Weekly Notices
February 9, 2018



The Digital You: Leveraging to Benefit Your Business

Join® as they explore what consumers are saying, what consumers are doing and where they're headed.

Hear about the latest advances in leveraging this new information to provide smarter service to real estate professionals.

Learn new ways to power your presence in the online world - the Digital You.

Two sessions at the SAR Office:

Monday, February 12, 2018, 11:00 a.m.

Monday, February 12, 2018, 2:00 p.m.

Presenter - Michael J. Pressnall, VP, Industry Relations,
® /Move Inc.

Download the event flyer (pictured above), online here.

Sign up TODAY - Space is limited!


Hirst Fix Conference Call 

Friday, February 16th
Washington REALTORS® invites you to participate in an informational conference call next week - Friday, February 16th - at 1:30 p.m. with Bill Clarke, Washington REALTORS® Director of Public Policy.

Bill will provide an update on Hirst and answer questions live submitted via our text service.

This session will last approximately an hour.

If you cannot make the call, an audio file will be posted after the fact for you to access on the Washington REALTORS® website:

Friday, February 16, 2018

Dial in to the conference call number: (515) 739-1015
Use the access code: 566-768-565

NOTE: callers are muted on entry.

Text questions & comments during the call to (360) 389-3909.
Notification of Bylaws Vote 

The Board of Directors of the Association is submitting to the membership at the general membership meeting on March 15, 2018, at CenterPlace, a proposed Bylaw change. 

The proposed Bylaw amendment revises the qualifications for running for an SAR elected leadership position.  

See a redline markup of the proposed changes (pictured above),
online here  .

2018 Real Estate Market Forum 


Registration is underway for the 2018 Real Estate Market Forum, to be held on Wednesday!   
The advance price is $55 (includes lunch, education credits (approval pending) for Real Estate Licensees and Appraisers in WA and ID, and a download of the Fall 2017 Real Estate Report) for those registering by noon on Friday, February 16.   
The price goes to $70 following that date/time.   
There may be limited seating available the day of the event (priced at $70). 

Wednesday, February 21st
at the Coeur d'Alene Resort

Download the event flyer (pictured above), online here.

See the latest Market Forum agenda online here.

NAR Leadership Live 

Monday, February 12th

Broadcasting from Fox Studios in New York City, the National Association of REALTORS® is hosting a town hall-style Facebook Live event.

President Elizabeth Mendenhall and members of the NAR Leadership Team will discuss 2018 industry issues and trends.

We want to hear from you! NAR Leadership will field questions from the NAR Facebook Live community.

All REALTORS® are invited to tune in and join the dialogue online @ #NARLeadershipLive.

The program also includes REALTOR® leadership from New York area who will participate via satellite location.

Mark your calendars − we'll be streaming live Monday, February 12th at 10:00 a.m. Spokane time on NAR's main Facebook page.

Register for and share this event online here.

2018 Education Excellence

SAR file photo
Your first Education Excellence event and Quarterly Membership Meeting and Luncheon of 2018 is right around the corner - Thursday, March 15th at Centerplace Event Center in Spokane Valley (pictured above).
This year, our Education Excellence offering will be Sabrina Jones-Schroeder's excellent class, What Else Do We Need? Purchase & Sale Agreement Addenda. See details below. 
Come for the class, stay for the meeting and luncheon, or just come for the fun and fellowship of our quarterly meeting and luncheon.

What Else do we Need? Purchase & Sale Agreement Addenda 
What Else do we Need?
Purchase & Sale Agreement Addenda
Thursday, March 15 - What Else do we Need? Purchase & Sale Agreement Addenda - with Sabrina Jones-Schroeder.
Check-in: 7:30 a.m.
Class: 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 
at Centerplace Regional Events Center   
(held in combination with the SAR General Membership Meeting and Luncheon) 
6.0 clock hours

Instructor Development Workshop  


Superior instructors don't just happen, they are trained.    
If you've ever attended a class and thought you could do that, or are passionate about a particular real estate subject or skill, then this instructor development workshop is for you!
Training Superior Instructors 
Training Superior Instructors
Tuesday March 27th and Thursday March 29th - Instructor Development Workshop - with Linda Miller Sheets.
Check-in: 8:15 a.m. (both days)
Class: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (both days)
at the SAR
15 clock hours
Washington REALTORS® Leadership Tour 



You'll want to save the date - Thursday, May 3rd - for the Washington REALTORS ® Leadership Tour!

This luncheon event at CenterPlace Event Center in Spokane Valley will feature our  2018 Washington REALTORS ® President Jerry Martin (pictured), our Washington REALTORS ® President-elect Dale Chumbley, and Washington REALTORS ® CEO Steve Francks.

This will be a casual luncheon with time for you to hear from and personally meet key members of your state leadership team.

More details and registration information will be shared here when the details are set.   


NAR is just out with its 2018 Benefits-Publications-Education catalog (pictured above).

This catalog compiles the best of NAR's member benefits, publications and education, conveniently broken down by section.

Here you will find a full listing of current REALTOR Benefits® Program Partners, savings opportunities and other free offerings available to members only.

This catalog also contains products available for purchase online in NAR's REALTOR® Store, along with designations and certifications recognized by
NAR, plus REALTOR® University's Master of Real Estate degree program.

Download your copy online here.

2018 REALTOR® Education

Quality of Education 
through SAR/WR Education Instructors

Here is the latest class listing from your SAR - offering the best live and local continuing real estate education classes for 2018.

Click on each class title,  underlined in blue, to bring up a flyer for that class - suitable for posting in your office. 

Register for these classes online here: 


Please be in touch with Debbie at the SAR if you have any questions about these classes or your license education requirements, by phone at 326-9222 or by email.

Tips, Tricks & Strategies for Working with Difficult People 
Tips, Tricks & Strategies for Working with Difficult People

Thursday, March 1 - T ips, Tricks & Strategies for Working with Difficult People - with Linda Miller Sheets.

Check-in: 1:00 p.m.
Class: 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
at the SAR

3.0 clock hours

Home Inspections 
Home Inspections from the Ground Up

Thursday, March 8 - Home Inspections from the Ground Up - with Matthew Pedersen

Check-in: 8:15 a.m.
Class: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
at the SAR

7.5 clock hours

What Else do we Need? Purchase & Sale Agreement Addenda 
What Else do we Need?
Purchase & Sale Agreement Addenda
Thursday, March 15 - What Else do we Need? Purchase & Sale Agreement Addenda - with Sabrina Jones-Schroeder.
Check-in: 7:30 a.m.
Class: 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 
at Centerplace Regional Events Center   
(held in combination with the SAR General Membership Meeting and Luncheon) 
6.0 clock hours

Training Superior Instructors 
Training Superior Instructors
Tuesday March 27th and Thursday March 29th - Instructor Development Workshop - with Linda Miller Sheets.
Check-in: 8:15 a.m. (both days)
Class: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (both days)
at the SAR
15 clock hours
In This Issue
Hirst Fix Conference Call
Notification of Bylaws Vote
2018 Real Estate Market Forum
NAR Leadership Live
2018 Education Excellence
Instructor Development Workshop
Washington REALTORS® Leadership Tour
2018 REALTOR® Education
2018 Dues Past Due
James S. Black Scholarship
Gary Fox Award
2018 REALTOR® Code of Ethics
Legal Hotline: Proving Form 17 Delivery
WCR: Home Warranty
ListHub - December
Under All is the Land
Member Roster Update - FEBRUARY - NEW!
Market Activity Report - January - NEW!

Click on the calendar image below to see
the current SAR calendar showing dates and times
of classes, committees and events. 
2018 Dues Past Due

Your SAR dues for 2018 are now past due.

Thank you if you have already paid them!

Dues may still be paid until February 28th but must, now, include the 10% late penalty.
Click on the image above to pay your SAR dues for 2018 online now, or print your invoice and pay by mail, or pay in person at the SAR: 1924 North Ash Street. 

James S. Black Scholarship

DEADLINE: February 9th
Applications are now being accepted for the 2019 James S. Black Memorial Scholarship.

This scholarship helps members pay for tuition and expenses pay for classes leading to professional designations such as GRI, CRS, CPM, SIR, or MAI. 

The deadline to submit applications to the SAR is Friday, February 9, 2018.

The scholarship will be awarded at the March 15th quarterly membership meeting at Centerplace Regional Events Center.

Download the scholarship information/application packet (pictured above) online here

Gary Fox Award

Wednesday, February 21st
Your SAR is calling for nominations for the 2017 Gary Fox Memorial Designated/Managing Broker Award to recognize a designated broker or managing broker who serves as an example of loyalty, ethical behavior and leadership in the real estate profession.

Applications for the 2017 award must be submitted by close of business Wednesday, February 21st .

The award will be presented to its 2017 recipient at the SAR Quarterly Membership Meeting on March 15th.  

The nomination form with more information (pictured above) is online here.

2018 REALTOR® Code of Ethics 



The National Association of REALTORS ® has updated our Code of Ethics for 2018.

NAR's Code of Ethics, adopted in 1913, was one of the first codifications of ethical duties adopted by any business group.

The Code ensures that consumers are served by requiring REALTORS® to cooperate with each other in furthering clients' best interests.

Download your copy of the REALTOR® Code of Ethics poster (pictured above) - suitable for framing and hanging in your office - online here.

Download the entire 2018 REALTOR® Code of Ethics online here

Legal Hotline: Proving Form 17 Delivery


Washington REALTORS® Legal Hotline lawyer Annie Fitzsimmons answers the question: How do you prove delivery of Form 17?

Can you simply attach the seller's completed and signed Form 17 to the MLS printout as an associated or an attached document?

What do you think Annie says?

Find out in her four-minute video online here:   
Proving Delivery of Form 17
Proving Delivery of Form 17
WCR: Home Warranty

The Spokane-Eastern Washington Women's Council of REALTORS® invites you to its March program: Home Warranty to the Rescue!

Thursday, March 1st - 11:30 a.m.
at Darcy's Restaurant in Spokane Valley

Download the event flyer (pictured above), online here.

ListHub - December

The ListHub report for December is now available.
Download the report online here.

Under All is the Land 


The Spokane Association of REALTORS® was founded in the Hall of the Doges above Davenport's Restaurant in 1911.

At its centennial in 2011, the association commissioned this video to tell its story.  It was released on DVD at the time (pictured above), now available - for the first time - online.

It's an uplifting half-hour about our city and one of its oldest and proudest organizations.

The program begins and ends with the opening sentence of the REALTOR® Code of Ethics: "Under all is the land."

See the 30-minute documentary online here: 

Under All is the Land 
Under All is the Land

Member Roster Update - February     

Updated FEBRUARY 2018

Click here to view the latest Member Roster Update - approved by the Board of Directors.

  Click here to view the latest list of MLS Subscription Waivers - approved by the Board of Directors.  

Send a message to Brenda at the SAR with any changes.  

Market Activity Report - JANUARY  



Market Activity Reports  
The SAR Market Activity Report for JANUARY is now online.  
See the latest full report - a member-exclusive product
- and archived full reports, online here .

See the JANUARY 2018 Market Snapshot Report (pictured above) online here.

See the 2017 YEAR END Market Snapshot Report (pictured above), online here.

Presented by your

Spokane Association



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Click here!  
Quick Information
2018 SAR Leadership

This weekly newsletter is a member benefit of the

  1924 North Ash Street 
Spokane, Washington 99205
T: 509. 326.9222
F: 509. 324.8650