Feed the Need
Ed. 3 - Gaining Momentum
Dear Academy Families and Friends,
We are on our way to reaching our Feed the Need goal! To date, we have already raised $61,557. That amount is because of you! Thank you for reaching out to the people in your lives who would like to make a difference at Harrisburg Academy and in the world. Every text, every conversation, every social media post, and every phone call is making a significant impact. We could not do this without you!
In celebration of your fundraising efforts, and to make a difference in the lives of hungry children both in our community and abroad in Haiti, we invite you to participate in the Feed the Need Packing Party! At this event, we will be packing 10,000 meals together in Louis Lehrman Gymnasium. It’s hard to believe that the Packing Party is nearly here – next Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2018. There is a job for everyone, be it packing, sealing or decorating – we want your help!
Please use this link to sign up online for a one-hour time slot from 2 to 6 p.m. Each volunteer within a family/group will need to complete (or have completed for them) a separate registration form to allow us to accurately track our total number of participants. Please contact Lindsay Swartz if you have any questions or problems while signing up.
We can’t wait to see you next week! 
With Spartan Pride,
Stacy Klann
Parent of Liam ‘32
Director of Development and Alumni Relations
(717) 763-7811 Ext. 1390
Why Haiti?
Next week, our community will come together to pack 10,000 meals for hungry children locally and abroad. In this video , we learn how desperate the need is in Haiti. Did you know many Haitian children eat Bon Bon Tè to keep their stomachs feeling full -- cookies made from mud?

The need is great. It's simple to get involved and make a difference! Click to join us at the Feed the Need Packing Party or consider fundraising for our cause .
Student Thoughts on Feed the Need
We asked our students to share their thoughts on hunger in our community and abroad and our commitment to the Feed the Need fundraiser...

" It is hard to pay attention and learn on an empty stomach. Being hungry makes it hard to concentrate. " -- Nemo D. '22

" Hunger effects people in our community. This is doing something meaningful in my community to help people I may know; people that are close to us ." -- Jacob M. '22

" There are opportunities for us to do new things and explore things we are more passionate about ." -- Hayden Q. '18 speaking about the fundraiser in support of technology, arts/music, scholarships, athletics, faculty, and innovation at the Academy.
Feed the Need Packing Party
Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2018
2-6 p.m.
Feed the Need's culminating event, our Packing Party , is next week! This is an indoor event where our school community -- current families, faculty and staff, alumni, local leaders -- will hand pack 10,000 meals to be distributed to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank and to Haitian children in need. This event is an extraordinary opportunity for our students to not only raise funds for our school, but to be part of a significant give-back experience. Working together in this way, we will help our children develop a greater sense of gratitude and appreciation for what they have, and grow in sensitivity for those who have less. We hope you can join us!

Sign up for the Packing Party: Click here.
Create a fundraising page: Click here.
Donate to the event at-large: Click here.

Questions? Please contact Lindsay Swartz .
Thank You to Our Corporate Partners
Thank you to our corporate sponsors for partnering with Harrisburg Academy to end hunger and improve education! Please contact  Stacy Klann  to learn more about corporate sponsor opportunities.
The Greater Harrisburg Area's First IB World School