Dear ITP Alumni, Donors and Friends:
Best wishes to all of you in this New Year. The start of a new year is always a time of fresh beginnings and this is certainly true for ITP. As you know we are celebrating our 43rd anniversary this year.
During this New Year, we are committed to expanding the ITP Foundation and will begin with an April 7th fundraising gala and concert held in conjunction with the El Camino Youth Symphony, conducted by ITP Foundation board member Dr. Jindong Cai. You can learn more about the symphony here.
This event will be held in loving memory of early ITP faculty members Frances Vaughan and Angeles Arrien - both ITP Honorary Doctorates. The event will also include a silent auction. I hope you can join us.
In addition, we hope you will participate in our lecture series, our research projects, and our fundraising activities.
About the ITP Foundation
For the last few years, I have served as Chair of the Board of the ITP Foundation. The Foundation is a nonprofit corporation, independent from Sofia University. We are responsible for all charitable donations that have been given to ITP and for ongoing support for transpersonal education and research.
Our research mission is to support exploration of topics that are often ignored, including the study of consciousness, mysticism, spiritual states, psychical research, healing, creativity, unusual mental states (what might now be called altered states), hypnotism, and the psychology of spiritual experience.
ITP Foundation Sponsorship
Working with Sofia University, we have sponsored scholarships for graduate students in transpersonal psychology. We have also sponsored research and inquiry in the field of transpersonal psychology. We are managing a grant from the Marin Community Foundation for research by Marilyn Schlitz on transformation and aging. Marilyn was formerly President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and is now Dean of the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology program at Sofia.
We are also committed to renewing the work of the old ITP William James Center, which will house a new laboratory, including virtual reality equipment, psychophysiological instrumentation, and other transformational technology tools and resources.
I hope that all of you are as excited as we are at ITP with our new outreach, and we hope you can join us on April 7th for our fundraising gala at the
Flint Center at DeAnza College in
Cupertino, CA. Look for a follow up email with ticket information coming in the next few weeks.
With warmest best wishes for the New Year and always!
Robert Frager, PhD.
Founder, ITP
Questions? Please contact Dorote Lucci at |