"Newsies" at Surflight Theatre


Make an emergency plan as your New Year's Resolution 
White list our email addresses so we can reach you with important news
New Year Sale - 50% off selected ticket stock
Surflight Theatre shines brightly again
Meet Zoe - the boisterous parrot in the office
Come see our groovy Facebook page
Make an emergency plan for your emergency
New Year's Resolution 

Unfortunately, website outages do happen, but predicting if and when a site goes down is impossible. Say your Webtix is temporarily unavailable due to an unforeseen circumstance at a server farm. While we are working diligently on restoring it, you can breathe easy if you have an emergency plan in place.

You can  put a message on your website explaining that online sales are temporarily suspended and ask people to call or email you for tickets while it is being fixed.

Meanwhile, take advantage of the one-on-one opportunity this presents to actually TALK to your patron. Give them a friendly voice to relate to. Ask them if they have seen shows or been to events at your venue. Find out what they like or even dislike about being there. 

We will be keeping you apprised of the work being done to put tickets sales back online. Which is why it is crucial that our email addresses are white-listed. 
whitelistPlease white list these emails addresses! 

If something time-sensitive occurs, we need to notify you as soon as possible. Please add these addresses to your contacts so you will not miss important email notices.

50% off selected ticket stock!

It's a new year and we're cleaning out our inventory.
Save on:

Single stub

Cloudy cranberry 
Cloudy green

Solid cranberry
Solid dijon gold

Solid lavender

Solid peach

Double stub

Solid lavender 
format # 1 (leading stub is 1 7/8", the main stub is 2.5" and the trailing stub is 1 1/8)

  shines again!

Neither Hurricane Sandy nor a failed restructuring in 2013 could completely wash away the small, but mighty Surflight Theatre on the Jersey shore. After two years of being dark while passionate, dedicated people tried to bring back the light, it re-opened last June.

"WE did it! We're back! What a year!," says Artistic Director Steve Steiner, who also held that position from 1998 to 2010. "We are the only ones doing what we do in this area."

What they are doing to recover is gathering many volunteers, raising many funds, and fixing things like ceilings, lighting, and drywall.

A classic summer stock 450 seat theatre in a tourist town, Surflight has housing next door, plus  scene, costume, and paint shops, and an ice cream parlor where singing servers entertain guests and raise money.

Steiner credits a few smart strategies for their popularity and resurgence."We partner with restaurants so people can buy lunch or dinner and a ticket. I'd be happy to talk to anyone about how that works." He also mentions keeping prices reasonable, having interns work specific areas of the theatre they are studying, having great plays, and "no service charges," he explains. "They bug the heck out of people. We build that into the price of the ticket."
Squawk! Zoe wants a file!  zoe

This beautiful Red-headed Mexican Amazon parrot may visually blend in quite nicely with Diane Rowe's customer files, but her loud squawks are easy to notice if you've ever talked to Diane on the phone. 

Zoe is a very smart and eager assistant. She has great filing and organizational skills, but she insists on being in the conversation because she has strong opinions about the best way to use Wintix and Webtix.

Alas, getting Zoe to use her "indoor" voice is often quite difficult.

We're a little bik geeky and a little bit artsy, so our Facebook page reflects that. 

The post opposite is about how lava lamps encrypt 10% of the internet for your safety. 

We explore topics like what performing arts do to your brain, trends in the theatre and software worlds, techie jokes, important information about cyber security, and other fun stuff.

Contact us!
Center Stage Software | 831.583.0641 | |
831-920-1254 |
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