The Magnificat   Weekly

St. Mary's  Episcopal Church,  Crystal Lake IL
Weekly E-Newsletter                                                                January 18, 2018
In This Issue

Worship Times
Sundays, 8 & 10 am
Nursery available at 9:45
Coffee Hour fellowship  follows both services;
join us for treats, and conversation


Children's Worship meets every Sunday at 10:00 a.m.


Clergy & Staff
Rev. Barbara Bishop, Deacon
Amy Noe, Parish Administrator
Sandra Molyneux, Organist and Choir Director
Parish Vestry  (term expires)
Marge Smith, Warden (1/19)
Cate Williams, Warden (1/18)
Peter Becker, Treasurer
Judy Tracy, Clerk of the Vestry
 (1/18)  Michael Choquette, Mark Cornelissen, Dan McLauglin
(1/19)  John Amrein, Peter Carroll, Jerry Kolarczyk
(1/20)  Tracy Higgins, Judy Thornton, Sally Van Vranken

Monthly Events
The next CRYSTAL LAKE FOOD PANTRY volunteer opportunity is Wednesday, February 7. Contact Aimee Day if you can help.  Shift times are 8:30-11:30 am, and 11:30 am - 2:30 pm.
A LABYRINTH WALK is normally held on the second Saturday of every month, from 10:30 a.m. to Noon, in the Great Hall.   All are welcome.  The next scheduled walk is Saturday, February 10. 
CENTERING PRAYER meets the first and third Tuesday of every month, at 7:30 p.m. in the Great Hall.  Contact Rev. Fran with any questions, or for more information.
TAIZE is an ecumenical, meditative common prayer, incorporating song, chant, scripture readings, and silence.  People of ALL faith traditions are welcome this monthly candlelight service.  The services are held on the 4th Tuesday of the month at the First Congregational Church of Crystal Lake, 461 Pierson St.  The next service will be  held Tuesday, January 23.

A FREE COMMUNITY MEAL  is offered at St. Mary's on the third Saturday of every month.  The meal is served from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., and ALL are welcome.  There is no RSVP required.   Free will donations will be accepted.  Please watch the newsletter and website for the menu, which will be published a week or two before the event.  The next  Community Meal is Saturday, January 20.

We Pray For
Parishioners :  Judy, Kristi, Dorothy, Susan, John, Dn. Barb, Jim, Pat, Charity, Sharon, Cameron & Linda, the Wayne family, Matthew, John, Karen, Galen & Betsy, Bob, Harry & Marion
Family/Friends Will, Tom, Tom, Tim, Pat, Billy, Kay, Gary, Cheri, Kevin,   Kelly, David, Johnny, Susie, Nanci, Carole, Donna, Sue, Mary, Diana, Kelly Marie, Lori, Kurt, Gail, Regina, Katie, Darcy, Irene, Julie, Betty, Barb, Raven, Sue, Susan, Nancy, Maggie, Nicci, Sarah, Judie
Those Who Have Died
Martha Fairbrother

Those Serving in the
Armed Forces
Jeremy, Ryan, Terry, Dan, Corey

Birthdays January 18-24
1.18  Sara Amrein
          Jordyn Frake
1.19  John Wasilk
1.22  Cate Williams
          Charity Parker
If you would like your  name added to the birthday / anniversary list, please contact Amy in the Parish Office.

Quick Links


News from The Episcopal Cafe

From the Rector

Dear Friends and Parishioners of St. Mary's,

This Saturday, January 20, is our next free Community Meal.  I hope that you will join us for dinner.  It is a great opportunity to gather with friends new and old and to meet people from the community.  This month we are celebrating the one-year anniversary of our Community Meal Program and I want to thank all of you who have support this effort and who have participated each month to help make this a successful outreach program of St. Mary's.  The committee is working diligently to continue to get the word out about our meal program as we have the capacity to serve many more individuals and families.

Please mark your calendar for our Annual Meeting on January 28.  We will have only one service at 9:00 a.m. followed by a brunch and our meeting in the Great Hall. There is a sign up sheet at the back of the church for our pot- luck brunch and we are still in need of main dishes and desserts.  Please sign up and plan to attend this important event.

If you are new to our parish you are absolutely welcome to attend, as it is a great way to find out more about the parish. 
Rest in Peace

The parish office received word this week of the recent death of Martha Fairbrother .  Martha, and her late husband Richard, were members of St. Mary's for nearly 30 years before moving away to be closer to their children.   Martha was most recently living at a nursing facility in Pennsylvania. Her obituary can be found here.    There will be a service of interment for Martha in the St. Mary's Churchyard later this spring or summer.

Please remember Martha's children Stephen, Barbara, and Helen in your prayers.  In addition to memorial donations to the Alzheimer's Association, Stephen Fairbrother wants us to know that donations to the Rector's Discretionary Fund at St. Mary's would also be very appropriate.
January Community Meal

You're invited to join us Saturday, January 20th for our next free , monthly Community Meal . Meals are served between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Remember, this meal is open to anyone, and no RSVP is required. There is no charge for the meal, but free-will donations are appreciated.  Bring your family and friends!  If you would like to volunteer, contact Tracy Higgins.

January Menu
Glazed Ham, Roast Potatoes, Green Beans,
Tossed Salad, Rolls, and Dessert
Sunday, January 28,
Annual Parish Meeting 
and Brunch

ONE SERVICE ONLY on this day, beginning at  9 :00 a.m., followed by  brunch and the annual meeting.  The sign-up sheet for the brunch is posted in the Narthex.  There are still several opportunities to sign up for food items, including breakfast meats, breakfast casseroles, and fruit.   We also need additional helpers for set-up and clean-up.  Please make sure to look at the list and sign up this Sunday after service.  Or, contact Amy in the parish office.  Thank you!!
Youth Concert Opportunity

On Sunday, January 28 , over 150 children and youth from various faith traditions will gather at the Raue Center for the Arts  (26 N. Williams St. in Crystal Lake) , for a day of interfaith music and dance.  The day will  culminate in a public concert, "The Sounds of Faith", beginning at 4:00 p.m. , which will include song, dance, recitation, and chant from Islamic, Jewish, Christian, and Hindu traditions. 

Co-sponsors for this event are Faithbridge, a local interfaith consortium in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago, and the Harran Productions Foundation.    Tickets are $15 and may be purchase onlined through the FaithBridge website.
Other Dates / Events to Note

Tuesday, February 13:  5:30 7:00 p.m.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Wednesday, February 14:   Noon and 7:00 p.m.  Ash  Wednesday Eucharist.   Please note the evening service is held one half hour earlier this year. 
St. Mary's Episcopal Church |   210 McHenry Ave.   |   Crystal Lake IL  60014-6009
815-459-1009    |