February 22
Toddler Maker Faire
8:15-9:15 a.m.
Room 1

Happy Birthday WMS!
Message from
Head of School Lisa Lalama
Read the Montessori Message blog for more from Lisa.
This Thursday we celebrate WMS's 54th birthday - 54 years of sharing Maria Montessori's amazing method of education with thousands of children. Birthdays are a time to reflect on the past years' growth and accomplishments. A school's birthday is no different. WMS began in Wilmington with a small group of families nurturing it as it moved to various locations throughout its 54 years. WMS has been at 1400 Harvey Road for the past 30 years. That's a lot of growing and even more learning. We are a mature school with a strong history. We've learned from our past and are eager to embrace our future.

Tomorrow we celebrate WMS. We send a celebratory "happy birthday" to each of you, whether you are a current family or one who has helped us become who we are today. We could not have done it without you and we are happy to have you as a member of our community. Here's to another 54 magnificent years!

News & Notes News
Calendar Note: ERB Testing Week Change

This year's annual ERB standardized testing week is now scheduled for April 9-13 rather than April 23-27, as previously noted on the school calendar. Please update your calendars accordingly. 
School Photo Issues

Unfortunately we are still working with Apple Branch to resolve issues related to this year's school photos. If you have not received your school photo order or are still experiencing issues with your order, please contact Lori Oberl y for assistance. 
Water Leak Update - School Closed Saturday, January 27
Suez Water is scheduled to repair the water leak near the WMS entrance this Saturday, January 27. As we expect water service disruptions during the repair work, the school building will be closed on Saturday. Staff and parents will not have access to the school for co-op or classroom work on Saturday. Please continue to proceed with caution as you enter the WMS parking lot. We will provide an update about the repair work when it is completed. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding.

Today's Learners Learners
Learning Through Arts Integration
  by Assistant Head of School Laurie Orsic 

Since 2014, the WMS teaching staff has participated in a number of professional development programs spotlighting arts integration. The staff has learned that arts integration - an approach to teaching that integrates fine and performing arts to enhance students' learning and understanding - is a wonderful way to engage students in critical-thinking activities, problem-solving challenges and experiential learning.

Educational research strongly indicates that when the arts are woven into teaching, students internalize concepts more deeply and across all areas of the curriculum. Student achievement and outcomes - academically, cognitively, individually and collectively - are all notably improved by way of arts integration.

The two organizations that have most influenced the staff's arts integration work are the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., and the Delaware Institute for the Arts in Education (DIAE).

For the past two summers, WMS teachers at every level have attended the Kennedy Center's Arts Integration Conference. Arts integration educators from all over the country describe their work in detail and demonstrate hands-on experiences easily adapted to any age and skill level. When a subject, such as math, science or history, is paired with a specific art form, students are more likely to be absorbed fully in lessons, relate ideas across disciplines and more readily retain content information.

For instance, students who grasp the concept of the "the steady beat" - the ability to maintain a steady beat through chanting or playing instruments - are better prepared to be fluent readers. The evaluative thinking involved in creating dramatic tableaux - a theater technique in which actors use their bodies to create frozen pictures of different scenes - also helps students recall the details of historical events and narratives.

Students learn about hip-hop dancing in 2015 from teaching artist Ashley SK Davis. 
The WMS staff has also worked closely with the DIAE to offer a wide range of arts programming. Over the past few years, DIAE has provided opportunities for WMS students to learn about poetry and composition, engage in studies of South American cultures, investigate West African music, internalize the steps of papermaking, follow the historical development of hip-hop music and dance, and much more.

In February and March, the DIAE staff and WMS teachers will work together to create a series of lessons and experiences spotlighting East Asian dance, music and textiles. This work aligns perfectly with this year's kindergarten and elementary-level continent studies focused on Asia. Classroom and community activities, scheduled for April and May, will help students define the features of these three art forms, while they also examine math concepts related to identifying and making patterns.

WMS's arts integration programming has been made possible through generous donations from the WMS community and the Longwood Foundation.

The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community.  

Please send submissions to [email protected] by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior  to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints.  

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.

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