January 18, 2018
2nd of Sh'vat, 5778

The Wexner Foundation
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Wexner Leads

From Seattle Yoga, Coffee to Spirituality 
WHP Alum Julie Kohl (Palo Alto 00) is learning to connect heart, mind and body, to be more compassionate to herself and others, so that she can create positive change in the world.

Heard Round WexWorld:
Wexner alumni weigh in on why they meditate and how their practice makes them better leaders, Jews and people. 

Mindfulness and Collaborative Leadership
Vice President of the Wexner Foundation, Or Mars, founded the Jewish Meditation Project of Columbus to enhance curiosity and compassion, humility and confidence, urgency and patience, humor and seriousness of mission in others and himself.


The views expressed in WexnerLEADS do not necessarily reflect those of The Wexner Foundation.