PINE STREET POST      February, 08 2018
In This Issue
Thursday February 8
6:00 pm
Front Range Asylum
Conference Room

Sunday, February 11
9:30 am
Caffeine and Conversation 
Reception Area

10:00 am
Morning Worship

Tuesday, February 13
1:30 pm 
Staff Meeting
Main Office

Wed, February 14
12 noon
Ash Wednesday Taize Service

1:30 pm
Oasis Women's Group

Ash Wednesday Taize Service
Love and Sympathy to the Family of Mary Blauw who died on Tuesday February 6th

AJ Arterburn
Pete Sprenkle
Jo Judd
Vondell Martin
Emmett Haywood
Rod Lawall
Barb and Shel Schuttenberg
Kerry Hassler
Virginia Beach
Butch Stanko, Friend of Polly McDonald
Sid and Beth Scott
Dwight and Aladine Neuenschwander
Clyde Compton, Estelle's brother-in-law
Paula Vaughn
Brendan Torpy
Cyndie Sharkey
R.C. and Faye Parrish
Randy Martindale, Betty Eldridge's nephew
Frances Swanson
Missionaries: Asha Sanchu, Tom & Terry Myers, Pieter & Nora Kalkman
A Word from Andrew... Into the Wild...

Dear Pine Street Church Members and Friends,

Ever since the fourth century, Christians around the world have set aside the 40 days before Easter as a time of repentance, reflection, self-denial, and introspection. The 40 days are ways of re-living Jesus' 40 days of fasting in the wilderness, according to the Synoptic Gospel stories (Matthew, Mark, and Luke).

This Lenten season, which starts with our noontime Ash Wednesday service next week (and incidentally, it happens to coincide with Valentine's Day, too!), we will be taking our own journey "into the wild." We will explore themes of grace, forgiveness, friendship, and self-acceptance in our Sunday messages, and we will draw wisdom from the nonfiction bestseller by Jon Krakauer titled, "Into the Wild."

(Please take note of one of our spring semester Growth Groups that will center around this theme, "Into the Wild": This growth group will study author Jon Krakauer's book Into the Wild, which inspired actor/director Sean Penn's movie Into the Wild, which inspired Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder's album/soundtrack Into the Wild. The Pine Street Band will perform this entire album for 2018's Good Friday Musical Meditation on 3/20/18. Pine Street Church's Lenten worship theme will also center around the deep and impactful messages of this epic true story. )

Some of us are accustomed to giving up things for Lent: chocolate, red meat, television, alcohol. For others of us, this is a new practice we've never really tried before. But the truth of "giving up" something or "giving ourselves to" something applies to all of us.

When we give up something (whether these things are self-loathing or anger or control of some kind), we discover that we become free to follow a new direction in our lives. This was the reason for Christ's fasting in the wilderness: it was preparation for a major change in his life; the beginning of his ministry that would change the course of other people's lives.

Whether you "give something up" for Lent or "add something," I encourage you to register for one of our five new Growth Groups to help enrich your Lenten journey of 40 days leading up to Easter (on April 1). The deadline for registering for our new Growth Groups is February 19, so go to our website ( and register today.

It will take you less than 60 seconds to confirm your commitment to spiritual and social growth, as we all find ways to journey with Jesus and each other "into the wild" this Lent.

In the grace of wildness,

Sweets for Your Sweetie Sale

Sponsored by AB Women's Ministries of Pine Street Church

Support the 2018 State Project by purchasing something for your sweet tooth.
The monies collected will go to feed a resident of
the New Life Center in Thailand.

The New Life Center Foundation (NLCF) works in northern Thailand with more than 200 tribal girls ages 11-22 who have survived or are at high risk for all kinds of exploitation, including human trafficking, forced labor and sexual abuse. The healing and development of residents is supported by the provision of safe housing, education, therapeutic services and balanced nutrition.

This project will be managed by Jeni Pedzinski, IM missionary in Thailand. All of the services offered by BNLCF are valuable, but the most fundamental is caring for and protecting the physical well-being of residents. A safe environment and healthy meals are the bedrock of a young woman's ability to thrive.

Please pray with the Rev. Jeni Pedzinski and the NLCF staff that the young women
will be able to recover from their painful experiences and
thrive in the loving atmosphere at the New Life Center.


Greetings American Baptist Women,

You are invited to attend the AB Women's Ministries Winter Retreat!
The theme this year is "Women's Well Being".
The dates: February 23-24th (from 4:00 pm Friday till 4:00 pm Saturday)
The location: Cherry Creek Baptist Church (formerly Bonnie Brae) in Denver

We have a wide variety of speakers and breakout sessions to cover women's mental, physical and spiritual health as well as listening to areas of personal safety and stories of victims of Human Trafficking.

We also have some fun sessions planned including bible studies, adult coloring, nutrition and essential oils. These sessions are relevant for women of all ages. AND, last but not least a chef will prepare our meals.

All for a registration fee of $45,
after Feb. 16, the fee is $55.
We can't wait to have you attend and invite your friends and relatives!

For a registration brochure please contact Mary Beth Mankin ([email protected]) or Estelle Torpy ([email protected]) for a brochure

Spring 2018 Growth Group Registration and Enrollment is now Open!

Dear Pine Street Members and Friends,

Welcome to the spring 2018 semester of Growth Groups!

This new PSC small group ministry is one of the most practical ways to connect with others, grow in faith, and feel a sense of belonging.

Growth Groups give leaders and participants the time and space to focus on particular topics and personal passions or interests, to deepen relationships with God and with each other, and to have some fun within a 6-12 week, topic-based small group setting.

These registration-based, short-term small groups provide diverse opportunities for PSC members, newcomers, and friends, to meet with a few people for approximately 6-12 ninety-minute gatherings.

Whether a longtime member, first-time guest, or a friend-of-a-friend, Growth Groups offer everyone a way to connect through PSC. It is also a great way to invite your friends and others to be part of PSC.

Take a look at the spring offerings, pick one (or more) that fits your interest and schedule, and see what a difference it can make in your life.


~Please go to our website's homepage at to read about this semester's offerings and enroll online today!~

LENT 2018
Into the Wild: A Lenten Series on Grace, Forgiveness, Friendship, and Self-Acceptance


Shrove Tuesday Celebration -  2/11 - after worship

Ash Wednesday Taize Service 2/14/18 @12pm 
(if you are unable to attend our noon time service please consider attending the same service hosted by AllSouls church @ 5:30pm. The Pine Street Band will be leading the music for both services.)

Sung Prayer
Imposition of Ashes

Lenten Book Study:
Wednesday - 2/21 - @ 6pm
Wednesday - 2/28 - @ 6pm
Wednesday - 3/07 - @ 6pm
Wednesday - 3/14 - @ 6pm
Wednesday - 3/21 - @ 6pm
Wednesday - 3/28 - @ 6pm

Palm Sunday Eccumenical Parade - 3/25 - @ 9am

Maundy Thursday Taize Service - 3/29 - @ 6pm

Good Friday Musical Meditation - 3/30 - @ 7pm

Easter Sunrise Service - 4/1 - @ 6am

Easter Sunday - 4/1 - @ 10am

Forward Together Pineheads

The first three Sundays in February (4th, 11th, and 18th) we have the opportunity to support our local community through EFAA by bringing food and toiletries to church and putting them in the bin.

Most needed items

  • Cereal
  • Canned Refried Beans
  • Canned Fruit
  • Canned Tuna
  • Toilet Paper
  • Diapers
  • Dry Laundry Soap.
Note: EFAA accepts unopened cans and packages that are no more than one year beyond their date.

Oasis - Wednesday Women's Group
Wednesdays, 1:30 p.m. in the Parlor. Open to all!

Front Range Asylum
Spirituality, The Arts, and the Power of Ideas. This engaging group meets Thursday evenings @ 6:00pm in our Commons Building Conference Room. FRA is back up and running! Open to All.

Sunday Morning Refreshments
Each Sunday following our worship service we offer refreshments. Coffee is already made, but if you would like to volunteer to provide another beverage & snacks, email [email protected] or call 303-442-6530. Thanks everybody!! -Jan Arney & Judy Rothe, Hospitality Team Co-Chairs.

Men's Fellowship Breakfast
Every first Tuesday of the month starting at 7:30 a.m., the men of our church are invited to gather for good food and fellowship at the Parkway Cafe (4700 Old Pearl St. in Boulder, just north of the Larry Miller Toyota dealership). | 1237 Pine St. Boulder, CO 80302 | 303.442.6530