NJHSA is in the process of developing a formal list of our priority public policy issues that will guide our advocacy as the leading voice for Jewish human service organizations in the United States, Canada and Israel.
As NJHSA strengthens and supports member agencies that serve their communities through a wide range of human services, we want our public policy priorities to reflect identified needs within your service areas, including: career and employment; youth and family; healthcare; comprehensive immigration reform and safeguarding the U.S. refugee program; disability issues; counseling and mental health; seniors and Holocaust survivors; and caregiver support.
The NJHSA Advocacy Committee has worked to develop a draft of these priorities and the comment period is now open. It's also worth noting that some issues that may be of importance to your agency might not be on the attached list - This is why your input NOW is invaluable as we determine which issues we will advocate on and mobilize support for both locally and nationally.

Please send your edits/comments/questions in tracked changes to the attached Word document to NJHSA Washington Representative Mindy Brodsky at [email protected] by Friday, January 26th.  (Please note that t he tracked changes on the word document reflect the input of the NJHSA Advocacy Committee.)
Thank you in advance for your help in creating a public policy list that is representative of our diverse member agencies.