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February 2018
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Commencement will be held May 19th and 20th.


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The Annual Faculty Retreat was held on January 18, 2018. The topic was Re-Visioning General Education.

The day started with a World Cafe exercise asking questions such as What is GE? What is upper division GE? What do we want our students to learn from GE?

The attendees then heard from a panel of students about their experiences with GE courses. Karen Moranski provided information about different models of GE. Attendees then discussed the pros and cons of the models.

After lunch, workshops discussed a variety of topics related to GE. Beer, wine with chips and salsa ended the day. 

The call for participants to serve on the temporary GE Revision subcommittee has gone out via email. This committee has specific charges and deadlines.

If you would like to see the report put together by the Faculty Chair about the Retreat, email the Senate office,
Policy Revisions To Know About
Following from the 2016 Faculty Retreat discussion and WASC recommendations about program review and after extensive consultation and debate in governance, the new Program Review policy is ready for implementation. 

Faculty and Department Chairs are strongly encouraged to read the new policy. It has been substantially changed.

The Cheating and Plagiarism policy was also updated in Spring  2017. The terms "informal resolution" and "formal resolution" have been replaced with the terms "negotiated" and "adjudicated." The other change provides that any student charged with cheating or plagiarism, even if they have signed the negotiated agreement form, will have a meeting with the Student Conduct Administrator to help them get back on track. The negotiated agreement form is here. It is very important that instances of cheating or plagiarism are reported, so the campus can identify repeat offenders.

What's Happened in Faculty Governance
The Senate had a visit from the Mayor of Rohnert Park, Jake Mackenzie in the Fall.

At the first Senate meeting of the Spring, the Senate heard a Budget Update from Laura Lupei.
The Election for the following positions will start after census date - February 16th.
  • Chair of the Faculty 
  • Vice Chair of the Faculty 
  • Secretary of the Senate 
  • At-Large Senator 
  • At-Large to Academic Freedom Subcommittee
  • 2 Members to URTP 
  • At-Large member to Senate Diversity Subcommittee
Don't know our acronyms? Go here
Curricular Items approved in Fall
  • Revision to Theater and Arts and Dance Major
  • Dual Language Historical Research Certificate 
  • Expedited: Human Development BA
  • Expedited: CALS BA
  • Expedited: Geography BA+Minor

The SSU Curriculum Guide is now online and live!

Currently, there is a call for service for faculty to serve on two search committees - VP of Advancement and CIO. Check your email for details. 
Sonoma State University Academic Senate
 707-664-2801 | | Senate Home Page
1801 East Cotati Ave, ST 1027
Rohnert Park, CA 94928