St John the Evangelist Parish
February 7, 2018
Download Our New Parish App!
Our new St John the Evangelist app is now available to download for iPhone and Android smart phones. Stay connected with our parish throughout the week with instant notifications, an easy-to-access event calendar, and the ability to quickly reply to or share messages via Facebook or Twitter. Also enjoy a bunch of additional features like prayers, daily readings, helpful reminders to silence your phone before Mass or Confession, and much more.

Help foster a stronger parish life at St John the Evangelist and better engage the New Evangelization.

Use this QR code or download our app today at  We will also have cards at the doors of the church with instructions.

Ash Wednesday Masses
Wednesday, February 14th at 9am and 7pm

Ash Wednesday comes from the ancient Jewish tradition of penance and fasting. The practice includes the wearing of ashes on the head. The ashes symbolize the dust from which God made us. As the priest applies the ashes to a person's forehead, he speaks the words: "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return."
Alternatively, the priest may speak the words, "Repent and believe in the Gospel."

Ashes also symbolize grief, in this case, grief that we have sinned and caused division from God.  Writings from the Second-century Church refer to the wearing of ashes as a sign of penance.  Priests administer ashes during Mass and all are invited to accept the ashes as a visible symbol of penance. Even non-Christians and the excommunicated are welcome to receive the ashes. The ashes are made from blessed palm branches, taken from the previous year's palm Sunday Mass.

It is important to remember that Ash Wednesday is a day of penitential prayer and fasting. Some faithful take the rest of the day off work and remain home. It is generally inappropriate to dine out, to shop, or to go about in public after receiving the ashes. Feasting is highly inappropriate. Small children, the elderly and sick are exempt from this observance.
It is not required that a person wear the ashes for the rest of the day, and they may be washed off after Mass. However, many people keep the ashes as a reminder until the evening.

Lenten Service Tree
As we focus on service toward others; a Service Tree will be available during the Lenten Season.
A simple tree will be located in the back of the church. Hanging on the tree will be paper ornaments that list potential service ideas/opportunities. Those who choose to participate will take an ornament from the tree and perform the service. Once completed, the person will return to the tree and hang a small ribbon on the tree, signifying the completion of the service.
Those who already perform services that may not be listed or have other ideas are encouraged to hang ribbons on the tree.
The ribbons on the tree are a visual reminder of service to others provided by St John parishioners.
Many, many thanks  to all who have made gifts and pledges to our annual stewardship appeal. To date, we have received 428 pledges totaling $617,383 toward our goal of $780,500 . We are endlessly grateful for your commitment to St. John Parish!

As Fr Crispin talked about last week we are already into February and need to know the budget for the 2018 year so If you haven't yet affirmed your active membership in our parish, please do so, and prayerfully consider what, if any, gift you are able to give to support our work. As always, for additional information please don't hesitate to contact Mary Wiseman, Director of Development, at [email protected] or (206)782-2810.

Click here to pledge online.
Altar Server Training

Altar server training for 4th through 7th graders will be held on Tuesday, February 13, from 3 to 3:45 in the church.  Altar serving is a special way to grow closer to our faith, especially during Lent.  
"For more information, contact Lisette Nenninger, 206.356.5203."
Ignite Their Faith!
Do you wish your kids were more excited about their faith?
Check out these opportunities to connect & inspire our youth!

Steubenville's FireFall Youth Rally

March 10, 2018
A full day of praise and worship, instruction, reflection, Mass and adoration with keynote speaker Brian Greenfield.

Junior High Youth Rally
March 11, 2018
An interactive day where you will have the opportunity to meet new people, listen to talks that will deepen your faith, and be invited to participate in various interactive activities with the day closing with Mass!
Kate Brown, our North Deanery youth leader, is taking a group to this event.  Email her at  [email protected] if you are interested.
More information

Stuebenville Northwest Youth Conference

July 27-29, 2018 - Spokane, WA
A weekend of spiritual growth.  With dynamic speakers, vibrant praise and worship time, and grace through the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist, Catholic teens are able to laugh, cry, sing, pray, discern, be encouraged, and be healed.
N Seattle Catholic Youth

There is a lot going on for our youth in North Seattle.  Check out the flyer to find out more!
Click here  for more information.
St John Book Club
The St. John book club will be reading selected short stories of Flannery O'Connor - "A Good Man is Hard to Find", "Everything that Rises Must Converge", and "A Temple of the Holy Ghost". We hope that you will decide to read a few more of her short stories and join us for a lively discussion on February 22nd at 7:00 PM. We will be meeting at Diana Grusczynski's home just a block from St. John at 510 North 80th Street.
CYO Baseball Registration, Grades 5-8
Registration is open for boys and girls in grade 5 through 8
for CYO Baseball.  Link here to register.
Deadline to register is
Friday, February 23

Questions about Baseball?  Contact Mike Spear at [email protected] or 206-571-3300.
Athletic Director for St. Alphonsus and St. John School -
Jonna Skokan, 206-783-0337, [email protected].

Come on out!  Can't you just hear that "Crack!" of the bat? 
Games begin in March.
Lenten Mission
"Becoming a People of the Word."
with Steve Binz
February 26, 27 & 28 from 7-9pm at Our Lady of the Lake
A coincidence of recent events has me thinking about the Sabbath, specifically about preserving a day of rest and worship in my week, and more generally about the balance of work, leisure, and rest in life.  I have a friend named Herb H., a Seventh Day Adventist.  Adventists take the Sabbath very seriously.  For instance, I've gone to watch my son Sean play in volleyball tournaments and seen the team from Walla Walla, an Adventist university, forfeit games scheduled during their Sabbath.  Anyway, I had a conversation with Herb about how he observes the Sabbath.  The short summary is, "it's hard".  The space left in our lives, outside of work, doesn't even really accommodate the work we do at home.
More recently, my friend Nicole emailed our faith sharing group, asking what we do to observe the Sabbath.  Honestly, we didn't have a lot of great answers.  We try to make some space on Sunday for rest, particularly before and just after mass, but "it's hard."
Last Fall, Sheila read a book titled Sabbath by Wayne Muller.  I picked it up last evening and thumbed through it.  It's the kind of book I like.  Each chapter is short, one or two or three pages, and discusses a single idea, for instance, "Why Time is Not Money".  In one of the chapters, I read the story of an American company that responded to the unemployment of the Great Depression by cutting work shifts to 6 hours, and adding another shift, thus hiring more people.  As the country came out of the Depression, this company's workers voted several times to stay with the 6 hour shifts.  Those shorter shifts lasted into the 60s, but the rising tide of consumerism ultimately won out, and the workers demanded to return to longer work days.  So, I asked myself last night, if I could work 30 hour weeks and earn 3/4 of my current income, would I?  Would you?  "It's hard."
I think I'll make time to read the book "Sabbath", and to think about questions like, "How much is enough?" and "What is the time in my life for?"  If you have Sabbath thoughts or practices you'd like to share, email Bill Marty, [email protected].  Thanks!
Saint of the Month
Saint Athanasius
(296-373 Egypt)
Feast: May 2 

Each month a portrait of the Saint of the Month is displayed in the church in one of the south side shrines.  You are welcome to spend some time reflecting on the life of the Saint and praying for their intercessions.