The Centurion Law Enforcement
FCPO Newsletter and Bible Study

The "thin blue line" covered by the blood of Christ.

Greetings, Fellow  Sheepdogs/Officers and Supporters:

This week's message centers on the "Cure" for  PTS (post traumatic stress is real, but let's not label it a the "D" word -- disorder) and police suicide. A cure?  Absolutely! Scroll down to "God's Cure for PTDd and Suicide."

Miss last week's edition? Here again is "Breaching the Barricade.As always, past editions are re-posted on ouwebsite, Twitter and Facebook pages.  Also don't forget to check out the latest batch of resources, prayer requests and announcements  posted for you below!

And speaking of newsletters, here's the official FCPO national newsletter for the month of October (important information): The FCPO Dispatch.

Stay safe on the street while running to the battle behind Christ our Captain!  



(1) Fellow officer/chaplain Jim Bontrager's Warrior on the Wall website is chock full of resources!  Start making plans to join us next year in Indiana!

(2)  In addition to the message/study below (and the resources with it), consider "A Biblical Approach to Overcoming PTSD."


(1) There are many (including fellow First Responders) who remain impacted by Hurricane Michael.  Let's lift them in prayer.

(2) Pray for Officer and Chaplain Jim Bontrager (presenting) and those attending a major law enforcement marriage retreat in FL this Fri and Sat.  

(3)  Pray for those battling through the fallout of post traumatic stress ("PTSd") and related issues.  

Have a prayer request or announcement you would like included here? Need prayer?   Email me !  I also post prayer requests on my Facebook page ("friend" me).  


(1)  The Sheepdog Seminars is led by my friends Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, Officer/Minister Jimmy Meeks and fellow church safety expert Carl Chinn (among others). Outstanding, highly recommended training for every sheepdog (sworn and unsworn alike)!  The seminar schedule is on their website, including this one coming up here in CO:  Pueblo Sheepdog Seminar.  

(2) The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association is hosting two upcoming National Law Enforcement Retreats in late October and then in March of next year. Take your spouse!  

(3)  The  10th Annual Place of Worship Threat Survival Conference  is being held October 20th in Albuquerque.  Outstanding, cop-led training.

The Centurion Law Enforcement Ministry

The Centurion Law Enforcement Ministry is a national, FCPO-affiliated, evangelical Christian outreach to our own in law enforcement. These newsletters and Bible studies are part of this effort and past editions can be found on our website and our social media  ( Facebook and Twitter ) feeds. As always, feel free to adapt these messages for your own individual or group use and please share them with others. 

The Centurion LE Ministry is lead by Police Officer and Chaplain/Evangelist Michael "MC"  Williams, a 32-year (and counting) law enforcement veteran and sought-after instructor and speaker at churches [including the well-received Centurion Church Security Seminar], retreats and both law enforcement and civilian conferences and seminars around the country. Contact MC via email for more.   

Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers
FCPO-USA exists to provide biblical support ("backup"), accountability and iron sharpens iron fellowship to Christian officers first in the U.S. and throughout the world as well. Our metro-Denver chapter of the Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers -- (aka FCPO Chapter 217) -- is a Centurion Law Enforcement Ministry affiliate. We meet most 1st and 3rd Tuesday evenings starting at 7 PM in the Denver-Metro suburb of Highlands Ranch (email me for address and details) for profession-focused and life-focused  Bible study, prayer and servant-warrior/sheepdog fellowship (the iron sharpens iron kind). Spouses are both welcome and encouraged to attend with their LEO and this is how you can get a FREE Centurion t-shirt or ball cap!

Our next meeting is set for Tuesday, November 6th.  JOIN US!   
God's Cure for  PTSd and Police Suicide
A Biblical Approach!

The issue of PTSD (or, as I prefer, simply PTS - Post Traumatic Stress) is in fact real, but it is also important that we deal with it from both a historical and Biblical perspective (the "Cure" is found in the latter).

First off, let's stop calling it a "disorder." Injury or condition? OK. Stress?  Well absolutely (stress can be both positive and negative -- although in this case it is usually the latter).  Folks, PTS is not new, but the label we've given it is. Yes, for those of us who have been in "combat" -- be it in the military and/or the very real, daily battles we deal with in law enforcement -- stress is in fact an issue.

Historically, what we call PTSd today is part of what the military community called "shell shock," "battle fatigue" and other monikers. On the law enforcement side (and speaking from more than three decades in uniform), we've only recently started to address an issue that I believe has more to do with the "War on Cops" than it does with what we do and see in the field. That said, we in deal with trauma and yes, evil, on a daily basis and yes, those things can and do cause stress that can and does take a toll on us.

Unfortunately, what often passes for secular treatment (be it medical/psychiatric or psychological) often involves a horrific cocktail of prescribed drugs and a myriad of psychological treatment modalities that may, at best, lead more to coping than an actual cure (or for which the "cure" is worse than the problem). While I am by no means suggesting that there is not a place for legitimate medical intervention (but not self-medicating with alcohol and drugs), I am here to suggest that there is in fact a CURE (versus ongoing,never ending "treatment") for what ails us. Let's dig in!

In order for us to properly view PTS and the related issues of police (1 or more a day) and military (perhaps 20 or more per day) suicide from a Biblical (God's) perspective, we need to remember that we do not live in just a physical world.  On the contrary, there is also an unseen spiritual world as well.

God tells us in His Word, the Bible, that a very real devil (Satan) has been given dominion over the Earth for a time (Ephesians 2:2).  In fact, we see a powerful example of this in Jesus' forty days in the desert (Matthew 4:1-11). The devil promised Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if He would bow down and worship him.

But while God, because of sin, has given Satan great power, he has NOT been given total control. For example, we see in the first chapter of the Book of Job that the devil needed to obtain God's permission to test Job (Job 1:12).

Understand that Satan's main goal is to destroy us. One of his "fraud schemes" is to keep our eyes focused on the physical world, while leading us to think the solutions to our problems can only be found in the physical/secular realm (see 2 Corinthians 4:1).

God designed us to live in constant companionship with Him while in a physical world. But after the fall (sin), our relationship with God was severed, leaving us spiritually dead (Ephesians 2:1). We lost our spiritual discernment. Without Christ, we can only live in a physical world with very real trauma combined with sin-affected and broken bodies. We also have hard hearts (Ezekiel 36:26) and have turned away from God (Romans 3:11-12).

Even the genuine, born again believer will still sin and face temptation.  Accordingly, we must stay on constant alert (and constantly wear our spiritual body armor) against the devil's schemes both physically and spiritually: " For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ." ( 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 ESV)

A "stronghold" is a tool of the devil to quench the power of the Holy Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19). After we come to a saving, born again faith in Christ (John 3:1-21), the Holy Spirit resides within us, and it is the Spirit is who teaches, convicts, and empowers us.  Ultimately then,  the "Cure" for what ails us is ultimately found in Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit and His Word, the Bible.  With that, let's discuss God's biblical "prescription"  (forgive me if I get a little deep here):

Post traumatic stress issues develops in some people following a traumatic event or series of events. The event, or "stressor," could be exposure to death or threatened death, actual or threatened serious injury, actual or threatened violence, and the very real evil we see on a daily basis. The sufferer may be directly exposed, indirectly exposed through a family member or close friend experiencing the event, or repeatedly exposure through his or her work (such as with first responders, police officers, firemen, military personnel, social workers, etc.). Common trauma experiences include military combat, police use of force, car accidents, homicides, natural disasters, child/domestic abuse, sexual assault and mass violence. After such an event(s), even the most hardened warrior may show some signs of stress such as feeling on edge, anxiety, fear, anger, feelings of depression, a sense of detachment, desire to avoid trauma-related reminders, flashbacks, difficulty sleeping, headaches, changes in appetite, irritability, self-blame, "survivor's guilt," or a sense of numbness. For most of us, these reactions lessen and eventually subside with time.

On the other hand, those who develop PTS issues typically have persistent symptoms lasting for more than one month. Other symptoms for PTS sufferers include intrusive re-experience of the trauma through recurrent, involuntary memories, nightmares, or dissociation; avoidance of trauma-related thoughts or feelings, external reminders; negative changes in thoughts or behavio (including an inability to recall details related to the trauma), persistent negative beliefs about oneself or the world, loss of interest, feelings of alienation, or inability to express positive emotions; and changes in arousal or reactivity such as irritability, aggression, hyper vigilance, reckless behavior, sleep disturbances and yes, thoughts of suicide. For those suffering from PTS-related issues, these symptoms can cause significant impairment in work, marriage, family an social functioning. The United States National Center for PTSD estimates there are 5.2 million adults suffering from PTS-related issues in any given year.

It is also important to understand that PTS issues resulting from participation in combat and law enforcement duty seem to be unique from other forms of PTSd. In combat situations, military personnel are often both victim and aggressor, a dynamic which adds complexities to the issue. Often those with combat-specific PTS problems will exhibit depression, extreme feelings of guilt, hyper-vigilance, and low self-esteem. It can be particularly difficult for combat veterans and law enforcement personnel to process through the atrocities we have witnessed, come to a place of acceptance over the things we've been tasked to do, and readjust to non-combat/non-law enforcement (off duty) living. For some Christian military/police personnel, it can be especially difficult to accept taking the life of another, even in the line of duty (especially when you add what we've been dealing with in the "war on cops" and from those who seek to turn us from the servant-warriors God has called us to be into some kind of emasculated "guardian").  Many times, Christian combat veterans and police officers who lack a proper understanding of Scripture and the God we serve (Exodus 15:3) are tempted to feel unwarranted guilt over the things we've seen and done in the performance of our God-ordained duties (Romans 13:1-4).

Regardless of the circumstances, there is hope and yes, a CURE that is found first and foremost in a life-saving/life-changing personal relationship with the ultimate servant-warrior, Jesus Christ.

David  understood combat stress. He wrote, "From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe" ( Psalm 61:2-3 ). It is our responsibility to exercise faith in God, to stay in the Word, to cry out to Him in prayer, and to maintain fellowship with other believers (and why I continue to stress the importance of iron sharpens iron fellowship with other officers through our FCPO chapters and police Bible study groups). We are to go to God in our distress and make use of the resources He provides.

Those who suffer from PTS issues should recognize that treatment and the cure will take time, and that is okay. Some have compared this to Paul's "thorn in the flesh" (
2 Corinthians 12:7-10 ). God does offer healing, but in the way and the timing He sees fit. In the meantime, He gives sufficient grace to bear up under hardships. Thorns are painful, and PTS can certainly result in some big, painful thorns (something our Lord was all-too-aware of -- Matthew 27:29). But we can continue to stand, and go to God as we remind ourselves of His faithfulness ( Lamentations 31 Corinthians 1:4-9 ).

Truth is a key component to coping with or overcoming PTS-related problems. Reminding oneself that God loves, forgives, and values His people is extremely important. Knowing who God says we are and defining ourselves by His standards rather than by what we have done or what has been done to us is vital.  We need not identify as either victim or perpetrator. In God, we can identify as His beloved children (
Romans 8:14-17Ephesians 1:3-61 John 3:1-3 ), sealed in the Holy Spirit ( Ephesians 1:13-14 ), forgiven and redeemed ( Romans 5Ephesians 1:7-101 John 1:8-9 ) and supernaturally empowered (Psalm 144:1-2, Romans 13:1-4).

Losing a close friend, family member or colleague is incredibly difficult, and many of us can feel unworthy of being spared. But those with "survivor's guilt" and yes, anger, must stand on the truth of God's sovereignty, love (John 3:16-18) and unique purpose for everyone's life even if there are many who reject Him and His plan. Replacing the lie that we are unworthy to have lived with the truth that God loves us, has a plan for us and values our days on earth is key ( Ephesians 2:105:15-16 ).

Speaking truth about practical things is also important. Often, those dealing with PTS will feel endangered when the situation does not warrant it. Lean in on God and His Word (memorizing Scripture, for example) in these times. Remember also that PTS is not an excuse for bad behavior. Likely, PTS will contribute to some negative thought and behavior patterns. This is understandable, but it should be resisted in the power of the Holy Spirit (so important that we not allow the enemy to gain a foothold against our families, marriages or on "the job").

Having a community of support who offers grace and forgiveness and speaks truth in love is incredibly important. And it is vital that the community who supports the sufferer of PTSd is also receiving support. Remaining connected to one's local church (and FCPO chapter or similar Christian officer fellowship) is not "optional," nor is our regular one-on-one time with God through prayer and the study of His Word. 

Self-care (we must exercise/train and seek to eat healthy, get decent sleep [a challenge for us in law enforcement], etc.) and doing things that are relaxing and refreshing (getting away from the job and not going overboard with things like overtime and alcohol consumption) are also an incredibly important part of God's prescription.

PTS is not something to ignore but rather something to turn over to God and actively engage Him with. We are invited to approach God boldly and to pour out our hearts to Him ( Hebrews 4:14-16 ). We are assured that nothing can separate us from His love ( Romans 8:35-38 ). God can restore (cure) the mental health, marriages, careers, etc. of the PTS sufferer. In the end, God can even use the situation for His glory. "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ" ( 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 ).

In closing, I must also encourage you to fully embrace our God-ordained, servant-warrior calling without sacrificing "balance" or the proper order of things: God, family/marriage, work, ministry. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

Finally, I have a plethora of PTSd/suicide prevention resources on my website that I encourage you to take advantage of. Know also that I'm here if you need to talk or pray - just reach out!  At the same time, understand that if you do not truly know Christ as Lord and Savior, you are in fact all-but-powerless to overcome the enemy and the junk he throws at us -- including PTS issues. 

So do you know Him? Do you have the power of the Holy Spirit residing within you?  If not, or you're not sure, please dig into the following:  

(1)  Do you cling to the false hope that you can "earn" or otherwise "badge" your way into heaven and escape hell because you are a so-called "good" cop or "good" person? That "blessed are the peacekeepers" is in the Bible (NOT)? Or that you're saved because of "blessed are the peacemakers" (Matthew 5:9 is not about cops unless it is a Christian officer who happens to be sharing the hope he or she has in Christ with others)?  Take  the  Good Person Test  and see how you do.  

(2)  J esus' first recorded words in His earthly ministry were and remain, " Repent and believe in the Good News " ( Mark 1:15 ).  To repent  is a "180" -- a complete, radical change of mind and heart as it relates our sin. To believe  (pisteuo in the original Greek) as Jesus intends it here is to cry out to God for your salvation and wholeheartedly  surrender in faith to Christ  in the same way we have "faith" that our body armor will do its job against the rounds it is intended to stop, that our weapons will function properly in when facing criminals intent on destroying us, or that a warrior's parachute will open when it is supposed to (we stake our very lives on it)!  And the "Good News"? That is simply the Gospel of Christ

(3)  This same concept of " believe " (the saving/changing kind) is further revealed in John 3:1-21  where Jesus says, "... you must be born again. " Note our Lord's emphasis on the word " must " (not "may" or "should"): this is ultimately the life-saving/life-changing  personal relationship (and NOT "religion") with Jesus Christ that I stress here every week (see What does it mean to be a born again Christian ?) through which we are in fact made "righteous" before a just and Holy God. 

(4)  Jesus is the only One and the ONLY way we can be saved (John 14:6, Acts 4:12).

(5)  Then, with this in place, open your heart to:  How can I be saved? 

(6) More?  Take a few minutes to watch police officer (Major) Travis Yates'  Cops and Salvation

Have you said "yes" to Jesus as your Lord and Savior but are wondering what to do next? Then click on,  Now what?   Understand that the "Now what?" MUST include regular "iron sharpens iron" (Prov. 27:17) fellowship with other believers -- including (for us cops) other mature Christians and Christian officers who can help support you, encourage you, disciple (help you grow) you in the faith while holding you lovingly accountable.  Message me for help in doing that!  

Other questions?  Need prayer?  Here to serve -- contact me   

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