February 16, 2018
This Week at St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo
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Upcoming Calendar
Saturday, February 17
5pm - Holy Eucharist in the Church

Sunday, February 18, The First Sunday in Lent
8 am - Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
9:50 am - Infant/childcare provided, Sunday School
10 am - Holy Eucharist in the Church with choir and organ
Coffee Hour follows in Bentley Hall
11:30 am - Vestry Meeting in the Vestry Room

Monday, February 20, Presidents Day
Church office and preschool closed

Wednesday, February 21, Peter Damian, Bishop, 1072
10 am - Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
11 am - Chapel for Preschool 3’s and 4’s
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Like many others, I learned late in the evening (actually just before the Ash Wednesday service started) about the latest tragic shooting in Florida. Ash Wednesday is a day for remembering our mortality and dependence upon God’s grace, but the thought of so many lives ending so soon left me with a feeling of darkness and despair. How long, O Lord? How long must we journey through this desert of violence? This is the second time campus gun violence has touched our family. In 2015 shots were fired at Northern Arizona University, where my mother is a professor; 1 person killed, 3 injured. We learned last night that our cousin Terry is head of the guidance department at Douglas High School, the latest site of carnage. We are grateful that in both instances our family members were not hurt, but we can not help but think, “What if?” On Thursday morning, I went up to the preschool classrooms as I always do, but this time I was struck by the innocence of our students. As I walked in, their eyes lit up, they smiled and said, “Father Rick!” One little girl, who was eating a green grape, looked at my green sweater and said, “You’re green!” They feel completely safe and loved inside our walls--as they should. The thought of someone violating their innocence in such a horrific way first made me angry, but then profoundly sad. How long, O Lord? The swift response of Florida’s governor to offer his “thoughts and prayers,” but not “politicize” the event at this time, was not at all surprising. Legislators in that state have done little to prevent the proliferation of deadly arms. This failure to act not only hurts their state, but makes the I-95 corridor a veritable conveyor belt of guns destined for Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and beyond. As people of faith, prayer is certainly in order. But as thoughtful citizens, we are called to act, and this year we have an especially powerful tool to use--our votes. Let’s not squander this opportunity to make this a more perfect union, while still honoring our constitutional rights.

Here are some reasons why:
Columbine High School, Colorado, April 1999
Heritage High School, Georgia, 1999
Deming High School, New Mexico 1999
Buell Elementary School, Michigan, 1999
Lakeworth Middle School, Florida, 2000
Santana High School, California, 2001
Red Lion Jr High School, 2001
Rocori High School Minnesota, 2003
Red Lake High School, Minnesota, 2005
Campbell County Comprehensive High School, Tennessee, 2005
Essex Elementary School, Vermont, 2006
Weston High School, Wisconsin, 2006
West Nickel Mines School, Pennsylvania, 2006
Millard South High School, Nebraska, 2009
Chardon High School, Ohio, 2012
Sandy Hook Elementary School, Connecticut, 2012
Sparks Middle School, Nevada, 2013
Arapahoe High School, Colorado, 2013
Reynolds High School, Oregon, 2014
Marysville High School, Washington, 2014
Independent High School, Arizona, 2016
Townville Elementary School, North Carolina, 2016
North Park Elementary School, California, 2017
Freeman High School, Washington, 2017
Marshall County High School, Kentucky, 2018
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Florida, 2018

Kyrie eleison.

Fr Rick
Lenten Learning
Lent will feature an Enquirer's class, with everything you always wanted to know about the Episcopal Church but were afraid to ask. On Sundays Feb 25, Mar 4, 11, 18, whether you are a cradle Episcopalian or brand new to the faith, please join Fr. Rick in an exploration of all things Anglican. We will cover everything from the creeds to couture! Sessions will be held in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit from 9am to 9:45-ish.
Mardi Gras Weekend
Thank you to everyone who helped make our annual Mardi Gras celebration so much fun -- what a great way to close out the season of Epiphany! Thank you especially to Greg and Patte Stevens, our chefs, who prepared a delicious breakfast; the EYF and Sunday School who helped decorate and serve; and everyone who gave so generously to our outreach appeal (for helping people in need locally as well as in Africa). Please visit our Facebook page for more photos of the event and to follow all happenings at St. Mary's.
All are truly welcome at St. Mary's, which is located within the historic gates of Tuxedo Park and serves the entire Tuxedo community. Please tell the gatehouse you're going to St. Mary's, proceed thru the gates and we're on the right (plenty of parking available).
How to contact us...
Office: 845.351.5122
PreSchool: 845.351.2389