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HoursRegular Schedule and Holiday Hours 
Veterans Day Holiday: closed Friday, November 10th and Saturday, November 11th.
Thanksgiving: Wednesday November 22nd, close at 5pm; closed Thursday, November 23rd and Friday, November 24th.
Christmas: closed Sunday, December 24th, and Monday, December 25th.
Peter Struzziero,
Belmont Public Library Director
Library Project Update
The Library recently completed a Feasibility Study to explore options for the Library at its current Concord Avenue site. After careful consideration of the results, including the structural engineer's report, the Feasibility Committee recommended the new construction option, and the Committee's recommendation was endorsed by the Library Trustees.  The Feasibility Committee and the Trustees believe that the significant structural and access limitations with the current facility are such that new construction is the most cost-effective option for the building.
The Trustees are quite cognizant of competing capital projects in Belmont, several of which will be discussed and considered at Town Meeting. The Library's request at this time is to continue with the next phase of the process commenced with the Feasibility Study: to prepare a schematic design in order to facilitate and commence a private fund-raising effort for a new Library. The Belmont Library Foundation is prepared to undertake the fundraising effort, but has requested more detailed information to solicit potential donors.  
The Board of Selectmen voted 3-0 at a meeting in September to create a Warrant Article for special town meeting in November.  
The current warrant article requests that Town Meeting approve establishment of a building committee, which is required for the schematic design effort, and funding for one-half of the cost of the schematic design work -- approximately $150,000.  The estimated cost for the schematic design is $300,000 and the Belmont Library Foundation has agreed to fund half of the cost of the work.
The Library Trustees will ask Town Meeting members to vote on the article asking for appointment of a Building Committee, and funding to create schematic and design for the purposes of fundraising.  
For more information please contact Library Director Peter Struzziero, or members of our Board of Library Trustees.   
West Wing Closure
A Green Communities Grant has allowed the Library the opportunity to update the insulation in the east and west wings of the mains floor, which will save thousands of dollars in the years to come on energy costs.
On November 9th the west wing will be closed to the public so new insulation and lighting  can be installed with a new drop ceiling. The room will be closed for the remainder of November. Once the work is complete in December we will reopen the room, and then complete the same project on the east wing of the main floor.
The Library will make every effort to have resources from the west wing available to patrons, but please keep in mind that during this time:  
  • The Reading Room will be closed to the public;
  • New books, travel books, magazines, and some seating will be relocated to other areas of the main floor.
We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this time, we will work to reopen the room as soon as we are able. Please be aware that we will lose access to some seating during this work.  
Annual Fall Book Sale a Success!  
Our Annual Fall Book Sale was as lively and successful as ever. In addition to providing the Belmont community with fantastic values on hundreds of used books and raising money for Library programs we: 
  • Held a special preview for the Belmont Public Schools teachers, who selected over 1500 books to build and enrich their classroom libraries;
  •  At the end of the sale, gave unsold paperbacks and music instruction books to This volunteer program, based in Quincy, sends books to inmates all over the country.
One Day Sale, Saturday, December 9th, 1-4pm 
Missed the sale? Don't worry! We have another one-day sale coming on the afternoon of Saturday, December 9th. We are restocking our inventory so now is also a great to time to clear out your bookshelves. Drop off book donations any time the Library is open for business - there is a door at the rear of the building where you can enter to drop off donations.

A separate 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, the Friends of Belmont Public Library enhances programs and services for all library users. Click here to join or donate to the Friends. Click here if to find out more about volunteering with the Friends.
Friends Author Series: Daniel Golden, Spy Schools 
Thursday, November 9th, 7-8pm  
Library Assembly Room
Daniel Golden, Pullitzer Prize winner and bestselling author of Price of Admission, will discuss his new book, Spy Schools: How the CIA, FBI, and Foreign Intelligence Secretly Exploit America's Universities on Thursday, November 9th at 7pm in the Library Assembly Room. Grounded in extensive research and reporting, Spy Schools reveals that academic globalization has transformed higher education in the U.S. into a front line for international spying. In labs, classrooms, and auditoriums, intelligence services from countries like China, Russia, and Cuba seek insights into U.S. policy, recruits for clandestine operations, and access to sensitive military and civilian research. The FBI and CIA reciprocate, tapping international students and faculty as informants. Universities ignore or even condone this interference, despite the tension between their professed global values and the nationalistic culture of espionage.
Daniel Golden is a senior editor at ProPublica, a non-profit website for investigative reporting. Prior to joining ProPublica, Golden worked as managing editor for education and enterprise at Bloomberg News, where he earned his second and Bloomberg's first Pullitzer Prize. Golden's first Pulitzer was given for his work as a reporter for The Wall Street Journal in 2004, for a series of articles on preferences for children and donors in college admissions. He expanded that series into a critically acclaimed national bestseller, The Price of Admission: How America's Ruling Class Buys Its Way Into Elite Colleges--and Who Gets Left Outside the Gates, which the Washington Post selected as one of the best non-fiction books of 2006. Prior to The Wall Street Journal, Golden spent 18 years as a staff reporter at the Boston Globe, including four years on its Spotlight team.  
Some annoyed college administrators have called him a muckraker, or a gadfly. Both are labels he wears with pride.  
Books and Bites: Wendy Drexler, Before There Was Before  
Monday, November 13th, 11am  
Library Assembly Room
Come hear award winning local poet Wendy Drexler read from her latest collection, Before There Was Before (2017, Iris Press).  
Drexler has also authored the book Western Motel  (2012, Turning Point) and the chapbook Drive-Ins, Gas Stations, the Bright Motels (2007, Pudding House). Her first children's book, Buzz, Ruby, and Their City Chicks, coauthored with Joan Fleiss Kaplan, was published by Ziggy Owl Press in 2016. 
Drexler is a freelance editor and has been a poetry editor for the Massachusetts Audubon Society.  A three-time Pushcart Prize nominee, she is a native of Denver, CO and now lives in Belmont.
All are welcome to attend this free program, sponsored by the Friends of the Belmont Public Library. Refreshments will be provided.   
Books will be available for purchase and signing.  The Assembly Room is handicapped accessible.
Belmont Veterans Remember 
Sunday, November 5th, 4pm
Belmont Town Hall Auditorium
455 Concord Avenue, Belmont MA
In April 2017, Belmont High School students interviewed over 40 Belmont veterans who served from World War II to the present.
The Belmont Veterans Memorial Committee is raising money to restore and enhance the veterans memorial at Clay Pit Pond. A $100,000 challenge grant from the Belmont Savings Bank Foundation will match donations dollar for dollar. Donors can honor a veteran of their choice, or honor one of 100+ fallen soldiers, with an engraved paver or bench. Donations can be made at or by check.
Belmont Veterans Remember is a collaboration between the Belmont Veterans Memorial Committee, Belmont High School, and Belmont Media Center. Partners for the event also include the Belmont Council on Aging, Belmont Historical Society, Belmont Public Library, Belmont Ve
terans Services, VFW Post 1272, and American Legion Post 328.  
Eat for Pleasure, Eat for Health:
Tuesday, November 14th, 7pm
Library Assembly Room
Understanding Emotional Eating 
Mind-body Wellness Consultant Kali Patrick will discuss:
  • How stress, relaxation, pleasure, thoughts, feelings, and long-held beliefs impact your nutritional metabolism and health.
  • A more compassionate approach to your relationship with your body (hint: it doesn't involve attacking problems with willpower).
Kali Patrick specializes in improving people's health with more ease & enjoyment. Her specialties include emotional eating, sleep difficulties, chronic pain, & stress. Kali coaches people all over the country & works with organizations to implement health & wellness programs.
3D Printing 
Saturday, November 18th, 10am-12pm
Library Assembly Room 
Create your own 3D design using Tinkercad, an online 3D design & printing app. Newton Librarian John Walsh will teach participants the basics of 3D design & guide them to design their own unique creations. No design or 3D experience necessary. All equipment & software provided. Registration required.
Tai Chi at the Library 
Saturday, November 25th, 10-11am
Library Assembly Room 
Join us for tai chi at the Library. Tai chi practitioner and coach, Aisling O'Shea, will guide you through this beautiful and low impact form of martial art and meditation. NO equipment necessary, just bring yourself and wear comfortable clothing.  
Belmont Story Project 
If you have a connection to Belmont, we invite you to join the Belmont Story Project. Modeled after NPR's Storycorps, the Belmont Story Project captures the stories of the people of Belmont, and preserves them for future generations.  To find out more, call 617-993-2870 and ask for Nancy.
English Conversation Circle 
Mondays, 10am-12pm
Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm
Library Flett Room
Come have a conversation in English. Improve your language skills, share experiences, learn about others' cultures, practice grammar, and have fun to boot! This group is geared toward a high-beginner to low-intermediate level. Sponsored by the Friends of the Belmont Public Library. 

bookgroupsBOOK GROUPS 
Senior Book Discussion Group 
" Babylon Revisited" by F. Scott Fitzgerald 
Friday, November 3rd at 11:00am  
Classroom A, Beech Street Center, 266 Beech Street, Belmont 
The senior book discussion group will discuss the short story "Babylon Revisited" by F. Scott Fitzgerald.  The senior book discussion group is co-sponsored by the Belmont Public Library and the Belmont Council on Aging.  All are welcome to attend. 
Belmont Book Discussion Group
A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki 
Wednesday, November 15th at 3:00pm
Library Flett Room
We will be discussing A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki. At this month's meeting we will also be voting on the titles for 2018. All are welcome. 
Knitting Club  
Fridays, 12:30-2:30pm 
Library Flett Room

Do you enjoy knitting or would you like to learn how?
Drop in to the Library's Knitting Club, anytime Fridays between 12:30-2:30pm in the Library Flett Room. Bring your knitting, or other portable crafts or projects, and we can get to know each other as we knit.  Jocelyn Milton , club leader, will be available for informal instruction. No sign up or registration necessary, just bring needles and yarn and we'll get you started!
*please note, no club:
Friday, November 10th (library closed for Veterans Day)  
Friday, November 24th (library closed for Thanksgiving)
Friday, December 22nd
Friday, December 29th  
Movie Club
This fall we started a new club for film lovers, DIAL M FOR MOVIES, hosted by Library Director, Peter Struzziero. Watch the film on your own or at the Library on our Film Screening Night with popcorn and drinks, and then join Peter and other film buffs for a lively discussion!
Screening: Friday, November 17th, 6:30pm 
Library Assembly Room
Film Discussion: Tuesday, November 21st, 7pm
Library Flett Room

Screening: Thursday, December 7th, 6:30pm 
Library Assembly Room
Film Discussion: Tuesday, December 12th, 7pm
Library Flett Room
New Financial Resource - Coming Soon!
Keep an eye out for the new Weiss Financial Ratings database, available as a 6-month trial, and take charge of your financial health. Watch our web site, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram for an announcement by the middle of the month.
With Weiss Financial Ratings, you'll be able to:
  • Set up a "watch list" of the securities and companies you follow and get automatic alerts when ratings change;
  • Read news and opinion articles about investment topics by experienced Weiss Ratings analysts;
  • Create your own "screeners" to compare companies or investments using criteria that are important to you.
Compare the new Weiss Ratings to the other investment databases we offer already and tell us which ones we should keep. We currently also subscribe to Morningstar Investment Research Center, which offers independent ratings and analysis for stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs, and Value Line Research Center, which provides in-depth research on companies, industries, markets, and economies.
All three databases will offer independent analysis and provide educational materials, such as articles, videos, or short courses on investment topics. Find them on our website by the " Subject Guide" quicklink on our homepage, then selecting "Business and Career." At home access requires a Belmont Library card.  
Which of the three databases best meet your needs? Once you have had a chance to try them, please take our five-minute survey here.
Want help? Email or call us at 617-993-2870.  
Image: Children's Room bulletin board, Read to Grow Your Mind 
Weekly Storytimes, Playgroups and other Programs for Children Ages 5 and Under
*Please note that storytimes and playgroups will not meet the week of November 20th due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
Infant Lapsit
Wednesdays at 10:30am
Library Flett Room 
For infants up to 12 months and pre-walkers, this short program of songs and rhymes is followed by time to play and socialize.
Storytime for 1's
Thursdays at 10:30am  
Library Flett Room 
For walkers and toddlers under 24 months. We'll share simple stories, songs, and nursery rhymes, and end with time to play.
Storytime for 2's and 3's
Tuesdays at 10:30am  
Library Flett Room 
Come listen to stories and rhymes, sing, and even dance!
Preschool Storytime
Wednesdays at 9:30 am  
Library Flett Room 
We'll read longer books, sing and dance, and make simple crafts. For 3-5 year olds with a longer attention span.
Early Literacy Playgroup
Fridays at 10:30am
Library Flett Room
This parent and child group supports your child's language and literacy development. You'll play, read, sing and take home new ideas! Presented by educators from the CFCE grant program; for children ages 4 and under. Please note that the playgroup will not meet on Friday, November 10th due to the closure of the library in observance of Veterans Day.
Music and Movement with Rubi
Two Sessions! Please choose Monday, November 27th, 9:30am OR 10:15am
Library Assembly Room 
For children ages 2-5, this active program will get kids (and their grownups) moving, dancing and having fun!
Parenting Workshop
Getting Ready for Reading and Writing 
Tuesday, November 7th, 7:00pm
Library Assembly Room 
This workshop will review milestones in the development of children's reading and writing skills from birth through 5 years of age. Learn activities you can do to help your child develop reading and writing skills. The workshop will be lead by Megan Olowinski, M.A. CCC-SLP Speech and Language Pathologist at the Early Steps Preschool in Watertown. This workshop is brought to you by the Coordinated Family and Community Education Grant and is designed for adults, not for children.    
After School Programs
2nd & 3rd Grader Duct Tape Network Maker Workshops  
Monday, November 6th from 3:30 to 5pm, Registration Required  
Monday, November 13th from 3:30 to 5pm, Registration Required  
Library Assembly Room  
Calling young architects in second and third grade! Join the Duct Tape Network for a hands-on creativity workshop focused on architecture. Create projects with cardboard, paper, recyclables and more. Try your hand at designing homes, dream rooms, schools, and playspaces for kids. You will even have an option to exhibit some of your ideas at the Belmont Gallery of Art. This program is presented in collaboration with the Belmont Gallery of Art's Home: A Sense of Place exhibit.
Lego WeDo Robotics
Tuesday, November 28th, 3:30pm
Library Flett Room 
Kids in grades 2-4 are invited to explore LEGO WeDo robotics in this monthly program. Space is limited, registration required.  
Teen Art Club
Saturday, November 4th and 18th, 2-4pm
Library Flett Room 
This teen-led art club meets two Saturdays a month. Are you a hidden future artist who always has creative ideas splashing out? Do you want to develop your art skills or learn some new art techniques? Have you ever thought about creating your own art portfolio? Come to Belmont Public Library and share the beauty of art!7th grade and up. Drop-in, no sign up necessary.

Python Programming, Grades 6-9
Wednesdays, November 29th , December 6th, 13th and 20th, 2-3:30pm
Library Flett Room
Middle schoolers of all skill levels interested in learning the Python programming language are welcome to join this 4-week class! For grades 6 to 9. If bringing a computer from home, please make sure Python 3 is installed (you can download and install Python 3.6.2 for free from ).

Python Workshop and Hackathon  
Saturday, November 4th, 1- 4 pm  
Library Assembly Room

Put your Python skills to the test at our second Hackathon of the fall! Teens will be given instruction in the programming language Python, then will be given the chance to put their problem-solving skills to the test with a coding challenge. Beginners and experienced coders alike are encouraged to attend! For teens grades 6 to 12, ages 12 and up.
Homework and Hot Chocolate
Wednesday, December 6th, January 3rd, and February 7th
1:30-3:30 pm
Library Assembly Room
IT'S BACK! Middle school students--come and eat snacks, do your homework and then play games, do crafts, or read books. Once a month on Wednesdays (usually the first Wednesday of the month.) Free, drop-in for 5th-8th graders.
Teen Advisory Board
Friday, November 17th, 3:30-5pm
Library Flett Room
Attention teens, grades 9 and up! Looking for a new community service opportunity? Join the teen advisory board. Meetings are held once a month during the school year on Friday afternoons, but you don't have to attend every month. We eat pizza, work on a volunteer project, and plan upcoming teen programs.
Persuasive Writing Class Essay Presentation
Thursday, November 9th, 6:30pm
Library Flett Room
The culmination of Belmont Public Library's 6-week writing workshop series, teens will present the essays they've created with Lynette Benton to friends, family, and other interested audience members. Light snacks will be provided.

Annual Beech Street Center Craft Fair
Saturday, Nov. 18, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
266 Beech Street, Belmont MA
Friends Of The Belmont C.O.A. To Host Annual Craft Fair
Over 40 vendors will be selling their crafts including jewelry, greeting cards , photography, pottery, handmade candies, knit scarves, hats and sweaters, quilts, toys, holiday ornaments and gifts, baked goods and other handmade items. Proceeds will help with programs at the Beech Street Center. Donation at the door is $1.00. Children under 12 are admitted for free. There will be a vendor craft raffle. A light lunch and refreshments will be available for purchase. For more information, please email
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