February 23, 2018
We are saddened to report the passing of our friend Bob Stein. Bob and his wife Elaine trusted the art galleries with their spectacular collection of mid-twentieth century art, where it will serve as an educational resource and inspiration to our students and the public. They also made a very generous contribution to the Creative Arts Center project, and so the university art galleries are now the Robert and Elaine Stein Galleries. But more importantly, we remember Bob as a fascinating and informed conversationalist, a principled world citizen passionate about education and about his belief in Wright State. The CoLA family sends our deepest condolences to Elaine and the Stein family.
Beginning on Friday, March 9 and continuing for a total of 6 weeks, the college will present
CoLA Talks, a series of faculty scholarship and research presentations by CoLA faculty.
The presentations will take place at 3:30 p.m. each Friday. Locations will be announced at the beginning of each week. The presenters will be:
The CoLA Dean's Leadership Board scholarship sub-committees met last week to review applications for the study abroad and leadership scholarships. A special thank you to these committees, who spent countless hours reading and discussing over 40 applications, and to the entire board for their generous donations to fund these awards. Committees meet again in early to mid-March to make their final award selections.
The CoLA Scholarship Committee will also begin meeting soon to make decisions on college-level scholarships for academic year 2018-19. Last year this committee allocated close to $100,000 in scholarships, and they look forward to supporting our students significantly again this year. Stay tuned for more updates closer to the end of the semester, and thank you in advance to the committee members for their time investment in this important process: Rebecca Edwards, Religion, Philosophy, & Classics; Jennie Buckwalter, Dean's Office; Caroline Hillard, Art & Art History; and Chigon Kim, Sociology & Anthropology.
I enjoyed meeting students and passing out cookies at the Dean's Student Advisory Board Heart to Heart with Dean Caron event. Students had wonderful things to say about their teachers and programs, so congratulations to all!
Congratulations to our
Model Arab League team for taking home numerous awards at last weekend's annual
Ohio Valley Regional Model Arab League held at Shawnee State University. Nine of our students participated as Delegates representing Algeria, while two others served on staff for the Conference. Our team won
Outstanding Delegation as well as several individual committee awards: Sarah Upton and Noor Arkan, Outstanding Delegates in Palestinian Affairs; Dan Palmer and Ivan Mallett, Outstanding Delegates in Joint Defense Council; Brad Steel and Spencer Mallaster, Outstanding Delegates in Economic Affairs; and Victor Morales, Distinguished Delegate in Social Affairs. Special kudos to Vaughn Shannon, faculty advisor to the team, and Head Delegate Allyson Clark, who chaired a committee at the conference as well as prepared the team for their second straight year as Outstanding Delegation.
Back (Left to Right): Noor Arkan, Sarah Upton. Front (Left to Right): Nickii Webb, Lucas Gonzales, Victor Morales, Connor Morrow, Brad Steel, Allyson Clark (Head Delegate), Spencer Mallaster, Ivan Mallett, and Dan Palmer
Sociology and Anthropology will present a Brown Bag Colloquium on Monday, March 12. Jacqueline Bergdahl's talk is on
Food Insecurity at Wright State
and Amy Hubbard's topic is Research on Human Biological Variation: Its Uses and Misuses. The colloquium takes place at 1:00 p.m. in 399 Millett.
Next week is Spring Break, so we will take a pause from the CoLA Weekly. I hope you will enjoy some time to relax and unwind before we come back to finish out Spring Semester!
163 Millett Hall - 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy - Dayton, OH 45435 - 937-775-2225 - fax: 937-775-2181