Winter 2017-18 News
Surgeries, a steep decline in tourism-related job income, a weak monsoon, and crop-ravaging insects all plagued our families this winter. They persevered, endured, and continued making progress. For all the full story, please click the button below:
Ajju, Rajkumar, & Nandene
It's a boy!

Rajkumar, Ajju, and big sister, Nandene welcomed a new baby boy, Om, on January 12, 2018.

Thanks to you, our donors, Rajkumar was able to receive good pre-natal care to ensure that both mother and baby remain healthy and happy.
Friends of TIG Gala 2017 Update

The India Group would like to thank everyone who attended and donated to our mission at our fundraiser last November 4th; you contributed so much to its success. We cannot continue our work without your generous support, so thank you all very much. If you pledged your annual $500 donation to sponsor one child's education at our event but have not done so yet, please click the link below:

Help educate children & keep families healthy

At least 90% of the funds donated go directly to the education or health care of the families TIG assists. TIG is a 501(c)3 organization, so donations are tax deductible.
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