Weekly Postings
February 16 - February 25, 2018
In This Issue

WED 5:30 PM

The season of Lent
"I invite the observance of a holy Lent"
The Book of Common Prayer, p. 265

With these words we are called into a different sort of experience. The Holy Season of Lent provides us an opportunity to experience our Church and our world in different ways. We are called: 
  • to self-examination and repentance, the discipline of taking a critical look at our lives and our relationship with God and His Son Jesus, being honest with ourselves and with God about our shortcomings, and seeking to amend our lives in ways that draw us closer to Jesus, knowing full well that it is only in that relationship that our lives are made whole;
  • to prayer, fasting, and self-denial, the disciplines of life that are for us the means of entering into that closer relationship with Jesus; prayer, both personal and corporate, opens for us a dialogue with God himself; fasting and self-denial can be means by which we are able in some small way to enter into the suffering of our Savior; 
  • to read and meditate on God's holy Word in our public worship and in our private devotions. Reading, hearing, and deeply pondering the words of the Bible can open our eyes and our hearts to God's gracious purpose for us and for the Church.

The primary purpose of responding to this call is to shake up our lives. During this Lenten season we at Saint Paul's will be drawn into an experience that, I prayerfully hope, will shake us up, make us a bit uncomfortable, and draw us more fully into that holy observance.

In worship we will shift to the more traditional and seemingly more penitential forms of Rite I. As the words of our worship change, we will have the chance to hear them in new ways, with a greater focus on asking God for help, acknowledging our shortcomings, and being open to amendment of life. Flowers will not adorn the church, helping us focus on the starkness of our lives without the joy of knowing Jesus.

An extremely useful tool for experiencing worship in different and more meaningful ways is to make a conscious decision to sit somewhere different in the church on Sunday morning. If you sit on one side, move to the other. If you sit in the back, move forward. Change your location each week, opening yourself to new experiences of God's gracious action in our worship.

On Wednesday during this season there will be an opportunity to gather at 11:45 AM for Noonday Prayer in the Chapel followed by our Lenten Wednesdays Series at 12:00 noon in Tyler Hall.

It is my hope and prayer that the holy season of Lent will stir us up, cause us to take inventory of our lives, and with joy be able to appreciate The Good News of Easter.

"I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent."

Our Schedule This Sunday February 18
8:00 AM
Holy Eucharist Rite I  (no music)
8:45 - 9:30 AM
Continental Breakfast  
Tyler Hall

9:30 - 10:30 AM
Christian Formation Classes for all ages (see schedule below.) 

10:30 - 10:45 AM
Coffee and Conversation
Tyler Hall

11:00 AM
Holy Eucharist  Rite I with the Canterbury and Saint Paul's Choirs

Following 11:00
Lemonade on the Lawn
5:30 PM
Celtic Evening Prayer & Communion with Prayers for Healing

This Sunday February 18
Lessons for This Sunday are Genesis 9:8-17; 1 Peter 3:18-22; Mark 1:9-15; Psalm 25:1-9.
Episcopal Relief and Development Sunday 
We will be collecting an offering to support Episcopal Relief & Development's mission to heal a hurting world. Your offering will go to the agency's Global Needs fund, which enables the agency to reach people who are most in need worldwide. Make your check payable to Saint Paul's and earmark for Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday. To learn more about the work of Episcopal Relief & Development, please visit
Celtic Service Celtic Evening Prayer & Communion
with Prayers for Healing
Sundays, 5:30 PM

Eryn Eubanks and the Family Fold are our guest musicians this Sunday. 

3 Bridges 5K: Pew to 5K
3 Sundays, Beginning February 18, 2:30 pm, Canal Trailhead 
Get ready for the 3 Bridges 5K with Saint Paul's. Meg Horton will lead a group on a walk/run through the race course for the next 3 Sundays at 2:30 pm. Meet at the canal trailhead at the end of Milledge Rd. Contact Meg Horton for more information. You can do this! For more information on the 3 Bridges 5K visit
NO EYC This Sunday
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community, grades 6-12) is away on their annual ski trip this weekend.  EYC will not meet at this Sunday. Email Ranie  with question or for more information on our EYC 2018 spring schedule.
YP Gathering
Sunday, February 18, 7-9 PM, The Bees Knees
Saint Paul's YP Monthly Gathering. Calling all 20-30-something young professionals, grad students, and wayward souls for a monthly gathering at the Bee's Knees for drinks and conversation following the Celtic Service. (Celtic Service attendance is not a qualifier!) For more information, email Ranie.

Formation Opportunities
Lenten Book Study
Beginning Sunday, February 18 & Wednesday February 21, Tyler Hall
This Lenten season, we invite the whole community at Saint Paul's to participate in a series of holy conversations grounded by a reading of Verna Dozier's beautiful, profound, and highly readable book: The Dream of God. The clergy will guide conversations during the formation hour Sundays (9:30 AM) and Wednesdays (noon to one) in Tyler Hall. The clergy also will lead Noonday Prayers in the Chapel each Wednesday at 11:45 AM

Whether or not you attend these holy conversations, please participate by reading this wonderful book. 30 copies of  The Dream of God will be available in the narthex and parish office or order here . Please give what you can afford: $5 - $20 by check-memo: LENTEN BOOK. 

Contact the clergy for further information.

NO Confirmation for 9th and 10th graders
EYC is away this weekend on their annual ski trip. Confirmation for 9th and 10th graders continues Sunday, February 25, 9:30 AM in the Conference Room.   Email Ranie  with questions.    2018 Confirmation Schedule is available here. 

My Faith - My Life -- grades 6-12
Youth Formation held in the Youth Room, Upstairs Parish House.  But first, breakfast to get the morning going!  

SPARK -- Ages 8-10 or grades 3-5
Location: Room #1, Children's Ministries Center
Our older children will again immerse themselves in SPARK, where they will work with the same themes and Scripture that we all encounter in common worship. Every lesson follows a four-part pattern: Gather, Open the Bible, Activate Faith, and Send. Week after week, the children and their leaders gather together, explore the Scriptures, enjoy one another's company, pray, and discover God's presence in their midst.
Godly Play -- Ages 4-7 
Location: Room #2 Children's Ministry Center
ALL children inherently know God, but it is up to us to give them the language of the Christian faith so they can grow to make meaning of our faith in their own lives. Godly Play is a profound method rooted in Montessori principles that forms child spirituality by attending to their natural gifts for wonder and discovery. 
Next Week February 19 - February 25
Gardeners Needed
The area between Saint Paul's Church and Chapel will have landscaping improvements made next month (March). Grounds chair, Keith Shafer, would like a small group of physically fit gardeners to assist with the installation of plants and shrubs. The work will be done on a Saturday morning and should take no more than 4 hours. If you are interested in this project, please email Keith or contact by telephone at (706) 339-7208.   
Tuesday's Music Live 
Tuesday, February 20, 12 noon
Tuesday's Music Live, 30th season continues Tuesday, February 20, with a free concert by the Peter and Will Anderson Jazz Trio, at  12 noon . Lunch, catered by It's Official, is available after the concert by advance reservation. The cost is $12 per person.  The full schedule including lunch menus is available at  

Welcome to Saint Paul's For Newcomers and Visitors
Wednesday, February 21, 5:30  PM , The Parlor
New to the Saint Paul's community? Get your questions answered and meet some of our staff and parish leaders in an informal gathering in the parlor 10 AM, Sunday, February 11, or join us prior to our next fellowship dinner, Wednesday, February 21, 5:30 PM.  RSVP to Elisabeth in the Parish Office
Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner
Wednesday, February 21, Tyler Hall 
Join us for our monthly fellowship dinner, Wednesday, February 21. On the menu: chicken tetrazzini, salad, rolls, and dessert. A reservation is not required; however, if you know you plan to attend, please 
RSVP to Todd Shafer so that we can be the best hosts. 
Master's Table Soup Kitchen
Saturday, February 24, 9 - 10:45 AM
The Master's Table Soup Kitchen located at 702 Fenwick Street will be staffed and sponsored by Saint Paul's Church volunteers Saturday, February 24. The Prep Team works from 9 - 10:45 AM. This is a great opportunity to get to know other parishioners while chopping, stirring, and preparing lunch for 150-250 guests.  
Contact Marilyn Grau for more information.
Quarterly Acolyte Training
Sunday, February 25, 12-1:30 PM
Quarterly acolyte training is Sunday, February 25, following the 11:00 service -1:30 PM. Anyone ages 9 and up interested in becoming an acolyte and all current acolytes are invited and encouraged to attend. Lunch will be served in Tyler Hall with training following in the church. Participants are requested to register so that lunch can be planned. Email Acolyte Master, Todd Shafer, for more information or to register.
Looking Ahead 
Sunday, March 4, 5:30 PM

The Saint Paul's Choir will sing Evensong, Sunday, March 4, 5:30 PM, in place of the Celtic Service. The service will include music by Paul Leddington Wright, H. Balfour Gardiner, and Herbert Sumsion. Child care will be available and a reception in Tyler Hall follows the service.
3 Bridges 5K Race and Walk
Saturday, March 10, 9 AM
The 3 Bridges 5K is a gorgeous run on the Augusta Canal National Heritage Area's new River Levee Trail.  This scenic course is paved out-and-back, crossing three bridges along the Savannah River and canal, with start/finish at the Lake Olmstead Trailhead. The race benefits the Augusta Canal National Heritage Area trails and the Saint Paul's Youth Program.  Use this link to find more information or to register.  If you are interested in becoming a race sponsor please contact Ranie.
Winter Quarter (January - March 2018)

The new Quarterly Outreach Opportunities is available here. Mark your calendar with these January - March 2018 service opportunities. We invite you to join us as often as you are able.

News from the Diocese

Click here to read this week's Diocese of GA Newsletter: From the Field 
February 2018
Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.

Our "Second Sunday"  Birthday Celebration  will be February 11.  Please Join us. 


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