F. A. B. Fair
Fun And Business Fair
The premiere everything & anything fair
March 3, 2018 - 10 a.m.– 2 p.m. at T & B Celebration Center - 414 Madison Avenue, Skowhegan, Maine 04976

The show that everyone is talking about. What makes it so special? Local businesses showcasing local products and creating local demand. Come meet the capital area's business community—explore, make connections and learn more about what makes this area so unique.

This event is a terrific opportunity to build your business. Get out of the office and get up to speed on topics from technology to marketing. You can network with prospects and compare hundreds of the latest products, services, and companies committed to helping your business grow. The business world is moving fast, embrace the opportunities at the Skowhegan Area’s Chamber's Business Fair.

There will be a list available at check in of all businesses that are in attendance.

Member rates

$300 Sponsor - $30 Booth Space

Member Extras

$20 for a Table - $15 for Electricity - $40 for Extra Advertising

Non-Member rates

$400 Sponsor - $50 Booth Space

Non-Member Extras

$30 for a Table - $25 for Electricity - $50 for Extra Advertising

Sign – Up
All Registrations are Due by February 16th at 5:00 p.m.    For more information or to register register here or 207.474.3621. There are no refunds once registered for this event. Please refer to the paperwork for more information. Find the registration form here .