AUGUST 2017 
Fall Hours
Starting September 9th, the Library will be open from 9am-5pm on Saturdays. 
We will reopen Sundays from 1pm-5pm, starting October 15th.
solar eclipse
Click the image for more information on the eclipse, including a helpful countdown!
Solar Eclipse Viewing Party 
Monday, August 21st 
2:30pm, outside of the Library
It's been almost 100 years since the last total solar eclipse crossed the United States, so to say Monday, August 21st's viewing is a once-in-a-lifetime event is an understatement. Although the "path of totality" - which, as an aside, is the Library's band name if we ever get around to forming one - is not in our neck of the woods, Belmontonians will still be treated to a 60% partial eclipse. Come join library patrons and staff on Monday, August 21st at 2:30pm to see the eclipse at its peak in New England.

Think your regular old sunglasses will protect your eyes from the Sun's harsh rays?
We don't recommend it! The Library will be giving out ISO/CE certified eclipse glasses during the two weeks prior to the eclipse. For an exact start date of when we will be handing out glasses, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter where we'll make an announcement.
Belmont is a Purple Heart Community
Purple Heart Ceremony
Monday, August 7th, 10am
Library front steps
Join guest speaker and Belmont resident, USMC Colonel Michael J. Callanan, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, for the 2017 National Purple Heart Day Observance and Recognition Ceremony. Bill McEvoy, US Army Veteran, will speak about the Belmont Veterans Memorial Committee and his experiences with local  veteran communities.
The Purple Heart is awarded to members of the armed forces of the U.S. who are wounded by an instrument of war in the hands of the enemy and posthumously to the next of kin in the name of those who are killed in action or die of wounds received in action.
Summer Thursdays
All activities start at 6:30pm
Library Assembly Room

Come play board games and learn to juggle
on Thursday, August 3rd, eat popcorn and watch SING
on August 10th, or make a celestial-themed piece of jewelry on Thursday, August 17th - in honor of the solar eclipse of course.  

For a printable pdf version of our Summer Thursdays flyer, click here .
Medicare Basics
Tuesday, August 8th, 7-8pm 
Navigating Medicare is complicated, planning should start BEFORE you turn 65. Open Enrollment runs from November 1st through December 15th this year, and if you're considering Medicare and would like to learn about your options, come to our presentation on Medicare basics. SHINE counselor Alicia Szendiuch will discuss the different parts of Medicare, and what you need to know about making the transition.

This presentation is run by SHINE ( Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone) , and funded by the Administration for Community Living."
Tai Chi at the Library
Saturday, August 12th, 10-11am
Library Assembly Room

Join us on Saturday, August 12th for tai chi at the Library. Tai chi practitioner and coach, Aisling O'Shea, will guide you through this beautiful and low impact form of martial art and meditation. NO equipment necessary, just bring yourself and wear comfortable clothing. Registration is optional but appreciated! Register online, in person, or call (617) 993-2870
Book discussion groups are on hiatus in August. Check out our September offerings:
Senior Book Discussion
Friday, September 8th, 11am
Beech Street Center
266 Beech Street

The September meeting of the Senior Book Discussion group will be on Friday, September 8th at 11:00 AM at the Beech Street Center at 266 Beech Street in Belmont; House of Mirth  by Edith Wharton will be discussed. The senior book discussion group is co-sponsored by the Belmont Public Library and the Belmont Council on Aging. All are welcome to attend. 

Belmont Book Discussion 
Wednesday, September 20th, 3pm
Library Flett Room
The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton 
Ethan and the Jamberries
Join this local kids rock band for classic songs along with original tunes on topics ranging from rocket ships to underwear. All ages.
Thursday, August 3 at 10:30am 
Rolie Polie Guacamole
Brooklyn's hippest "kindie" band sings original songs and unique   covers of classic songs in this high-energy show. All ages.
Thursday, August 10 at 10:30am

Jungle Jim's Balloon Magic Show
This show combines balloon artistry, magic, comedy, and improv to create an amazing experience! Ages 3 and up. 
Monday, August 14 at 10am

Sparky's Puppets
Sparky's Puppets dramatizes favorite children's tales, like "The Three Little Pigs" and "The Fisherman and His Wife," with colorful hand puppets, lively humor, and plenty of audience participation. Ages 3-10.
Thursday, August 17 at 10:30am
STEAM and Storytime
Even the youngest children can explore STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math)! Free play, activity centers and circle time with songs and movement. Ages 5 & under.
The following Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10am-12pm: August 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16
Farmers' Market Storytime
Join us at the Belmont Farmers' Market Events Tent each week for this fun, all-ages storytime!
Thursdays at 4pm
Summer Reading raffle winner, Kai T., won two tickets to a Red Sox vs. Yankees game in August!
Summer Reading Runs Through August 19
Teens! You have a little over two weeks to submit your book reviews, check out books for scratch tickets, and enter our trivia contests. Win prizes for completing your summer readi ng, like Shake Shack and JP Licks freebies, and gift cards to!

This year's Red Sox ticket winner, pictured right, was Kai T. Kai won two tickets to a Red Sox vs. Yankees game in August, congratulations Kai!

Teen End-of-Summer Party
Come celebrate the end of summer, we'll have music, karaoke, games, raffles, and back by popular demand Wicked Good Henna! E at pizza and play games before it's back to school.
Monday, August 21, 6:30-8:30pm

Girls Who Code
Girls 6th-12th grade are guided through an online curriculum, learning Python and Java with the help of volunteer instructors who provide guidance on projects.
Mondays, starting September 11, 4:15-6:15pm Registration required.
Persuasive Writing & Speaking
This course, taught by Lynette Benton, will guide middle school teens in writing a variety of essays, including descriptive, how-to essays, and personal narratives. Students will practice writing thesis statements, introductions, topic sentences, body paragraphs and supporting information, as well as conclusions. The course will also cover public speaking so that teens may present their work effectively to a live audience.
Thursdays, starting September 14, 3:00 - 4:30pm 
Registration required
Clouds, Chemistry & Climate Change: Why Our Current Climate Is What It Is
Part of Science for t he Public's Lecture Series
Tuesday, September 12th, 7pm
Library Assembly Room

The excess CO2 in our atmosphere will affect Earth's climate for centuries to come, and we need to understand why. In this presentation, Dr. Daniel Cziczo, Associate Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry at MIT and an expert on the crucial role of clouds in the dynamics of climate, will explain how clouds form, how they affect the planet, and how that effect changes as CO2 accumulates in the atmosphere. Learn ways to reduce CO2 and watch as Dr. Cziczo simulates cloud formation and describes how atmospheric conditions that lead to cloud formation are studied in his lab, at mountaintop sites, and from research aircrafts.
Dial M for... Movie 
New Movie Club Starting in September
Do you enjoy watching films? Do you get a kick out of discussing them with others? Have we got just the thing for you: this fall we are starting our first ever film club, hosted by Library Director, Peter Struzziero. Watch the film on your own (we'll have copies available to check out), or at the Library (with popcorn and drinks!) on our designated movie night. Then, join Peter for snacks and a discussion. 

Our first film? Dial M for Murder of course!
Movie Viewing Night for Dial M for Murder: Thursday, September 7th, 6:30pm
Dial M For Movie Film Discussion: Thursday, September 28th, 7pm

Online Fraud: Don't Get Scammed
Are you concerned about identity theft or online banking scams? Are you interested in taking steps to protect your sensitive data online? This class will give you the information and the tools you need to combat basic forms of online fraud. Taught by Paul Roberts, the Chairman of the Belmont Information Technology Advisory Committee. Paul will work with attendees on ways to improve their online security.
Saturday, September 23
1:30-3:30PM, Library Assembly Room
Bring your personal devices for hands-on learning!

Ever wanted to be the star of your own show? This class will teach kids all about TV production. The final video will be aired on BMC's channels, and each student will receive a copy to take home!
Grades K-4
Monday, August 14-18, 9am-12pm
Belmont Media Center, 9 Lexington Street Belmont, MA
$100, Register online through the Belmont Recreation Department

Friday, September 1, 2 pm
Beech Street Center, 266 Beech Street Belmont, MA
SIGN UP NOW! In person at the Beech Street Center or by calling (617) 993-2970
This is one of the most popular events of the year, scheduled just before the school year begins in Belmont. Bring the children in your life for free ice cream sundaes and intergenerational entertainment.This year, the Museum of Science will offer a "Science Magic" show for ages 6+. Thanks to our returning sponsor, Cabot Park Village, this event is FREE. Limited to 200 attendees. 
Join Frankie Pacini, president of the Belmont High School Film Club, for viewing and discussion of classic films. Discussion will include how the movie was influential, how it is connected to the time period, important themes, and takeaways for viewers.
Friday, Aug. 4, 12:45-3 p.m: All About Eve (138 min)
Monday, Aug. 14, 12:45-3 p.m: To Kill a Mockingbird (129 min)
Monday, Aug. 21, 12:45-3 p.m: 12 Angry Men (96 min)
All films shown at the Beech Street Center, 266 Beech Street

Thanks for reading, and see you at the Library!
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and many of the Library's other programs and services. Be a Friend; support the library!
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