Colleagues and friends remember Lisa Chedekel, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and SPHs senior writer/media relations director, who died of cancer on January 12.
Isolation is expensive, harmful, and bad for both prison safety and public safety. Two bills currently in the Massachusetts legislature are a move in the right direction.
With unpaid caregiving increasing as a public health issue, a new study finds that many LGBT caregivers suffer more financial strain, poor health and emotional stress than non-LGBT caregivers.
The BUMC Health Equity Symposium is seeking abstract submissions for its research poster session. Posters will showcase innovative projects in health equity including research, QI, education, and service projects. The submission deadline is March 9. All are welcome to apply.
The number of opioid prescriptions filled in the United States fell each year from 2011 to 2016, suggesting that efforts to address dangerous opioid prescribing have been effective. The most significant public policy responses have taken place at the state level.
Marrying Design, Statistics, and Analytics: How to Design Health Data Visualizations that Work, with SPH Associate Dean for Education and Professor of Biostatistics Lisa Sullivan and alumna Amanda Makulec. Running June 1113.