March 2018
Coffee & Donuts 8:30am
Adult Bible Study and Sunday School 8:45am
Worship w/Holy Communion 10:00am

Student Lunch 11:15am

From Pastor John
N.T. Wright published a book a few years ago entitled, The Day The Revolution Began .  My favorite quote from the book is this: "Something happened on a Good Friday afternoon that changed the world.  By six o'clock on that dark Friday evening the world was a different place.  A revolution had begun."    

From earliest times,  Christians have marked out the Lenten season of the year for special services to celebrate this revolutionary event.  I hope you will join us on Wednesday evenings in March, for Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday services, as well as our Easter celebration (See the times in this newsletter).  Come discover what was so revolutionary about the life, ministry, death, and bodily Resurrection of Jesus.

Dig Deeper too with the Bible study I am leading based on Wright's book.  It is Sunday mornings at 8:45 am. 

Discover what was so revolutionary about Jesus by your participation in our worship, devotional, and Bible study life.  Who knows?  It might revolutionize you!  

Prayer Thoughts 
Spring Time

Spring time!  A time of rejuvenation, a time when earth seems to refresh itself by the flowers and planets seemingly coming alive again after the deadness and dreariness of the winter.  The birds are singing their jubilant songs of gladness to welcome life coming back to the greening of vegetation and the blossoms and flowers bursting forth with color and fragrances.  It is a time of preparation for us during this season that we also call Lent.
Lent is a forty day period set aside for a time of reflection and renewal.  A time to prepare ourselves, to try again to spend more time alone with our Heavenly Father, GOD; Jesus who sacrificed Himself; the comforter, Holy Spirit.  The bridegroom, Jesus, calls to His bride, us the believers, to "rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.  For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone, the flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove (Holy Spirit) is heard in our land.  The fig tree puts forth her green figs, and the vines with tender grapes give a good smell.  Arise, my love, my fair one and come away." Song of Songs 1:10-13  The LORD wants to have an intimate relationship with us that can only be had by our spending time alone with Him, listening to what He has to say to us.  HE has a plan for us. 
 (Jeremiah 29:29)

Lenten season is a time of renewal for us: repenting of thoughts against someone: anger, fear, not spending time with the LORD to name a few. (Renewal: implies a restoration, a freshness: a literal change in our thoughts)  After repentance, The LORD doesn't want us "to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of GOD." Romans 12:2  He wants us to be led by the Holy Spirit, to cultivate the fruits of the Spirit: joy, love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. (Galatians 5:22)  We are to GOD the fragrance of Christ among those around us, believers and nonbelievers. (II Corinthians 2:15)  The following verses will help prepare you for this 

 Lent season and prayer time:
Thank you LORD that when I confess my sins, You are faithful and just to forgive me my sins and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness.  In the name of Jesus.  I John 1:9

Thank you LORD that after repentance (contrite heart) You will create in me a clean heart, and will renew a right spirit in me.  May my meditation be sweet to You.  In the name of Jesus. Psalm 51:10
Thank you LORD that Your mercy is so great toward me who fear(reverence) You.  Blessed is the LORD who forgives all my iniquities.  As far as the west is from the east You have removed my transgressions no longer remembering them. In the name of Jesus. Psalm 103:11-12,3

Thank you LORD that I can sing of Your wondrous works, letting my heart rejoice when I seek Your Face. I will give thanks to You, my LORD and will call upon Your Name.  I will make known Your deeds among the people.  In the name of Jesus. 
 Psalm 105:1-5

Thank you LORD that those who wait on You shall renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. They shall stand on Your promise to always be with them, for You have said, I am Your God" Isaiah 40:31, 41:10

Thank you LORD, blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! They walk, O LORD, in the light of Your countenance.  In Your name they rejoice all day long, and in Your righteousness they are exalted.  For You are the glory of their strength, and in Your favor our horn (strength) is exalted. Psalm 89:15-17 

Miriam Circle will meet as usual on March 13th, the second Tuesday of the month, in the church library.  The parking arrangements will be the same as in February, with a choice between parking on the street in front of the church property, which requires a permit during the weekday but that can be obtained from Kim in the church office when you arrive ... or you can park in the lot of the church down the street, where Julie Schilling will be waiting with passes from that church, then you can get a little exercise as you walk a block to our church.  Either way, it worked out so well in February that everyone who usually comes to Miriam Circle was there!  The Spring issue of the Lutheran Woman's Quarterly had not yet arrived as this notice was being written, but it should be here by our March meeting, so just bring your Bible.  We take an offering each month that we divide and send to our four mission projects in May and December.  Our meetings begin with coffee and fellowship at 10:00 then a Bible study, which ends at noon.  We'd love for you to join us.
bible study
The Day the Revolution Began

Something happened on a Good Friday afternoon that changed the world.  By six o'clock on that dark Friday evening the world was a different place.  A revolution had begun.  Join us for a video based coursed, "The Day The Revolution Began" based on the same book by N.T. Wright.  Wright is a first-rate Biblical and articulate scholar.  He is also Pastor John's favorite author and lecturer on the New Testament and Jesus.  
Join us Sunday's at 8:30 am.  

Walk with Jesus
Join us for a Church-wide Easter Event as we walk with Jesus through Holy Week! This event for all ages will be on March 16th, from 5:30-7:30pm.  If you have any questions, please talk with Stephanie Karolus (352-376-2062).

Lent and Holy Week Schedule
Lenten Services 7pm, on Wednesdays  
March 7,14, 21 
Maundy Thursday, March 29th   
Noon and 7pm

Good Friday,  March 30th:  
Noon and 7pm

Easter,  April 1st ,  
7:30-10:00 a.m.
Egg Hunt
10:00 a.m
Festival Worship w/Holy Communion
8:30am. & 11:00am

Great News
Where do you keep your "rainy-day" funds? Do you use a checking, savings, or money market account to hold money for emergencies or significant repeat bills of $250 or over? If so, compare your rates with these:
$100 0.500%
$1,000 0.625%
$5,000 0.750%
$10,000 1.000%
Too good to be true? The Lutheran Church Extension Fund has upgraded the offering in its Steward Account. You can access your money through checks, a Visa debit card, or online services as bill pay and bank transfers.
Call our Synod office in St. Louis at 800-843-5233 or go to "" for information.

Also, The Lutheran Church Extension Fund is offering three scholarships for high school seniors under the program called "Take Heart Scholarship." Go to "" to see if you qualify. 
The deadline in April 18.

Mission auction dinner
APRIL 14, 2018


If you've attended the Mission Auction Dinner in the past you realize that The Dessert Room has always been a great success and because of it's success we've decided to bring back the Silent Auction Rooms where you can have fun competing with other bidders while helping with First Lutheran's mission outreach.

This is going to take a big effort on our part to have wonderful items up for bid.  That's where you can help, we are looking for donations.  They can be new, gently used or even gift certificates and items from local businesses.

Please help us make this year's Mission Auction Dinner the best ever.  Bring your donations to the church office where they will be stored until the auction.

Mission auction dinner
Calling all bakers - we need YOU! The annual Mission Auction Dinner is scheduled for Saturday, April 14th. As you know, the highlight of the event is the DESSERT auction, and we need all kinds of wonderful baked items - from cookies to pies to cakes and bars, they all are appreciated. 

Please contact Julie Kahlfeldt ([email protected]) if you would like to bake this year!
If you are interested in joining the choir, handbell choir or the praise band please see our Music Director Hyejin Park or email her at [email protected].  
Choir rehearses Thursday nights at 7pm.

What is NDOP?
The concept of having a national day of prayer was introduced in Congress in 1952. Over time, various congressional committees and public interests kept the idea alive and the first official observance occurred in Washington, DC in 1983. The selection of the first Thursday in May became official in 1988.
The theme this year is "Unity in America" and the date is May 3. Stay tuned!

Congratulations to Paul Wheelhouse on the publication of his book "A Devotional Guidebook to the Holy Land for the Body of Christ"

In This Issue


Prayer Circle - First Sunday of each month at 9:15am
Women's Book Club - Second Saturday of each month at 10:45am
Miriam Circle - Second Tuesday of each month at 10:00am
Phoebe Circle - Third Tuesday  of each month at 7:30pm


Click  here to see the March Birthday celebrations!
Click  here to see the March Anniversaries!