Keeping King's Chapel's members and friends connected each week between Sunday worship services with updates from the Parish House.
Spotlight On
"Ring in" February School Vacation at King's Chapel! Join our History Program in celebrating our Revere & Son bell's 202nd birthday! The History Program will be open until 4 PM all of next week to welcome Vacation Week visitors and commemorate our historic church bell, installed in the chapel on February 23, 1816.

Visitors are invited to tour the bell tower, create their own bell at our craft station, listen to "the sweetest bell [Revere] ever made" in action, and more!

After cracking beyond repair in 1814, the church's 1772 English bell was melted down and recast by Revere & Son, bell foundry of famous Bostonian and craftsman Paul Revere. Join us to learn more about the bell's history and to see the bell yourself on a guided tour.

For more information about Vacation Week programs, please visit our History Events page:
From the Minister
Anytime we take a journey, we want to have some sense of our destination. But then life intervenes - the car breaks down and we're two days in a town we've never heard of; the flight is cancelled and we'll miss the beginning of the group tour; someone gets sick suddenly, and the nearest hospital is far from where you'd planned to be.

Wilderness wanderings are not what we planned. But sometimes, they can be a gift, at least in retrospect. The detours of life can birth unexpected benefits.

In this season of Lent, with our theme of journeying toward freedom, can we be open to some detours, some unexpected wanderings? Instead of fighting them, might you pause to wonder, "What might this have to teach me?" None of us does this willingly, joyfully, easily. But when we must, because the need car part won't arrive for two days, then instead of fuming, can we consider it an opportunity?

Journeying to Freedom often means giving up something, letting go of our well-enshrined plan.

What would freedom look like for you? From what do you yearn to be free?
- Joy
King's Chapel Winter Retreat: Fueling the Fire: Spiritual Practices for Modern Faith | February 16-18 | Glastonbury Abbey, Hingham, MA
At this year's retreat at Glastonbury Abbey we will explore ways to fuel our inner spiritual fire and come back to our center. Come and join us to reconnect, recharge and refuel. Hosted by Rev. Amelia Nugent.
Lenten Bible Study | Through March 22
7 pm Wednesdays - OR - 12 pm Thursdays 

There is an old saying about the Gospel of John: it is like a pool that's safe for a child to paddle in but deep enough for an elephant to swim in. 

This Lent we will dive into the language, imagery, and complex theology of the Gospel of John, discovering what it means to you, while listening to what it means to other people in our congregation. 

Please contact host Rev. Amelia Nugent for further details here:
Coming Soon to a Pew Near You...

The Membership Committee is hard at work making it easier for King's Chapel visitors, friends and members to stay in touch with us. These Fellowship Pads will soon be in our pews to allow newcomers to leave their information. 'Old timers' can use them too - to update information or leave a prayer request. 

Save the Dates
  • 5:30-7 pm Friday-Saturday 16-17: Till Death Us Do Part: History Program Tours. Tickets available here.
  • 7 pm Wednesdays OR 12 pm Thursdays through March 22: Lenten Bible Study
  • 10 am Sunday February 25: Social Justice Visioning
  • 5 pm Sunday February 25: 60th Anniversary Concert Series: Concerto! 
  • 6:30 pm Thursday March 1: "An Elegant and Lofty Steeple": A Lecture by Aaron M. Helfand; hosted by The Institute of Classical Architecture & Art, New England Chapter at King's Chapel. Tickets available here. King's Chapel Members can purchase tickets at Member price!
  • 2 pm Saturday March 3: Family Game Day at the Parish House
  • 6:30 pm Saturday March 10: Bistro 64 Greek Easter Vigil. Information and sign-up sheet next week. If you'd like to submit advanced reservations and more info ahead of time, please contact            Gregg Sorensen [] or                Anne Sexton [].
  • 10 am Sunday March 18: Praying with the Mystics; hosted by Rev. Joy Fallon
  • 5 pm Sunday March 18: 60th Anniversary Concert Series: Israel in Egypt

Holy Week


11 am March 25: Palm Sunday with Passion Story

6 pm March 29: Maundy Thursday Footwashing and Communion

12:15 pm March 30: Good Friday Midday Service

8 pm March 30: Good Friday Tenebrae

8 pm March 31: Holy Saturday Easter Vigil

11 AM April 1: Easter Sunday Holy Communion

Look Back
New Members Welcome!

  Kenneth Coleman         Megan Benders
Ken Coleman is an artist from Boston. He works with materials ranging from pixels to paints, to pumpkins. 

When not creating works, he hobbies around with with reading, blogging, cooking, and listening to music.
Megan lives in Dorchester with her husband, chihuahua, and 2 bunnies. She enjoys nature, history, BBC documentaries and meditation. 

She is studying psychoanalysis at the Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis. Megan comes from an Islamic background and is interested Unitarian theology and the teachings of Jesus.
Shrove Pancake Breakfast!

Click image for full slideshow

The Creation of a Shrove Waffle
Click to see the
Creation of a Shrove Waffle
Bistro 64: Mardi Gras!

Click image for full Mardi Gras Slideshow

From the History Program

Update: Sorry to break your heart, but "Till Death Us Do Part" tours are sold out! Last Friday, the History Program debuted a new program just in time for Valentine's Day: after-hours crypt tours focused on burial and mourning practices surrounding the death of a loved one throughout the crypt's history. The program proved incredibly popular, selling out before tours began! The tours drew a robust local audience, and we even saw visitors from as far was Washington, D.C. and Chicago! Check out a word cloud of how visitors are describing their experience, and we hope you'll join us next year!
From the Church School
Lent is here. In fact, it started yesterday! We are now in the season in which we can decide to give up something (such as chocolate or soda) or we decide to take something on (such as a daily prayer journal or volunteering at a local charity organization). Whatever you decide to give up or take on, the purpose of this process is that it is a journey. 
- Ryan
Calendar in Brief

Friday February 16
  • 5:30 pm Till Death Us Do Part History Program Tours
Friday February 16-Sunday February 18
  • King's Chapel Winter Retreat at Glastonbury Abbey
Saturday February 17
  • 5:30 pm Till Death Us Do Part History Program Tours

Sunday February 18 

  • 9 am Morning Light
  • 10 am Church School
  • 11 am Morning Prayer 
Monday February 19-Saturday February 24
  • 10 AM - 4 PM Extended hours for History Program open daily.
Wednesday February 21
  • 6 PM Holy Communion
  • 7 PM Lenten Bible Study

Thursday February 22

  • 12 PM Lenten Bible Study
Sunday February 25
  • 9 AM Morning Light
  • 10 AM Social Justice Visioning Session 
  • 11 AM Morning Prayer
  • 5 PM Concerto!
  • 6:30 PM Concert reception at the Parish House
In This Issue
Last Week's Sermon
For Video Sermon Please Click Image
Sunday Services
February 18
Morning Light | 9 am

Morning Prayer with Baptism | 11 am
  • Rev. Joy Fallon, Preacher
  • Rev. Amelia Nugent, Assistant Minister
  • Heinrich
    Christensen, Music Director
  • Sudeep Agarwala, Soloist
  • Kenneth Jake Bitner and Kenna Diaz, Lector
  • Cynthia Hargrove Perkins, Layreader
  • Paul Luca, Head Usher
  • Sylvia Soderberg, Usher in Charge
  • KC Dalton and Todd Lee, Ushers
  • Clark Aitkins, Verger
The Readings:
  • Psalm: 25:1-10 
  • Old Testament: Genesis 9:8-17
  • New Testament: Mark 1:9-15          
The arrangement on the chancel is offered in memory of Madelyn Cohane McKie from her loving  son Ted McKie and Carolyn Russ.
At the communion rail following the service,
Todd Lee will greet those interested in learning more about King's Chapel.

After the service, all are invited to Coffee Hour, hosted by Amy Meyer   and friends of the Hospitality Committee.
From the Bench
This Sunday, the music selected reflects the beginning of our Lenten journey. We open and close with Bach's somber Prelude and Fugue in b minor. The choir will sing of Jesus' temptation in the desert in an Italian Renaissance motet by Francisco Guerrero, as well as two pieces looking back to Ash  Wednesday's scriptures, Psalm 51 set to music by Canadian composer Robert John King, and Ned Rorem's brief introit, Lay Up For Yourselves Treasures in Heaven. The soloist is Sudeep Agarwala. 
Tuesday Recitals
Tuesday, February 20
12:15 pm

Kyle Bertulli
plays the C.B. Fisk Organ
Bach, Callahan, Mendelssohn
Want to know 
what's going on at 
King's Chapel?

Click HERE  to view the King's
Chapel Schedule at our website:
Volunteer: Sign up  for Hospitality
Interested in Membership?
Contributing to Between Sundays

Our e-newsletter is sent each Thursday afternoon.  Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email Sam at  with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at noon!
Accessibility Assists

Our beautiful Georgian sanctuary designed by Peter Harrison and completed in 1754, has been lovingly maintained by the congregation since its completion. One of the box pews has been made wheel-chair accessible. Ushers are available to assist those who are wheelchair-bound to that pew.

A sound system has been installed in the sanctuary of The Chapel to amplify the sound during worship services. Hearing assistance devices are available for your use. Please see an Usher for assistance.