From the desk of Jackie Lane, Executive Director  NAMI CC&I 

There are times in life when one is exposed to a "perfect storm" of events that necessitates a serious and prolonged contemplation of the evoked issues. A death in one's family, another school shooting, a random stabbing in a Boston suburb, and the present political climate are events that have converged to inspire introspection about our lives and our society in general. 

The following paragraphs are very personal and reflect my own thoughts and feelings, based on my experiences, and do not reflect any official position of NAMI CC&I, NAMI Mass, or NAMI National.

Many of you are aware of the fact that I originally chose to volunteer at NAMI CC&I in response to my gratitude to NAMI Champlain Valley in Upstate New York and the many times and ways they helped me and my brother over the past 18 years. After volunteering at NAMI CC&I for several months, I eventually became a paid consultant, then the manager of the SLK Golf Tournament, and finally the second Executive Director. NAMI, a national grassroots organization with a mission that includes responding to the needs of families and friends of the mentally ill, relies on those with "lived experience" to teach NAMI courses and to run support groups.
Part I - Reflections On a Difficult Life and My Lived Experience
My only sibling, my younger brother, Lawrence Davis, died on February 16th at the age of 67, ending a life filled with the trauma and the pain of one living with serious mental illness. I was not informed of his death until after the event and after his cremation. (I am assuming that this was at his request.) Larry was a very bright and creative individual, graduating from Colgate University with high honors in 1970. During that period in college, at age 20, he showed his first overt signs of mania and paranoia, following a very typical pattern of diagnosis in this age group. It was also the time of LSD, pot, and general social upheaval and rebellion. It was easy for my parents to blame his mental health issues on illegal drug use and the prevailing atmosphere on campuses in that era. In reality, there were eventually diagnoses of Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia. I also suspect that Borderline Personality Disorder and Anosognosia (denial of mental illness) made him especially difficult to treat and to relate to.
During his lifetime, our family (from 1968 - 2000, the year of our father's death) and then myself from 2000 to 2018 dealt with every aspect and issue of a family with a difficult and mentally ill member. My parents dealt with having a child in a state mental institution for three years, having an adult mentally ill child living at home during their retirement, the inability to discuss his condition with his doctors, and having to call the state police and have him arrested due to a knife attack on my father. I have dealt with legal battles over a trust, arrests for arson, rape, drunken driving, possession of an illegal weapon, and threatening a person with a firearm. I have dealt with homelessness, inability to handle money, and the burning of bridges with social service workers and agencies providing care and help, and a competency hearing. I have also lived with frequent middle of the night, highly abusive phone calls and threats.

I have also seen the mental health system change over the span of 50 years, including the closing of many of the mental health hospitals, the advent of "half-way" houses, the development of "community-based service" models, and the application of the HIPAA laws as applied to the mentally ill. It has not been a successful transition or a "pretty picture," and in fact, many would say that the criminal justice system has become the mental health system. The homeless population (mostly mentally ill and addicted persons) has exploded creating another social issue with which to deal.
When I reflect on the life of my brother, I cannot help but ask, "Could it have been different?" Could this very bright and talented person have had a better and more successful life if we as a society were more cognizant and caring about mental illness? What if the mentally ill person were treated equally and was afforded the same quality of care as the person with cancer or a heart condition? I suppose, in the final analysis, I can say that in many ways my brother was luckier than some. With a managed trust fund, help and understanding from the people at NAMI Champlain Valley, Behavioral Health Services North, and the Clinton County Department of Social Services - Adult Protective, he had a roof over his head (his own home), food, and much needed medical attention until his death. My parents desire to "please do not let him die on the street" was fulfilled. But this was a life full of potential. We are not prioritizing mental health and we are not providing the necessary funding for services. We at NAMI CC&I attempt to help families with members like my brother every day and find it extremely discouraging as the resources and the answers are often elusive. We cannot continue to waste these lives! We all need to do better!
Part II - Civil Liberties and Public Safety - Where is the Balance?
In the past few days, we have experienced another school shooting and the usual finger pointing and political posturing that always takes place after such an event is raging. In addition, there has been a random stabbing fatality in the Winchester library. In both cases the perpetrators had been exhibiting signs of mental illness and violent behavior for some period of time. Authorities were aware of both young men and had had encounters with them. However, both remained free, and eventually their untreated mental health conditions led to violent acts and the tragic loss of life of innocent people.
Immediately the usual questions have been raised. In the case of Florida, the issue of gun control, especially banning of automatic weapons arose as well as the question of people with a mental illness background having access to the purchase of weapons. There have been calls to reopen the mental institutions and to come down hard on the mentally ill. In fact, the percentage of people with mental illness who commit violent crimes is very small and the mentally ill are more apt to harm themselves or be a victim of a violent crime rather than to commit one. Although, growing up in Northern New York, where the purchase of a long gun and going hunting is a rite of passage, as it is in many parts of the country, I see no reason for a civilian to have access to a military weapon which was designed for the sole purpose of killing adversaries in a combat setting. A gun crazed culture is not helpful; however, it is not the underlying issue.

In the case of the Winchester, Massachusetts library killing, a knife was used, negating the gun debate in this incident. However, if the young man had had an AR-15 instead of a hunting knife, many more would probably have been killed. Again, the young man responsible was known to have mental health issues, had been reported to the police, and was still at large and able to commit this heinous crime.
The common denominator in these two cases is the fact that both of these young men were obviously seriously mentally ill and known to authorities, yet they were untreated and free to act on their impulses. Not only are we dealing with a public which has not made mental health a priority, but we are dealing with a lack of services making it very difficult for families to access and afford treatment for ill family members. Additionally, our laws, designed to protect the civil liberties of the mentally ill and their privacy, make it extremely difficult for families, social workers, police, and even hospitals to mandate treatment for those in desperate need. Even if one is fortunate enough to get someone into a hospital or facility, that person often has the right to leave unless a court order can be obtained. Or perhaps the insurance company has limited the days that will be reimbursed for a hospital stay. Thus, the mentally ill person is released and if his family refuses or is afraid to take him back, often the best that is given is a list of shelters. The criteria for police to forcibly bring one into the hospital are very strict, defined as "being an imminent threat to oneself or to others" and are open to interpretation. All too often, the person can be released back onto the street with little or no treatment. This includes the very small percentage of the mentally ill who are violent.
First of all, there needs to be a national priority on addressing mental illness and the failing system of treatment. Additionally, there needs to be enforcement of equal insurance coverage for mental illness. Serious funding must be designated to implement mental health programs. And finally, there needs to be a reevaluation of both the HIPAA laws and the civil liberty rights of one who is mentally impaired and is not able to make rational decisions about treatment. At this time both agencies and families often feel that their hands are tied when it comes to getting a patient or loved one into treatment.
Are we doing a good job of balancing individual civil liberties versus the right of a society to feel safe? Do the rights of the individual trump the rights of a population to be protected? Where is the balance? What is fair to everyone? Perhaps these are some of the hard questions that need to be explored and answered by those in positions of authority in addition to providing and funding the services needed. Let's hope that we are able to rise to the occasion. This problem is not going to go away!

Positive CCIT Training Outcome - 
Quarterly Meetings Between Police and the Hospital
On April 3rd, we will begin our third all-Cape police CCIT (Community Crisis Intervention Team) training. Again this 5-day training is presented by NAMI CC&I funded by a generous grant from the Weny Charitable Trust and is open to all Cape police departments free of charge. There are now 109 CCIT trained officers on the Cape.
We are pleased that the "Community" aspect of this model has resulted in the establishment of quarterly meetings between police officers, Cape Cod Hospital personnel from the Behavioral Health and Emergency Departments, and Bay Cove/Boston Medical Center which is now responsible for emergency services. These meetings have been invaluable in fostering understanding of the respective roles and the limitations of the entities involved in an emergency situation involving a mental health issue. We, at NAMI CC&I, feel that this alone speaks to the importance of the "community" model in police training. Police from the 15 Cape towns are also interacting in new ways as they get to know each other in the training sessions.
We wish to thank Daria Hanson, MD, Medical Chief and Debra Ciavola, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Behavioral Health Services of Cape Cod Healthcare as well as Dr. Nate Rudman of the Emergency Department for their support of this important effort. By working together, several new protocols were developed and are proving successful. Bringing people together to solve problems is really helping to make things better for our community. We do all have the same goals!


From the desk of Mary Zdanowicz, Esq.

Proposed Changes to
MassHealth and Department of Mental Health Services
The proposed changes to DMH services are intended to integrate mental health care with other health care needs. This approach is oriented to clinical needs that are not being addressed in the current system.
DMH representatives will be present at the 

NAMI CC&I Advocacy Meeting 
March 8, 2018 at 4:30 pm 
The Cape Codder Resort & Spa, 1225 Iyanough Road (Route 132), Hyannis 
(see announcement sent last week)
DMH representatives will explain the changes to the DMH community services and how they relate to changes in MassHealth services. DMH representatives will be discussing a number of new and old programs and will likely use new and old acronyms during the discussion.
In preparation for the meeting, we are providing the following information so that participants will be familiar with the plethora of acronyms and names that will be important to the discussion: DMH, CBFS, ACCS, MassHealth, PCC Plan, MCO, PCC, OneCare, ACO, CP, LTTS CP, BH CP, MRC.
DMH is the state mental health authority responsible for assuring and providing access to services and supports to meet the mental health needs of individuals of all ages; enabling them to live, work and participate in their communities.
Community Based Flexible Supports (CBFS)
CBFS is the cornerstone of the DMH's community mental health system for adults. CBFS services provide rehabilitative interventions and supports in partnership with clients and their families to promote and facilitate recovery. Services include interventions and supports that manage psychiatric symptoms in the community, restore or maintain independent living in the community, restore or maintain daily living skills, promote wellness and the management of medical conditions and assist clients to restore or maintain and use their strengths and skills to undertake employment. CBFS will be replaced by ACCS.
Adult Community Clinical Supports (ACCS)
Starting July 1, 2018 ACCS will replace CBFS as the cornerstone of DMH's Community mental health system for adults.*
     Some Key Features include:
  • Clinical Focus to integrate clients' mental health care with their other health care needs (primary and specialty care, hospital, long-term services and supports, etc
  • Requires a family focus
  • Responsive to the treatment needs for individuals with co-occurring addiction
  • Coordinate access to Mass Rehab Commission (MRC) and other available employment resources
* DMH will continue to provide Clubhouse and case management services.
MassHealth is Massachusetts' Medicaid program and pays for health care for certain low and medium income people living in Massachusetts, including individuals with disabilities. 
Managed Care Organization (MCO)
MassHealth contracts with MCOs to provide care through their own provider network that includes primary care providers or PCPs, specialists, behavioral health providers, and hospitals. MCOs provide care coordinator staff. There will be fewer MCOs as a health plan choice after the introduction of ACOs (see below).
Primary Care Clinician Plan (PCC Plan)
PCC  Plan is an existing managed care health plan for MassHealth members. Members select or are assigned a PCC from a network of MassHealth providers. Primary care providers are called primary care clinicians (PCCs).
One Care
One Care is an existing integrated care option for adults age 21 to 64 who have both MassHealth and Medicare ("dual eligibles"). One Care plans cover all Medicare and MassHealth benefits, including primary, acute, and specialty care, behavioral health, prescription drugs, dental and vision services, and additional community support benefits, at no cost to the member. Every member gets a Care Team that will work with them to create a Personal Care Plan to address their individual health and support needs and goals.
Accountable Care Organization (ACO)
Starting March 1, 2018 ACO is a new managed health plan option offered by MassHealth. ACOs are groups of primary care and other providers who work together to integrate physical and behavioral healthcare.
Community Partners (CP)
Starting June 1, 2018 MassHealth will introduce Community Partners. ACOs and MCOs will work with Community Partners to serve MassHealth members with complex needs. Community Partner care teams will include clinicians, social workers, nurses, community health workers, and peer supporters. They will provide enhanced care coordination, health and wellness coaching, and system navigation for eligible members.
Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Community Partners (CP)
Starting June 1, 2018 LTSS CPs support adults with complex long term support needs, including people with physical, neurological, and developmental disabilities.
Behavioral Health (BH) Community Partners (CP)
Starting June 1, 2018 `
BH CPs are community behavioral health organizations with experience providing services and supports to MassHealth members with serious mental illness and/or addiction. The BH CP care team may include Registered Nurses, licensed BH clinicians, social workers, community health workers, care coordinators, peer support specialists and recovery coaches. BH CPs will help navigate medical, behavioral health, disability and social services. ACOs and MCOs can use BH CPs to leverage the expertise and capabilities of existing community-based organizations serving populations with BH needs.
MRC provides vocational rehabilitation services to assist individuals with disabilities -- including individuals with mental illness -- in securing, maintaining, or advancing in competitive employment.
Monthly Book Review

Blue Dreams
The Science and the Story of the Drugs That Changed Our Minds

by Lauren Slater
Although one in five Americans now takes at least one psychotropic drug, the fact remains that nearly seventy years after doctors first began prescribing them, not even their creators understand exactly how or why these drugs work--or don't work--on what ails our brains. Blue Dreams offers the explosive story of the discovery and development of psychiatric medications, as well as the science and the people behind their invention, told by a riveting writer and psychologist who shares her own experience with the highs and lows of psychiatric drugs.
Lauren Slater's revelatory account charts psychiatry's journey from its earliest drugs, Thorazine and lithium, up through Prozac and other major antidepressants of the present. Blue Dreams also chronicles experimental treatments involving Ecstasy, magic mushrooms, the most cutting-edge memory drugs, placebos, and even neural implants. In her thorough analysis of each treatment, Slater asks three fundamental questions: how was the drug born, how does it work (or fail to work), and what does it reveal about the ailments it is meant to treat?
Fearlessly weaving her own intimate experiences into comprehensive and wide-ranging research, Slater narrates a personal history of psychiatry itself. In the process, her powerful and groundbreaking exploration casts modern psychiatry's ubiquitous wonder drugs in a new light, revealing their ability to heal us or hurt us, and proving an indispensable resource not only for those with a psychotropic prescription but for anyone who hopes to understand the limits of what we know about the human brain and the possibilities for future treatments.
Book review from Amazon.com      
Suzanne Fronzuto
NAMI on Nantucket Program Coordinator

It's school vacation week on the island and many local businesses have shuttered for the ten day period which makes island life even quieter but NAMIonNantucket continues to work behind the scenes.

At a recent meeting of the Nantucket Behavioral Task Force, of which NAMI is an active member, Bob Egan, President of Egan Maritime Institute, offered the use of the Lifesaving Museum in June for a public event aimed at increasing awareness of the many organizations that serve the community in a behavioral health capacity. We are excited to be part of this initiative!
Our monthly Family Support group will be expanding in May with the addition of a daytime meeting for families who find it difficult to juggle childcare and other obligations in the evening.

Although we had planned a F2F class this winter, the number of people able to make the 12 week commitment at this time was very low so we will continue to put the word out and hopefully be able to run a class in the spring.

 And From NAMI on Martha's Vineyard 

Our 2018 Family to Family class starts on March 5 from 6-8:30 in Vineyard Haven for 12 consecutive Mondays. Please contact Megan Grennan at [email protected] to register. Special thanks to Katherine Neadow and Megan Grennan for facilitating this important class and to Daryl Knight, Peggy and Fenton Burke and Lori Perry for their years of commitment to delivering the F2F course.

It sounds like an additional monthly support group is needed! To get that started a few of us will need to be trained by NAMI to facilitate. We already have a few people interested, please let me know if you would like to participate in the training. The more trained, the better.

On March 6 at 6:30 pm at the IWYC at MVCS we will hold a stakeholders meeting. At this meeting we will update you on our objectives and hope to hear your ideas on how we can increase our visibility, education and support on island.

 The MV Hospital is holding their Health Fair on Saturday, March 24. We're looking for 2 volunteers to cover each shift. 7:45 am - 10:00 am and 10:00 am - noon. Please let me know if you can help. This is a great way to get our name out to the community.
Support group attendance is increasing.  We are considering adding another. 

Cecilia Brennan
MV Representative

Please contact Cecilia at 201-981-5123 with questions or interest in becoming involved. 

Knitting for NAMI CC&I 
to benefit the homeless served by the
Housing Assistance Corp (HAC) Hyannis 
N AMI CC&I is collaborating with A Great Yarn of Chatham to knit blankets for the homeless and the newly rehomed.  There is a growing body of research on the health and mental health benefits of knitting.  Jane Brody of the New York Times quoted Dr. Herbert Benson, pioneer in mind/body medicine and author of "The Relaxation Response":

'the repetitive action of needlework can induce a relaxed
state...once you get beyond the initial learning curve,
knitting & crocheting can lower heart rate and blood pressure
and reduce harmful blood levels of the stress hormone cortisol.'

If you are participating in Knitting for NAMI, please drop knitted panels at the NAMI office by April 23 so that we can bring them to A Great Yarn  as the NAMI contribution by April 30.

Caring for a Loved One with Serious Mental Illness Takes its Tol

Enormous levels of distress are felt by caregivers of individuals with serious mental illness, the majority of whom are family members of loved ones with the illness.

New research published by Debra Lerner, Lisa Dixon, and colleagues corroborates the feelings of many family members with a loved one with a serious psychiatric disease--- caring for someone with serious mental illness takes its toll.

The study authors surveyed 1,398 eligible caregivers of individuals with serious mental illness that they contacted through advertisements sent to caregiver groups, the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI), Schizophrenia and Related Disorders Alliance of America (SARDAA), the Dear Abby column, and others. The survey inquired about a range of concerns, including the amount of coping resources at their disposal, the resource demands on the caregiver, and the amount of stress they perceived.

Study findings

Psychological distress among caregivers of individuals with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder is significantly higher than the national norm, according to the study. It also concluded that distress felt by people caring for loved ones with severe psychiatric illnesses was higher than that felt after a major natural disaster, Hurricane Sandy.

The vast majority of caregivers surveyed were women, and 60% of those were parents to a child with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Only 40% of those lived in the same household as their loved ones.

In the majority of findings, the distress was found to be caused by the increased demands on the caregiver and the amount of time and effort that person needed to devote to providing care. The second highest distress factor stemmed from the fear that a loved one would stop taking their medication and relapse into psychosis.

The authors argue that programs designed to provide support to caregivers could prevent elevated distress levels, both for the caregivers of individuals with serious mental illness and the general population. In particular, the research showed that additional social support would reduce caregiver distress by almost 20%, bringing their level of distress close to the average amount felt in the United States. Meanwhile, reducing the financial burden felt by caregivers was shown to reduce distress by more than 10%, while increasing their emotional rewards would lower the psychological distress by 9%.

More than 8.4 million Americans were caregivers to an individual with mental health related issues, according to 2015 estimates. Four in 10 of these individuals found it difficult to manage their own health due to the extreme stress of caring for their loved one.

On this Valentine's Day, greater attention and compassion to the dedicated people caring for their loved ones with serious mental illness is needed. The significant psychological distress felt by caregivers should be met with initiatives to bolster their support network and reduce their anxiety as they embark on the challenging tasks of caring for someone with serious mental illness.

Elizabeth Sinclair
Research Associate
Treatment Advocacy Center

You Are Not Alone
  A Primer on Mental Illness

The Primer, prepared by NAMI Cape Cod & The Islands, is an 87-page booklet  which includes sections on:  Dispelling myths of mental illness, how to get help, stages of mental illness, information on specific disorders, considerations for family members, DMH services, legal issues such as HIPAA, guardianship, involuntary hospitalization.

The Primer was made possible by generous support from Cape Cod Healthcare Community Benefits, The Edward Bangs and Elza Kelley Foundation, Inc. and Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank Charitable Foundation Trust.
Family to Family & Family Connections

  We are begining another F2F class in  Harwich on Wednesday, April 25 from 6:00 - 8:30 pm.

 We are also be starting a Family Connections/Borderline Personality Disorder class on 
 Wednesday, April 11 6:00 - 7:30 pm in Barnstable.

  Please inquire about these courses by calling Kim Lemmon at 508-778-4277 or         email [email protected]

NOTE:  Due to the lack of attendance at the Mashpee Support Group, NAMI Cape & Islands is suspending that Support Group.  Should anybody feel strongly they would like to have access to a meeting in Mashpee, please contact Kim Lemmon at 508-778-4277 or [email protected]

Dance In The Rain
For Peers, By Peers 

Dance in the Rain Whole Person Approach is a non-profit organization that supports peers who struggle with mental illness. Located in the heart of Hyannis, we provide this population with an opportunity to expand their lives, despite their condition, to grow, engage and heal. The staff, from executive director to volunteers, live with a history of mental illness as well. Our staff is well vetted to work with other peers who wish grow and seek to define themselves beyond mental illness. 

Dance In The Rain is expanding in many ways in 2018!
We have increased our office hours.
Monday through Thursday 10:00am to 4:00PM
Wednesday we are now open until 6:00Pm
We are now open every Sunday from 1:00PM to 6:00PM

Drop in for a chat and check us out. No need to attend the programming being offered . Just stop on by and find out more about Dance in the Rain.
I bet it's not what you think it is. Peer engagement is one of the foundations of healing.
All meetings, workshops and groups are held at the Dance in the Rain Office Upstairs 145 Barnstable Rd. Hyannis. Unless otherwise noted.
Pick a day to come every week and become part of something really unique and healing.
Believe in yourself.

For more information, contact:
Mary E. Munsell
Founder/Executive Director/Peer
Dance in the Rain Whole Person Approach
www.danceintherain-wpa.org      508-364-4045

Families for Depression Awareness
Free Webinar

Teen Depression:  
Finding Resiliency and Solutions
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
PM (ET) / 4  PM (PT)
Danielle is a talented musician, hard-working student, and a mature teenager. She also has depression.

Danielle's parents saw her struggling in school, losing sleep, and hiding her pain. They worked tirelessly to find treatment to help Danielle manage her symptoms of depression.
No matter how exhausted or drained they were, they learned to never lose sight of Danielle's gifts and talents. They focused on the strengths and family bonds that increased Danielle's resiliency.  
During this webinar , you'll also hear from Matthew Selekman , MSW, LCSW , an experienced clinician and f ellow for the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy. You'll learn, and be able to ask questions, about 
  • identifying and addressing signs of depression
  • what resilience looks like and the role of family in building resilience in teens
  • solution-focused therapy and communication
  • fostering cooperative partnerships between parents and schools
  • actionable steps you can take to help a struggling teen

   Transportation Services....

  The Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority provides a daily general public demand service called Dial-A-Ride Transportation (DART) that is a door-to-door ride by appointment transportation service.  It is available to all 15 Cape towns, runs from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm on weekdays and more limited hours on weekends.  It is easy to access and use.  

For more information, call them at 800-352-7155 or visit their website at:


If you shop at the Orleans Stop & Shop, take a closer look at your shopping cart after November 1.  NAMI CC&I will have its signature sunset ad posted on the cart.  We hope this will bring more awareness of NAMI to that area.

Mark Your Calendars: 

Suicide The Ripple Effect:  
A film and a movement for hope and healing  
Sponsored by The Samaritans on Cape Cod and the Islands, Sharing Kindness and Cape & Islands Suicide Prevention Coalition

Friday, March 16, 2018 at 7:30 pm
Cape Cod Mall Stadium 12 Theater

The film chronicles the story of Kevin Hines, who at age 19 attempted to take his life by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge.  Since then Kevin has been on a mission to use his story to help others stay alive and find recovery. 

You can reserve tickets at https://gathr.us/s/22622
For more info, contact Kathleen Shine-O'Brien at [email protected]    www.SuicideTheRippleEffect

Film:      Angst: 
   Raising awareness around                      anxiety 

                 Harwich Community Center
                Thu. Apr 12, 2018  at 7:00pm 

The Angst project is an IndieFlix Original, documentary designed to raise awareness around anxiety with an emphasis on youth and families. The film includes interviews with kids, teens, experts and parents. Our goal specifically is to help people identify and understand the symptoms of anxiety and encourage them to reach out for help. Angst will be screened in schools, communities and theaters around the world. The film and corresponding materials provide tools, resources and hope.  AngstMovie.com

This a free RSVP event with a suggested donation of $5.

Mental Health Series at Snow Library
Executive Director Jackie Lane and Family Program Director Kim Lemmon recently participated in a four-part series on mental illness presented at the Snow Library in Orleans. Jackie spoke on Bipolar Disorder to an audience of around thirty very attentive attendees. It is interesting to note that each person in the room, mostly women of retirement age, had either adult children or sometimes grandchildren diagnosed with mental illness. The numerous questions posed at the end of the presentation largely revolved around the lack of services, the inability to access long term treatments and services, and the frustrations of the legalities (HIPAA) in trying to help one who is too mentally incapacitated to make quality decisions about self-care--the same issues that are repeatedly raised in our daily support calls. Thank you to Polly Bishop of the Friends of Snow Library for bringing a mental health series into the robust and impressive programming of this local library.

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Legal Advice
Grandparents with questions about guardianship/options can visit the Probate Court on the 3rd Thursdayof the month between 8:30 AM-1:00 PM.
They can also call the Bar Association (508-362-2121) or Susan at the courthouse (508-375-6730) for an appointment with Kathleen Snow on Mondays between 10:00 AM-1:00 PM.
There is no fee for either of these consultations.

Lawyer For A Day--Free Legal Advice
Held daily at the Barnstable Probate Court.  It is advisable to arrive promptly when it opens at 9:00 am as it is first come, first served and fills up quickly.
Inclusions in the Newsletter
We have recently been asked for last minute inclusions of events in our newsletter.  We have instituted a new policy:  It is at the discretion of the Executive Director to determine whether content being submitted for distribution to the membership is aligned with our mission.  If the content is determined to be appropriate, it may be included in the monthly e-newsletter if it is submitted prior to the first of the month.


When  shopping on Amazon, think NAMI CC&I and Amazon Smile.
 Every dollar you give to NAMI CC&I goes to help support, educate and advocate for the residents of Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard.  

AmazonSmile is a simple way to give when you are shopping on Amazon

Amazon donates 0.5% of your eligible purchases. 
It's so easy, you can still use your Amazon Prime and you still collect points.  All you need to do is:  When you are going to make a purchase on Amazon, first enter
in your internet browser. On your first visit to AmazonSmile, you will be prompted to select a charitable organization .  
Select NAMI Cape Cod Inc.
Thank You!