February 22, 2018 
7th of Adar, 5778

The Wexner Foundation
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Wexner Leads

Star Wars and Purim
WHP Alum Jonathan Berkowitz (Vancouver) makes the case that the story of Purim is the basis for Star Wars.  Is the force with us during Purim?  

How Purim Can Help Us Process Parkland
WHP Alum Lisa Lisser (Metrowest 08) shares her painful connections to the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida and finds complexity and relevance in the story of Purim.

4th Cohort of Wexner Senior Leaders Arrive at Harvard
The Harvard Kennedy School is host to the 43 Senior Leaders from Israel for their month-long intensive executive training.  

The views expressed in WexnerLEADS do not necessarily reflect those of The Wexner Foundation.