This Week
Wednesday, February 28
  • 6:00-7:00pm Deacon's Lenten Dinner
  • 7:15pm Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, March 1
  • 10:00-11:00am Baby & Me Yoga
  • 10:00-11:00am Kid's Yoga
  • 4:30pm Women's Bible Study
  • 7:00pm HousaTonics

Friday, March 2
  • 7:45am Men's Bible Study

Sunday, February 25
  • 9:00am Mindfulness Meditation
  • 10:00am Worship with Communion, Sunday School & Nursery Care
  • 11:15am Trustees

Tuesday, February 27
  • 12:00-1:00 Recovery Yoga
  • 5:00-8:00pm Kitchen Use
  • 5:30pm Bell Choir Rehearsal
  • 6:00-7:00pm Community Yoga in the Parish Hall
From Pastor Diane
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth
Worship the Lord with gladness
Come into God’s presence with singing!
           March is a month of transitions. Hopefully, we will move from winter into Spring! Definitely we will move from the season of Lent into Holy Week culminating with Easter on April 1. For those of you who heard my sermon on the first Sunday of Lent you know that I committed to being positive for the season, rather than the traditional lament. Instead of giving up chocolate or alcohol for Lent, I gave up doubt, control and judgment. It has been inspiring to liberate myself from these particular burdens.

Click to read... The Pastor's Page
Click on image below for Lenten Calendar:
Please come! Take a break! Enjoy Community! All are invited--congregation members, their families, friends and community members. You don’t need to do anything but arrive with an appetite and a willingness to engage with others in our church community. We will do all the cooking, serving, and cleaning up!

The Deacons' Lenten Dinners are a gift for all--a gift of a meal prepared with love; a gift of coming together to talk, share, and laugh; a gift of time out of our everyday routines so we can reflect on all that we have in common.
The Dinners will be held on five Wednesdays in Lent from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the Church Hall. Upcoming dates are February 28, and March 7, 14, 21. Please click on the link in blue to RSVP in Sign Up Genius. Click on a “sign up” box for the week you’d like to attend. Then click on the “submit and sign up” button at the bottom on the screen: Sign Up Lenten Dinners

Please indicate names of all attendees, any dietary restrictions, and ages of children you are bringing.

We look forward to seeing you all there!
~ The Deacons
On Sunday, March 4, Pastor Diane's sermon will be "Holy Disrupters ".

Psalm 19
Exodus 20:1-17
John 2:13-22
From Barbara Collins, Director of Religious Education
There will be Sunday School and nursery care this coming Sunday, March 4 th . It is Communion Sunday. The Youth Discussion Group will NOT meet. Youth may remain in the worship service or they can attend Sunday School with the younger children to act as mentors and aides. Thanks to Jane Deng for helping in the Sunday School last week

Click to read.... Sunday School News
From Jack Bowman, Minister of Music
This Sunday, Isabella Deng is playing a piano solo as the Introit at the beginning of the service. She is playing the Clementi piece that she played last Sunday for our 37 th Annual Student Open Recital. Pastor Diane and I both thought that her playing would be an inspirational opening for worship.

The choir anthem is Sacerdotes Domini by the English composer William Byrd (1543-1623). The piece comes from Byrd’s 1605 setting of the Gradual, in this case the Feast of the Body of Christ which also contains the popular and beautiful Ave verum corpus. In 1575 Queen Elizabeth granted Byrd a license to print music which gave him a virtual monopoly over the music-printing business for more than two decades.

The organ prelude and postlude are based on the morning's scripture:
J.S. Bach: The Ten Commandments
Benedetto Marcello: Psalm XIX

From Friday afternoon, April 13 to Monday morning, April 16, we will have fifty French guests in town to participate in our Spring Oratorio, Franz Joseph Haydn’s The Creation. These guests, who all speak English, are paying their own way to come to the United States. While here for this concert, we are seeking hosts to provide housing, transportation and where possible a couple of meals. 

Click to learn more... Housing Our Guests

Easter Lily Sign Up
You are invited to contribute a Easter lily in the name of a loved one and take the plant home with you after the Easter service. Donations are $15 for each plant. You may send a check, along with the form, to the church office, or pay online. The deadline for purchasing Easter lilies is Friday, March 23.

Donate online here: Secure Donation

Or print sign up form here: Easter Flower Form
Youth Discussion Group
Erin Swett, LCSW, is leading our Youth Discussion Group on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month. All youth grades 6-12 are invited to participate! The next Youth Discussion Group will be Sunday, March 11
From the Deacons
At the February Deacon’s meeting I was asked to say a few words. It’s a customary tradition for someone to do this at the start. In thinking what to say, I immediately thought love as it was the day after Valentine’s. And while much has been said and written about love I thought I’d add my two cents to the many great books that have been written about the topic. And Pastor Diane reminded me that a great book, the Bible, is primarily about love. And while I am most definitely not a Biblical scholar, I thought I’d use it to answer a few questions about love. And then I thought, I’d look at an example in popular culture of love in comparison to the Bible. 

Coats & Socks For Bridgeport
Still Needed: Men's large and extra-large coats, and socks for men and women. Please bring your donations in to church and they will be delivered to those in need in Bridgeport.

Items can also be ordered from Amazon and mailed directly to:
Reverend Sara Smith, 2200 North Avenue, Bridgeport,    CT 06604

Or, for all Amazon purchase, choose "" and choose
Norma Pfriem Urban Outreach Initiatives Inc.: .5% of your purchase will go toward supporting this iniative!
The Corner Food Pantry
We will continue to collect donations for The Corner Food Pantry each month, but will do so in worship on the SECOND Sunday of the month.

Please contact the office if you would like to add a name to the prayer list. Names may be added at any time by calling the office 860-435-2442 or emailing .
Bible Study
Women's Bible Study meets on Thursdays at 4:30pm in the Parish Hall Library. We are studying Exodus. See Pastor Diane for booklet. All women are welcome.

Men's Ecumenical Bible Study meets on Fridays at 7:45am. All men are welcome.

Please take a moment to visit our website:
Check Out Summer 2018!

Now available online:

Registration opened in January. Check it out and find your week!
Simply Smiles Keep Hope Alive Event
Simply Smiles is hosting a Keep Hope Alive event on Thursday, March 22 from 7-9 p.m. at Sarah Porter Memorial Hall, 75 Main Street, Farmington, CT. 

Click here to learn more.... Simply Smiles Event
Newsletter of the HVRHS Career Experience Program 

Click to read... Newsletter
A New High Ropes Course Being Constructed at Silver Lake!
Silver Lake Conference Center is excited to announce a wonderful new project happening at Silver Lake - the construction of a new High Ropes Course at Camp. This new Course will be ready for use this summer, and construction has already begun... Click to Learn More 

The Congregational Church of Salisbury, United Church of Christ
125 Main Street, PO Box 392, Salisbury, CT 06068
 Phone (860) 435-2442 