Carrollton City Schools * 106 Trojan Drive * Carrollton, GA 30117 * Feb. 23, 2018
Sara Black, School Nutrition's FoodCorps service member, conducts a culinary academic lesson in a classroom while Rep. Ferguson and others watch.
CES teacher Catherine Cox and students show Rep. Ferguson one of the schools raised bed gardens.
Congressman Ferguson visits CES, CHS 

U.S. Rep. Drew Ferguson, R-West Point, who represents Georgia's Third Congressional District that includes Carrollton, visited Carrollton Elementary and Carrollton High School Friday to tour the schools, see the unique offerings of the CES "We are Trojan Grown" STEM program partnership with School Nutrition, and finished the visit with eating lunch from the CHS cafeteria. At CHS, he met with Carrollton City Schools Supt. Dr. Mark Albertus, CHS Principal David Brooks, School Nutrition Director Dr. Linette Dodson and School Nutrition Coordinator Kelli Cook to talk about  School Nutrition's innovative practices that support academics and about Farm-to-School initiatives under way. Rep. Ferguson was not only impressed with how this intentional partnership between schools and the School Nutrition program educate the WHOLE child, but he really enjoyed the food, too!
'Once Upon A Mattress' to delight crowds

Carrollton High School Performing Arts will present "Once Upon A Mattress" Thursday and Friday, March 8-9, bringing an entertaining interpretation of a classic fairy tale to life while showcasing the talents of an exceptional cast. Based on Hans Christian Anderson's "Princess and the Pea," performances will be held  at the Mabry Center for the Arts. The curtain opens at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 and may be purchased by phone (770-834-2116), in the front office of the school or at the door the night of the show. From left are cast members Mattie Steed (Jester), Oscar Hernandez (King Sextimus), Lexie Thomas (Queen Aggravain), Belle Hudson (Princess Winnifred) and Becca Davis (Lady Larkin). Want to know more about the plot? CLICK HERE
Trip to Huntsville inspires science club members

The fourth grade science club at Carrollton Middle School had a great trip to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Ala., this past week. Students participated in a range of activities from making model rockets to experiencing what it is like to wear astronaut gear in outer space. The club takes this trip annually. Check out this Facebook album for more photos.
CJHS student essays headed to state competition

Students in Carrollton Junior High School physical education and creative writing classes wrote essays to enter in the Georgia School Nutrition statewide essay contest, titled "Let's Move!" School winners pictured, from left, are Sierra Flynn, seventh grade; Tristan Lockhart, eighth grade; and Tai Jackson, seventh grade. State winners will be announced in March.
Outcomes the theme
of latest Trojan Times

While this is the Trojan Times Digital Edition, a traditional newspaper one is published three times a year in the Times-Georgian newspaper - each fall, winter and spring.

At right is Project SEARCH student Emily Potter, who is working as an intern with program partner, the University of West Georgia. She, along with five other interns, are winding up their internships with Dine West, UWG's food services department. Their story, plus updates on the CHS debate and Three A's programs focus on what their alumni are now.                            READ THIS ISSUE
Register for kindergarten

Kindergarten registration at Carrollton Elementary School is now under way and pre-K registration is next month. Students must be 5 years old by September 1, 2018, in order to register for kindergarten.  DETAILS
CES PTVO raffle a big
fundraiser for the school

Want a chance to win a Disney vacation and help out Carrollton Elementary School at the same time? Then purchase a $10 raffle ticket from the Carrollton Elementary School PTVO, sponsor of the raffle, available through March 29. Each raffle ticket you purchase gives you a chance to win a $3,700 Disney vacation with choice of Walt Disney World, Walt Disney Cruise, or Disney's Vero Beach Resort. 

Tickets are available for purchase at the CES front office or from any PTVO board member. The drawing will be aired live on the CES PTVO Facebook page and on the CES broadcast the morning of March 30.

Organizers of the fundraiser remind ticket purchasers that 100 percent of profits stay at CES to better the school, teachers and students, so CES wins no matter who gets the trip!
Toddlers embrace action, imagination
Little ones who are 2 to 3 years old are mobile, energetic, verbal, and easy to entertain! Capitalize on these attributes with intentional efforts to continue a focus on literacy activities that will keep them asking for more:

1. Toddlers are pretty active and will enjoy acting out stories. "We're on a Bear Hunt" by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury, "Bark, George" by Jules Feiffer and "The Wheels on the Bus" by Paul O. Zelinsky fit the bill.

2. They also love to hear stories about themselves. So, don't hesitate to substitute their names in place of character names in the story. You can even make up stories about your family!

3. At this age, a child's vocabulary is developing rapidly. Each book you read broadens that vocabulary.

4. Encourage toddlers to notice the fine details in illustrations. It is amazing how often children notice things that adults miss!