Hello friends of SBS4DCC,
I wish to take a moment this morning to pause and give thanks to you again.
The Backshop would not exist without your support and patronage.
This edition of my newsletter is published to share with you some upcoming changes in my family's life that will ultimately impact this business.
No worries. The Backshop will continue to serve your DCC and modeling needs but everything has to change at some point.
I will be relocating in mid-January to Alabama. My family will follow mid-year.
I have built the Backshop to be able to operate from anywhere in the world. Like it or not... that's the power of the internet.
Phone and email support will not change and will not be affected.
There will have to be modest disruption of service when I move the inventory but I will do my best to minimize the impact to you.
Of course I will communicate openly and honestly about what's happening and if... no, when... things don't happen as I planned. I will use this email list and publish notices on the site as needed to communicate these matters.
Your patience and understanding during this time of transition is greatly appreciated.
As always, we greatly appreciate you support and patronage of SBS4DCC. We will continue to strive to be your favorite source for DCC products!
All the best to you and yours,
Bryan Vianco Owner, SBS4DCC