2018: February 15, 2018

Below is the current edition of the Gathering & Scattering newsletter.   If you have any questions about anything found in this newsletter, please visit our website or contact the church office by calling (225) 344-0343. We hope to see you in worship this Sunday!

Not all events happening at the church are able to be highlighted in our newsletter.
To view a full list of church events, please visit our online calendar at: 
Please read the entire newsletter for more details on the items listed below, as well as for other details of events and news from the church. Not all events happening at the church are listed below.
SUNDAY, February 18th: First Sunday in Lent
8:30 a.m.      Worship
9:25 a.m.      Children Leave worship for G.P.S.  & go to choir
9:30 a.m.      Fellowship Time in the Fellowship Hall
9:45 a.m.      Sunday School for All Ages
11:00 a.m.    Worship
12:00 p.m.    Fellowship Time in the Fellowship Hall
12:00 p.m.    FREE College Lunch
1:00 p.m.      Youth Group to view LSU Godspell
4:30 p.m.      Faith Friends
4:30 p.m.      Chapel Choir Rehearsal

"The Gift of Uncertainty"  
Rev. Dr. Jane Riecke 
I Corinthians 13:8-13 
"Mend your ways...live in peace"
Song Leader, Susannah Craig (8:30AM)
Anthems lifted up by Chapel Choir "Blest Are They" (8:30AM), Justice Merrifield,
Anna Camille Eagleton, and Mary Stuckey soloists
And Chancel Choir "Be Still and Know" (11AM)
Chapel Choir lifts up "Lonesome Valley" at 8:30AM during Offertory
And Chancel Choir lifts up "Psalm 139" at 11AM during Offertory   
Organist, Evelyn Hopes presents for Prelude "Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross"
Organist, Evelyn Hopes presents for Postlude "Forty Days and Forty Nights"

NEW SERMON SERIES STARTS THIS WEEK: GIFTS OF THE DARK WOOD  - This sermon series, based on the book by the same name by Eric Elnes, is about "seeing life through new eyes, recognizing that experiences of  failure, emptiness, and uncertainty are as critical for finding our way through life as they are unavoidable." Throughout the six weeks we will explore how our struggles of life can be the seedbed of spiritual awakening to the fullness of life. We will see the blessings that come in our wandering through a "dark wood."  Join us beginning Sunday, February 18 at either 8:30 or 11 AM in worship.

Pastor's Pen 

I believe one of the challenges of being a pastor is to be fully present to each moment.  So often we are thinking of the next project, the next meeting, the next sentence that we don't fully enjoy the moment in which we find ourselves.  

Centering prayer is the only way that I settle myself enough to be present in the moment and listen for the gentle whispering of God.  During Lent I am committing to teaching and attending at least one of our study sessions on Gifts of the Dark Wood; participating in Quiet Spaces and staying for Centering Prayer; and fasting from fast food. This Lent, I feel the need to slow down and experience the world around me.  I feel the need to listen closely to the Holy Spirit's nudging.

The Lenten season is a perfect time to step back for reflection and repentance. It invites us to look inside our hearts, seeing ourselves with compassion and truth - to see both our brokenness and our beauty, our failings and our faithfulness. Each one of us knows instinctively what we need to deepen our walk with Christ.

Prayer, fasting, giving a special offering for Hope Ministries, attending an additional Bible study, serving in the community, or attending upon the weekly worship of God are just some of the many possibilities for you to strengthen your relationship with God during the Lenten season.

You might read one of the gospels each week, getting to know Jesus more intimately. You could commit to praying daily for the church or your community or the world. You might want to commit to an act of service to the least among us - serving at Holy Grill, visiting a local nursing home, writing to someone who is homebound, raising money to increase justice and mercy in the world.

Let us commit together to keep this Lenten season holy. Set it apart from other times, to make of ourselves, our very lives, an offering to our gracious and loving God. Let us take up our crosses and follow Jesus.

In peace and grace,
Dr Jane

An Invitation for Lent...
 "...so in the Dark Wood you bring all your shortcomings with you, not in order to purge them or be judged by them, but to embrace them in such a way that your struggles contribute meaningfully to the central conversation God is inviting you to have with life." 
Gifts of the Dark Wood, Seven Blessings for Soulful Skeptics (and Other Wanderers)  
Are you intrigued by this title?  We will use Eric Elnes book by this title as a central theme and focus of the Lenten journey in Sunday sermons and small group study.   
This book has chapters which include: The Gift of Uncertainty, The Gift of Emptiness, and The Gift of Being Thunderstruck.  What interesting ideas! A limited number of books will be available in the church for $15.  Signup sheets will be in the Fellowship Hall or you may sign up by contacting the church office  at 225-344-0343 or by emailing [email protected].   
Gifts of the Dark Wood Promo Video 
From the book cover:  
Though commonly understood as a place to be feared and avoided, the Dark Wood is the surest place to meet God. It is a place where you may feel uncertain, emptied, lost, tempted, and alone. Yet these feelings-these gifts of the Dark Wood-can be your greatest assets on your journey because they invite you to probe, question, and discover.  
There are three opportunities for group study: 
Wednesday Early Morning: 7-8am  
February 14-March 21 
Chapel at University UMC 
Each week a facilitator will introduce the chapter for that week and offer some discussion questions for the group pondering. No preparation is required, although participants are encouraged to read the chapter ahead. Coffee will be ready!  We will begin and end promptly.   
Thursday Noon until 1:30pm 
February 15-March 22 
Parlor at University UMC 
This group will gather with a brown bag lunch (if you like), watch the video from the series and then discuss that week's scripture and the questions that might help us see the gift of the Dark Wood from that week's reading.  We will read one chapter each week.  Facilitators: Barbara Albright and Lisa Frost.  
Sunday Afternoon: 4:30-6pm 
February 18-March 25 
Fellowship Hall at University UMC 
We will gather with music and watch the week's series video which feature people like Brian McLaren, Parker Palmer and Diana Butler Bass!  We will read and study the scripture for that week and spend some time in discussion about how we see our lives and our community in the that week's gift of the Dark Wood. Facilitators include Rev Dr Jane Rieke, Rev. Colleeen Bookter, Dr. John Fletcher, and more!

Mommy & Me Playdate - February 17 at 1:00pm - Java Mama's

All little ones (and their parents) are invited to meet at Java Mama's (Bluebonnet) on February 17 at 1pm. We'll play and visit and get to know one another! Our goal is to create a connection others "in the same boat," helping each other with listening ears, advice when needed, and adult conversations! All are welcome! Our next Playdates are set for 10am on March 10, April 21 and May 19. Hope to see you there.
Children's Ministries Field Trip to the Knock Knock Museum

We are heading to the Knock Knock Museum on Sunday, February 25 at 1pm and YOU are invited to join us! The cost is $14/person (12 month olds and younger are free). There is no group rate for weekends; however, if you have a membership with the Museum, you may use that.

"KNOCK KNOCK!"  "Who's There?" "You, I hope!!!"

Please note that Faith Friends will NOT meet after our Field Trip.
Children's Council Meeting 
Sunday, February 18 at 12:15 PM in the Library

The Children's Council will meet Sunday, Feb 18, to start dreaming and planning ways to bring our children closer to Christ. We invite anyone who has a vested interest in the children of University Methodist and our surrounding community to join us. Lunch (and chocolate) will be provided. For more information, please contact the Children's Council Chair, Colleen Puccio at [email protected] or our Children's Director, Vicki Frick at the church office or at [email protected].
Mark your calendars for Upcoming Fun for Everyone:

Mommy & Me Playdate - Saturday, February 17, 1:00pm (at Java Mama's)
Field Trip to Knock-Knock Museum - Sunday, February 25, 1:00pm
Cradle Roll Sunday - Sunday, March 11, both services
Church Picnic & Easter Egg Hunt - Palm Sunday, March 25, 12:15pm
Vacation Bible School 2018 Rolling River Rampage - June 11-15, 9am-12noon
Holy Grill Volunteers Needed!
This is a noon-time food service in the Zion City neighborhood at Cadillac Park (North Baton Rouge) provided by the Interfaith Federation of Greater Baton Rouge. Our volunteers join other volunteers from member congregations who serve on a rotating schedule to help fulfill the Federations' mission. This year we will serve the week of February 26-March 1st.   Six servers are needed each day for service from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The Holy Grill, a daytime lunch program, was the first program launched by the Interfaith Federation of Greater Baton Rouge, founded in 1986 as The Greater Baton Rouge Federation of Churches and Synagogues.  Please sign up on the sheet in Fellowship Hall this week. 
New Grief Support Group Begins on Monday, February 19th
Sooner or later, heartache comes to all of us as we experience mourning and grief. Help is sometimes needed in knowing how to deal with it, how to work through it, and how to grow because of it. Knowing what faith has to say to us about the grief process is also valuable information. These are the topics we will explore together in a new Grief Support Group that is starting on Monday, February 19th and runs for 12 weeks. We will be meeting once a week from 10:30 am - 12:00 PM on Monday mornings in the Parlor. Ki Addison, a former licensed counselor, and Rev. Carol Civils will be co-facilitating this group. Anyone who has experiences the loss of a loved one within the past two years is invited to participate. Please contact the church office at 225-344-0343 to register or to ask further questions.
Kids Hope News & Updates  
Let's make the most of these 6 uninterrupted weeks to solidify the foundations we've been working so hard to build.

Upcoming Dates to Note: 
  • February 12th-16th  - Mardi Gras Break - No Volunteering
  • March 16th - Professional Development Day - Students do not attend
  • March 30th - April 6th - Spring Break - No Volunteering
  • April 23rd-27th - Last week of Volunteering this school year
  • Thursday May 10th 10:00am- 5th Grade Recognition Ceremony in our Sanctuary.  All volunteers of 5th graders are invited to attend.
Thanks for being the ONE~   

Shirley Flake
Director, Kids Hope of UUMC 

Church Photo
In This Issue

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3350 Dalrymple Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

PHONE: 225.344.0343
FAX: 225.344.0530

Senior Pastor: 
Associate Minister: 
Rev. Colleen Bookter

Wesley Foundation Director:
Rev. Adam Darragh 

If you received this email from a friend, please consider
 signing up to receive it directly through constant contact: 

This Week in Youth
9:45 AM - Youth Sunday School

This Sunday, we will begin our Lenten study on the Gospel of John through the lessons and teachings of the book, John: The Gospel of Light and Life by Adam Hamilton.

I'm so excited for this study and to share in dialogue and conversation through it! Hope to see you there!

11:00 AM - Youth Band Rehearsal
1:00 PM - LSU Musical Theater production of Godspell

This year, the LSU Musical Theater Club is performing Godspell! The performance starts at 2PM and is free to the public! We will meet at the church for 1:00PM and leave together to see the musical. We will be getting in line early due to the show's limited seat capacity.

4:30PM - Youth Choir Rehearsal


Feb. 17th - Rise Against Hunger
Feb. 18th - Start of Youth Lenten Study -
"John: The Gospel of Light and Life " by Adam Hamilton  
This Lenten season we will be diving into the Gospel of John with a study created by the noteworthy and esteemed Adam Hamilton.
Feb. 25th - Youth Parent Meeting @ 4pm
This meeting will provide information about the summer choir trip and the summer mission trip.
Feb. 27th - BBQ Chicken Dinner Fundraiser 
Sundays 4:30-6:00 PM
Special Lenten Study 

Although Faith Friends is normally for 3rd-6th Graders, during Lent (February 18-March 25), we will offer special Lenten activities for our younger children (age 4 and up) as well, so that parents will be able to participate in the adult Lenten Study. We are also offering a Nursery for infants and toddlers. We do lots of different things, including crafts, games, skits and mission projects, all with an underlying goal to grow closer to Christ and each other. Come Grow with Us this Lenten Season!

Parents, as you register for the Bible Study, please let us know if your child(ren) will be joining us.

For more information about our group, please contact Vicki Frick at [email protected] or (225) 344-0343. Hope to see you soon! 


Our church gardens are often an enhancement to our worship experience, but not always.  The care for our gardens does not just happen magically.
 People are needed!

For the care of our church gardens, there are opportunities for just about everyone of any age: individuals, children, families, students, Sunday School classes, small groups, scouts, Faith Friends, etc.

Please check the list below and carefully consider volunteering to help. There will be sign up sheets in Fellowship Hall this Sunday.  Look for the bulletin board.

    • Weed Warriors
    • Ball Moss Gatherers
    • Pot Waterers
    • Trash Troopers
    • Pine Straw Mulchers
    • Chain Saw Gang
    • Asian Jasmine Attackers
    • "Back 40" Bushwhackers
Youth & College Ministry Update
The search for UUMC's next Director of Youth & College Ministry is underway! With assistance from Ministry Architects, our Search Team of six UUMC members has finalized a job description and timeline to recruit and hire the best candidate for this critical role. Already, a posting for this position has been placed in more than 200 outlets nationwide. Next steps include the collection and review of resumes, while continuing to listen to the ideas and concerns of both parents and youth in our current and future programs.

If you have questions about this search, or suggestions that would help our team, please feel free to share them with Dr. Jane. Meanwhile, please pray that our Youth Renovation and Search teams will be successful in our goal of establishing the world-class program that our youth deserve.
Cradle Roll Sunday - March 11th - Both Services 
Our Church family has gained 10 new babies this past year and we want to celebrate! All UUMC families with new babies born since March 2017 are invited to join us for a special day of Worship and Celebration. Parents, please RSVP to [email protected] with your preferred service time.


Palm Sunday Church Picnic & Easter Egg Hunt ~ March 25th 
Our EGG-stravaganza will begin with a Church-Wide Picnic at Dr. Ruth Patrick's home on Palm Sunday directly after the 11:00 Service. Everyone is invited to bring a picnic lunch, a blanket for your family, and a dessert to share! We'll play some yard-games and share the Easter Story. Our HUNT will start at 1:30pm. Don't forget your Easter basket!

The Easter Bunny has started making plans for this EGG-straordinatry annual event and he needs YOUR help! To make it EGG-stra EGG-citing for all of the kiddos, we need Trillions of Treat-Filled Eggs! YOUR donations will be EGG-specially appreciated! Please pick up a dozen (or more) plastic eggs, fill them with individually wrapped, non-melting candy or trinkets, and tape them shut. Donations can be dropped off in the church office anytime between now and Palm Sunday Eve Eve (Friday, March 23).


Vacation Bible School 2018 Rolling River Rampage
June 11-15, 9am-12noon

Registration is now open!

The cost is $20/student (with a $60 family maximum for siblings). Forms can be found in the Church Office, the Fellowship Hall and the Preschool Lobby. You may also download a form from our website, complete it and mail it in. We hope to have online registration available soon! Please invite your neighbors and your friends to join us on our Rolling River Rampage!

Camp Istrouma ~ Our Overnight Church Camp
At Camp Istrouma we live out our motto: Developing Disciples, Forming Friendships and Impacting Lives Forever! Our camp, located in Greenwell Springs,  features swimming, "the Blob", 100 foot water slide, 32 foot high climbing wall, hiking, canoeing, sports, crafts, skits, low ropes, talent shows, Bible Study, and amazing worship. Our Camping Program is designed to develop an awareness of and appreciation for God's world and our place in it, to foster opportunities for Christian worship and fellowship, and to provide experiences living in a Christian community. Above all, our goal is to lead our campers to Jesus Christ - not by words only - but our actions.  
2018 Summer Camp Dates:
    • June 4-8      Discovering God 1 - 3rd-6th Grade
    • June 11-15  Pathfinders 1  - 6th-8th Grade
    • June 18-22  Journey w/ Jesus - 2nd-5th Grade
    • June 25-29  Pathfinders 2  - 6th-8th Grade
    • July 2-4       Camp Getaway  - 2nd-5th Grade
    • July 9-13     Discovering 2 - 3rd-6th Grade
    • July 16-20   Senior Sonrise  - 9th-12th Grade
    • July 23-27   Pathfinders 3  - 6th-8th Grade
Take it from someone who has been there many times, Camp Istrouma is THE Place to BE! For more information or to Register, check out their website: www.campistrouma.com or give Vicki a shout.


The LSU Musical Theatre Club presents Stephen Schwartz's Godspell
-Friday, February 16@7:30, Saturday, February 17@2:00 and 7:30 and Sunday, February 18@2:00. The performances are at the Reilly Theater (Swine Palace) and are free. There will be general seating!
See you there!
Terry Patrick- Harris, Faculty Sponsor, MTC@LSU  

 [ If your Sunday School Class would like their weekly study listed below, please email Kelly Surace at  
[email protected]  or call 344-0343 each Monday to be included in that weeks G&S listing ]
To find out more information about the Sunday School classes below, please visit our website.

    • Carpenters Class - We will study the "Animate" series. Join us in room 210 on the second floor of the Trice building for a great discussion. 
    • College Class - We invite you to join us upstairs in the Trice Building in room 214 for a lesson on Essentials. We will studying the basic tenets of Christian belief from a United Methodist perspective.
    • Contemporary Christian Concerns (C.C.C.) Class - Louisiana's Finances.  Jim Richardson, Presenter..  This class meets in the church Parlor.
    • Foundations Class -This class focuses on short-cycle studies that range from topical subjects, to discussions of Scripture. To accommodate busy schedules, our studies are designed for "picking up" at any week of the study, and require no "homework." This class welcomes open conversation that uplifts our common journey in faith and meets upstairs in the Trice Building Room 215.
    • Genesis Class - We will study the "Challenge of Paul" series from John Dominic Crossan, which will put Paul's writings into their historical context and invite us to think about Paul's views on homosexuality, slavery, and the patriarchy differently. We meet in the upstairs of the Trice building in room 213.
    • Inter-Generational Bible Study Class - Please join us this Sunday morning at 9:45 in the UUMC Library. We will will continue reading Hebrews, focusing on chapter 6. We'll meet in the UUMC Library during the Sunday School hour. Thanks to Tommy Damico for leading us again!. Our guide is from N.T. Wright's "For Everyone Bible Study Guides."
    • Open Door Class - Join us as we study "What Makes a Hero:  The Death Defying Ministry of Jesus" by Matt Rawle - Lesson One:  Good, Evil, and God. We meet in Downstairs Trice.


  • Happy Birthday to Jo Salter and Douglas Deason.
  • Congratulations to Ginny and Matthew Mumfrey on the baptism of their daughter, Alice Anne Mumfrey, in worship this last Sunday.
  • Congratulations to Chip & Laura Fahey on the birth of their son, Ford Robert Fahey. Proud grandparents are Ruthie and Bobbie Fahey.

  •  Condolences to Cleve Brooks and family on the death of his mother-in-law, Mary Elizabeth Goings.

  • Robert Bailey, Cynthia Dennis Fisher, Norma Garner, the family of Mary Elizabeth Goings, John and Nathalie Henderson, Don Oakley, Rick Thomas, Paul Ungar, Tom Wilton, Diane Zufall.
*If you have a Joy, Concern, or a name for the prayer list that you would like mentioned here, please email [email protected] or call her in the church office at 225-344-0343. Deadline for submitting information to the newsletter is every Monday at noon for information to be included in that weeks newsletter.  We also celebrate birthdays of our members who have reached the age of 80+, if you fit this category but we missed your birthday, please call us so we can add your birthday to our database.*