Vol. 8, Iss. 6
February 15, 2018

Following is a message from Ann Citrin, vice president, BFA Board of Directors

Dear Parents,
It was wonderful to see our parents, staff, and families at last month's Town Hall meetings. For those of you that were unable to attend, I want to highlight some of the things the BFA Board of Directors has been working on this school year.
Following the completion of the build-out of the school, the BFA Board has looked to other ways in which we can reach each of our students to improve their education. In the spring, we were pleased to announce our new administration. Principal Diana Simpson and Assistant Principals Jason Elliot and Aric Gomez have been wonderful additions to BFA and have seamlessly continued to grow our school and school spirit.
In addition, we approved the purchase and installation of the artificial turf field. This fall and winter we have seen the impact that this has had on our students. We have found that more days with outside recess and a place to run around equates to happier kids, teachers and parents! Further, we have been able to use the field as a revenue stream when it is not needed by BFA students.
The Board has also worked hard to reward and retain our amazing teaching staff. Specifically, Kent Barwind  has put in numerous hours with Principal Simpson  and  Halsley Hoff to establish a uniform pay scale that is fair, rewards our teachers for their commitment to their own education as well as to BFA, and helps to ensure that we attract and retain the best teachers possible.
We are proud to report that BFA remains financially stable. BFA's finance committee works with Principal Simpson to ensure that we have budgeted and invested wisely and continue to add to our existing reserves.
In our January meeting, the Board elected Bill Castor to continue as Board president and elected Steve Haas as treasurer. Please join me in congratulating each of them and thanking them for taking on such important roles for our school.
As you have read in recent communications, we have two Board seats coming to the end of their term this year. The Parent Voting Group will be able to elect one member and the Board will appoint one member. We need candidates for these positions. Please click here
to see how you can throw your hat into the ring or nominate someone whom you think would be a good addition.
Finally, we need your input to develop our next 5-year plan to continue to improve BFA. Please help us by completing the SAC parent survey. The survey is "live" this week, and if you have not yet done so, please click here to complete it. Thank you!
Ann Citrin

No School
There is no school tomorrow, Feb. 16, as it is a comp day for teachers. And, we are off school on Monday, Feb. 19, to celebrate Presidents' Day. Enjoy your long weekend!

We're proud to announce that Ben Franklin Academy is the FIRST PLACE WINNER of the Macaroni Kid 2018 Most Fantabulous DCSD School! Thanks to our BFA community who voted (sometimes every day!) for our school. We sincerely appreciate you spreading the word about our amazing school. As a FIRST PLACE winner, Macaroni Kid Highlands Ranch-Parker-Castle Rock-Lone Tree is awarding us with a $500 Visa Gift Card from Osgood Team Real Estate and Dream Dinners Parker  is providing a catered lunch for staff.  

The School Accountability Committee (SAC) parent satisfaction survey is now open and will continue until the end of February. The survey is an important part of SAC's commitment to providing opportunities for parents to be involved in the planning and evaluation of the school's instructional program and quality improvement processes. Please click here to complete the survey.
Volunteers will be distributing iPads and laptops this week during normal conference times so you can take the survey while you're waiting for your conference to begin. Only one parent per family needs to complete the survey. Parents who take the survey and give their family number will be entered into a drawing for $25 gift cards to Amazon and Target. SAC is going to randomly choose 10 lucky winners--so take the survey today!

Jump Rope for Heart is in wrapping up and we're ROCKING it!  We've raised $14,000, and we're so proud of our students for helping kids like our very own Heart Hero,  Sam LeClaire  (pictured here)

The kids are having a blast learning about all of the ways to take care of our hearts while practicing and improving their sweet jump rope skills! We're in the final stretch, but are still $4,000 away from our goal of raising $18,000; so if you haven't donated yet or want to keep shooting for the moon, there is STILL time to donate to the American Heart Association. The EASIEST way to raise donations is connecting Jump Rope for Heart to your social media account and sending emails/texts. 
Congrats to first grade who is in first place! Check out this week's grade level leader board for more details about how well each grade is doing to help kids with sick hearts:
  • First place goes to first grade with 53 kids raising $3,755!
  • Second place is Kindergarten with 43 kids raising $2,707!
  • Third place is third grade with 33 students raising $1,967!
  • Sam LeClaire is our leading fundraiser with $600!
  • Ms. Lindgren's class is still in the lead with the most participation!
Log onto Jump Rope for Heart's website and donate today!  As a reminder, when a student's online donations total $40, they'll receive lots of fun 'monsters' and a jump rope.   When your student's online donations total $50, they'll get all the fun prizes, plus a discounted or FREE ticket to a Denver Nuggets Basketball game, as well as fun on court experiences with the Nuggets. More details available online. (Complimentary ticket is valid only with the purchase of a full price ticket.)

Parents are welcome to attend the events--click here for the schedule. And, we still need volunteers on Feb. 20. 

Parent Teacher Conferences
Tonight is the final evening of parent teacher conferences. As a reminder, below are the specifics for each grade level's conferences.  

Students in grades K-4 should have received a Sign-up Genius from their teacher. Please arrive for your selected slot in a timely manner. 
The fifth grade teaching team will be in the Middle School Commons from 4:15 - 8 p.m. for drop-in conferences. They will break from 5:30 - 6 p.m. for dinner.
Sixth grade parents may have received an invitation to meet with the team; but if you did not receive an invitation and want to meet with a sixth grade teacher, please email them to set something up. Sixth grade teachers will be meeting with invited parents tonight from 4:15 - 8 p.m. with a break from 5:45 - 6:15 p.m. for dinner.
Seventh grade parents are welcome to drop in and meet with the seventh grade teaching team from 4:15 - 8 p.m. tonight (they will break from 5:15 - 5:45 p.m. for dinner), in the Thunder Gym. Please keep in mind that Mrs. Gibson sent out a separate sign-up, as she will not be available this evening. If you are attending either night of conferences, please make sure you bring the completed conference form emailed out last week from Ms. Poleschook.
Eighth grade teachers will be available for conferences from 4:15 to 8 p.m. in the Thunder Gym, with a dinner break from 5:30 - 6 p.m. Please note, Mrs. Pierce, (L/A substitute) will be leaving tonight around 6 p.m., so if you need to conference with her, please make sure to come prior to 6 p.m. on Thursday. 

Book fair
Be sure to stop by BFA's Spring Scholastic Book Fair TODAY,  Feb. 15. It will be open from  8:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. (closed for carpool from 3- 4 p.m.).

Use this link for a preview of all the exciting selections that will be offered this year. Visit the fair and enter your child's name in a drawing to be held the week of Feb. 20. We will be giving away books and miscellaneous items. We are looking forward to seeing you there!

While we've all enjoyed watching this year's Olympic Games in South Korea, we have our very own Olympiads to cheer on right here at home! That's because BFA is hosting an exciting math competition between Platte River Academy (PRA) and BFA students from 4 - 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 27, in the Middle School Commons.
The competition is open to fifth through eighth grade students, regardless of participation in Math Olympiad tutoring sessions. Each student will be given ten problems and the team scores will be determined by summing the top five scores for each school. Individual cash prizes and certificates will be awarded for the best scores for each grade level. Pizza and goodies will be provided to all participants after the competition.
If your student would like to participate, email Ms. Svensen. We hope that parents and non-participating students will attend to cheer on the BFA Math Olympiads! 

Team tryouts for A and B boys volleyball teams are from 4 - 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 21, in the Thunder gym. There are 20 spots open and team placements will be offered on Monday, Feb. 26. If you accept the placement, registration is required to be completed by Wednesday, Feb. 28 Parents should attend the first 15 minutes of tryouts for an informational meeting.   

Register ONLY after your son has been offered placement on A or B team, and you have accepted it with the coach. Please go to the BFA web page and click on "make a payment" link for registration. The season cost is $90. Please also complete "Medical Form" and "Authorization to use Private Vehicles" and bring these forms to the first practice. Team drivers will be needed for away games.  

Coupon books are on sale at Parent Teacher Conferences Tonight!
Support the eighth grade Washington, D.C. trip and get a great deal. The eighth grade students still have coupon books available, and now they are $20 each--a $15 discount. Remember, the coupon books are good through August. (Purchases can be made with a personal check or cash.)
The books contain coupons to many local restaurants and businesses. The paper coupons can be used once, and with the app, you get the discount AGAIN with duplicate coupons. Also, this year your purchase includes a small card good for multiple uses at five businesses.
If you miss out on tonight's sale, email Erin Fierro, D.C. fundraising committee. 

Date: February 23 and 24
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: BFA's Performance Stage

Step right up ladies and gentlemen, children and creatures,
The smallest of small and the tallest of tall,
Come old and young, come one, come all,
It's Seussical the middle school musical, the greatest show
On the face of the Earth, or wherever you go!
There, our middle schoolers 
Will take the BFA stage
How cool to see 'em up in lights
at such a tender age.
They'll play Horton, The Cat 
and the Whos on their Speck
Middle schoolers are runnin' THIS show,
Yes, even the tech!
In town on February 23 and 24 at 7 o'clock,
You don't want to miss it because these kids rock!
You just need to be there! Oh the sights you will see;
Plus, what a deal! The show's even FREE!

If you're interested in trying a new and fun way to contribute to BFA, and work with our staff and elementary students, we have a great opportunity for you!

The STEM Committee is seeking a volunteer (or two) to work with our veteran Elementary Science Fair Coordinators to coordinate this year's event, April 10-12. This is an opportunity to learn the ropes by shadowing our current coordinators and helping with tasks such as:
  • Coordinating with school staff on scheduling, logistics, and parent outreach,
  • Recruiting judges,
  • Day of logistics/setup/coordination, and
  • Clean up and follow up.
The total job requires a few hours of coordinating from home and about 8 hours of being at school. If you have questions or want to express your interest, please  email STEM. We are looking for help ASAP.

Mark your calendar! The BFA boys and girls summer volleyball camp will be the week of July 9 in BFA's Thunder Gym. The camp is for incoming fifth through eighth graders who are new or experienced players. We are also looking for high school players who are interested in earning required volunteer hours to help. If you have questions, email Coach Haufschild.

Take the night off from cooking, and come enjoy some delicious, healthy food while supporting BFA! Modern Market ( 537 W Highlands Ranch Pkwy #108)  will donate 50 percent of the proceeds from purchases made from 5 - 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 21. Please be sure to mention the BFA fundraiser.

Calling all witches, wizards and muggles alike! The Science Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Committee is hosting a fundraiser at 11:30 a.m., Saturday, Feb. 24, at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema (located at 7301 S. Santa Fe Dr., Littleton, 80120, at Aspen Grove), and will be showing 
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (PG-13). Since it was released in 2005, this may be the first time many BFA students will be able to see a Harry Potter movie on the big screen!
Tickets are $14.50 per person  and MUST be purchased in advance via the BFA website (tickets are not available for sale through the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema web site or box office). The movie will start promptly at 11:30 a.m., so be sure to arrive a few minutes ahead of time, as seating is first-come, first-served (no assigned seats).
Costume contest There's no need for dress robes or the Sorting Hat, but there will be prizes for the best dressed Harry Potter-themed characters.
Please note:  This special movie screening is a BFA-only event, meaning it is not available to the general public. You are welcome to invite non-BFA friends and family, but BFA families are responsible for purchasing tickets via the BFA site for attendees in your party (see below). In addition, the movie screening is NOT a supervised event, and parents MUST remain with their children at the theater during the movie.
To  purchase tickets, click here. (Alternatively, go to the BFA website, click on "Payments" which is under Quicklinks.) Click on "After School Groups," "BFA Day at the Movies" and "CLICK HERE to Register for this Class." (Be sure to sign in if you haven't already.) 

Make sure each name in your party appears on the "Who are you registering?" list (click on "A New Name" to add names, including adults and children). When all names are listed, select a name to register, and follow the instructions. Click "Add and Continue to Shop" to repeat the preceding steps until all names in your party are "registered." On the final name registration, click "Add and Go To Shopping Cart," and provide your payment information. (You are not officially registered until you receive a receipt for payment.) You won't receive an actual movie ticket - a list with registered names will be at the door.  Tickets may be purchased online until 9:30 a.m., Friday, Feb. 23. Tickets will NOT be available for sale at the door.
We're looking forward to seeing all of the students from the houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, as well as from Durmstrang Institute and Beauxbatons Academy. Remember, no wand use outside school grounds, and keep an eye out for dragons, merpeople and portkeys. It's gonna be magical!
Funds raised will benefit STEM Committee programs, including Math Olympiad teams, Pumpkin Chunkin' and Destination Imagination (DI) teams, as well as a potential BFA Lego robotics program. Click here for the flyer or email  Jason Sunahara with any questions.

Gift card

Thank you for helping the PTO successfully launch the Scrip Gift Card Program last December! The feedback we received from the teachers and staff was very positive. We appreciated your patience, efforts, and participation as we undertook this exciting new program. And, thanks to your participation,  the PTO earned $504 in rebates that will be used to help fund the annual end-of-year staff luncheon this coming spring.
We anticipate using the Scrip Program for end-of-year gifts as well, and are working towards automating the process. Look for more information later this spring.  Thank you again!

The PTO's online store will be re-opening from March 1 through April 15. What does that mean to you? This is your chance to get that coveted T-shirt, hoodie, or other spirit wear items before the school year ends. Please visit the store to check out all the terrific items for sale. If you have any questions, please email  Rachel Molieri, PTO spirit wear coordinator.

PTO Logo
Are you interested in helping BFA while connecting with other parents who are passionate about our school? If so, they hope you'll consider becoming a member of the PTO team! When you join the PTO, you make a real, meaningful difference at BFA and build lasting friendships with other BFA parents.
The PTO is an integral part of Ben Franklin Academy. Since it began serving BFA, the PTO has raised funds to provide all sorts of items needed by the school, including playground equipment, library books, a climbing wall as well as tools and resources needed by the teachers, staff and administration. They also organize social events to bring together the entire BFA community.
This year, there are several Officer and Committee Chair positions up for election by the school community, and many Committee Manager positions that are selected by the PTO Board. If you are interested in becoming a PTO Executive Officer, Committee Chair, or Committee Manager, please submit the following information to the PTO co-secretaries by April 2, 2018. (For all elected positions, the information provided will be posted on the election ballot.) 
  1. Your Name
  2. Number of children enrolled at BFA
  3. Grade of each child
  4. How long your family has been at BFA
  5. How many PTO Meetings you have attended in 2018-19
  6. Why are you interested serving on the BFA PTO?
  7. Why do you think you would be a good fit for this position?
  8. Is there any other information you would like to share?
With approximately 30 open positions, there's a role for most all skill-sets! Please see the recent news article for a list of open positions, visit the PTO page on the BFA website and look under 'important forms' to view a description of each, or contact  Mollie Anderson, PTO president.  

Please note, if you are elected for multiple officer/committee manager positions, you may only serve in one position.   


The Ben Franklin Academy (BFA) community is seeking leaders who are passionate and committed to BFA's mission and vision to serve on the BFA board of directors (Board). In the near future, there will be two (2) open director seats on the BFA Board, which will be filled according to the Board of Directors Election Policy. Each seat is for a three-year term. One director will be elected by the Parent Voting Group, and the other director will be appointed by the BFA Board. Please read below for details regarding the upcoming Board Election/Appointment, including the nomination, voting, and appointment processes and qualifications.
2018 BFA Board Election/Appointment Open Seats
There are two (2) open seats in the 2018 Board Election/Appointment:  one (1) will be voted on by the BFA Parent Voting Group, and one (1) will be appointed by the BFA Board.  
Seat 1, Class A, is currently occupied by  Bill Castor. Bill is has served on the Board for three (3) years and will be seeking re-election. This seat serves a three-year term, ending in May 2021, and is elected by the BFA Parent Voting Group.
Seat 2, Class A, is currently occupied by  Kent Barwind. Kent has served on the Board for four (4) years and is not seeking to be re-appointed to the Board. This seat serves a three-year term, ending in May 2021, and is appointed by the BFA Board.
2018 BFA Board Election/Appointment Process
To nominate someone (including yourself) for the BFA Board, click here to complete the nomination form.  Nominations from the BFA Parent Voting Group must be submitted online before Friday, Feb. 23, 2018, at  11:59 p.m. (MST)

For the Board-appointed seat, nominees may be selected by the Board from the Parent Voting Group's nominations or nominated by a Board director at any time. The Board reserves all rights to fill Seat 2 , Class A.  

There will be a  Board Forum on Tuesday, March 13, before the regularly scheduled Board meeting. All Board nominees are encouraged to be there for a Question and Answer session.
Voting for the Seat 1 , Class A, director will take place electronically  March 30 - April 9. You will receive access to an electronic ballot on  Friday, March 30You will have until Monday, April 9, 2018, at midnight (MST) to cast your vote. Results of the election will be announced and the appointment will made on  Tuesday, April 17, 2018, at the regularly scheduled Board meeting. All Board nominees are encouraged to be there for the results of both (1) the election and (2) the appointment.

To find out more about the qualifications and the requirements of the position, please see the Board's Election webpage  or email   Bryan Molen , Board secretary, with questions.

Let your little star know how special they are with a candy gram for only two dollars ($2) each; then add your personal greeting to make it even more meaningful! Candy Grams now will be available at the concession table before performances. Save yourself some time by preordering your Candy Gram at least two days prior to the performance, then pick them up and pay for them at the concession table. Let's recognize our performers for all their practicing and hard work. Proceeds benefit the Disneyland Choir Fundraising team.
Upcoming Performance Dates:
February 23 and 24 : Seussical Performance, 7 p.m.

BASE logo
Ben Franklin Academy is happy to announce that we will offer an exciting Summer Camp program again this year. 
Do you need full-time daycare for the summer? Or perhaps you want to schedule something fun for your kids once a week while you run errands. Maybe your kids would like to connect with other Ben Franklin Academy kids and enjoy fun, summer social time? Whatever your situation, our Summer Camp is sure to keep your kids safe and entertained. And, the best part is--the program is staffed by people you know and trust!
Program Details
Dates:  May 30 - Aug. 10 (closed the week of  July 4th)
Hours:  7 a.m. until 6 p.m.
Days:  Monday through  Friday
Summer Camp is open to any BFA student age 5-years-old and above.
Program Costs
Registration: There is a $35.00/per child one-time registration fee. All registered campers will receive a camp T-shirt and day pack.
Daily Tuition: The cost of the camp is $35/day/child for non-field trip days and $50/day/child for field trip days.
Registration will open on Monday, Feb. 19. If you have any questions to please email the Summer Camp team. 

Nurse Health
A message from Dianne Nugen, our school nurse consultant...

Influenza or influenza-like illness is widespread in Colorado, including in Douglas County. This year's influenza is particularly bad, causing more hospitalizations and deaths than other years. It is not too late to vaccinate.
Influenza-like illness is a fever greater than 100.4 and a new cough and/or sore throat. Tri-County Health Department recommends:
  • Keeping children and staff with influenza-like illness home until they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication;
  • Increasing hand washing;
  • Coughing into their arm, not their hands;
  • Increasing cleaning and sanitizing of high touch surfaces; and
  • Encouraging flu vaccine for children and staff.
The above control measures should be done at home and school. Should a child become ill with influenza like illness, they should be kept home from school to prevent any further spread. They should seek medical care for treatment and testing. 
Watch for symptoms of fever, cough, congestion, body aches, and sore throat; and if there is illness, please keep them home to help stop further spread of illness.
For more information visit the Tri-County Health Department website at or the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website.

The  student council and  Mr. Macias would like to invite our Middle School kids to participate in " Dodgeball for Dollars" from 12:45 - 3 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 22 , in the Thunder Gym. This event is held in conjunction with our elementary students' Jump Rope for Heart activities, and funds raised by our middle school students will benefit both the American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society.

Each class will form a 10-person team to compete in the Dodgeball game. Each team will be charged a $50 competition fee ($5 per person if the team has the maximum number of players). If more than 10 students from one class want to be on a team, then they can talk to their homeroom teacher about creating a second team. The $50 team fee is due prior to the games on Feb. 22. A trophy will be awarded to the class that wins the tournament!

If your student would rather cheer on the teams, they are encouraged to bring in a $2 donation to watch the event. Students who don't want to participate as an observer or player will take part in an extra study hall. Observers (including any parents who want to watch) can bring in their optional $2 donation the day of the event.

We're looking forward to this friendly competition to raise money for the American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society! 

The BFA middle school Student Council is excited to support Ronald McDonald House Charities as their philanthropy project for the fall/winter. Ronald McDonald House provides a loving and low cost 'home away from home' for families needing to be near their seriously ill or injured children while they are being treated at one of our area hospitals. We've completed our collection of cleaning supplies, but are still taking soda pop-tops!  
Please see this  flier  for specific product needs and collection details.  Please show your support for the Student Council's efforts in helping this worthy charity! Collection boxes are located in the lobby. 

Hockey fans--get tickets to see the Colorado Avalanche vs. Nashville Predators at 1 p.m. on Sunday, March 4. Tickets start at $25, and a portion of every ticket will be donated to school of your choice. There is also a back-up option at 7 p.m. on Friday, March 16. Click on the flier to find out more.   

Send them a Birthday Bag!
Celebrating birthdays at BFA just got more fun! Order your child a Birthday Bag for just $10, and s/he will receive:  
  • A bag full of goodies such as erasers, pencils, bouncy balls, etc. (no food or candy will be in the bags);
  • A birthday certificate good for a free bake sale item at the next bake sale;
  • A personalized note from you, if requested; and
  • A 'Happy Birthday' serenade by the eighth graders who deliver the bag to your student's classroom.
Did your child already celebrate their birthday or do they have a summer birthday?   
We also will deliver "Un-birthday Bags" for students who have already celebrated their birthday, and "Half-birthday Bags" for summer birthdays.
You can purchase Birthday Bags online through the BFA Store.
Thursday, Feb. 15

Book fair
Be sure to stop by BFA's Spring Scholastic Book Fair TODAY,  Feb. 15. It will be open from  8:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. (closed for carpool from 3- 4 p.m.).

Parent Teacher Conferences
Tonight is the final evening of parent teacher conferences. As a reminder, below are the specifics for each grade level's conferences.  

Students in grades K-4 should have received a Sign-up Genius from their teacher. Please arrive for your selected slot in a timely manner. 
The fifth grade teaching team will be in the Middle School Commons from 4:15 - 8 p.m. for drop-in conferences. They will break from 5:30 - 6 p.m. for dinner.
Sixth grade parents may have received an invitation to meet with the team; but if you did not receive an invitation and want to meet with a sixth grade teacher, please email them to set something up. Sixth grade teachers will be meeting with invited parents tonight from 4:15 - 8 p.m. with a break from 5:45 - 6:15 p.m. for dinner.
Seventh grade parents are welcome to drop in and meet with the seventh grade teaching team from 4:15 - 8 p.m. tonight (they will break from 5:15 - 5:45 p.m. for dinner), in the Thunder Gym. Please keep in mind that Mrs. Gibson sent out a separate sign-up, as she will not be available this evening. If you are attending either night of conferences, please make sure you bring the completed conference form emailed out last week from Ms. Poleschook.
Eighth grade teachers will be available for conferences from 4:15 to 8 p.m. in the Thunder Gym, with a dinner break from 5:30 - 6 p.m. Please note, Mrs. Pierce, (L/A substitute) will be leaving tonight around 6 p.m., so if you need to conference with her, please make sure to come prior to 6 p.m. on Thursday. 
Friday, Feb. 16 and Monday, Feb. 19

No School
There is no school tomorrow, Feb. 16, as it is a comp day for teachers. And, we are off school on Monday, Feb. 19, to celebrate Presidents' Day. Enjoy your long weekend!

Tuesday, Feb. 20


Bring in your donations and let's help kids like  Sam Leclaire (pictured here), a  BFA first grader who was born with a 'special heart,' by raising money for the American Heart Association Parents are welcome. And, we still need volunteers at the J ump Rope for Heart event on Feb. 20. 

The BFA Board of Directors is meeting from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 20, in the Dana Library. 

Wednesday, Feb. 21

Team tryouts for A and B boys volleyball teams are from 4 - 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 21, in the Thunder gym.  Parents should attend the first 15 minutes of tryouts for an informational meeting.   

Join us for Spirit Night at Modern Market ( 537 W Highlands Ranch Pkwy #108)  from 5 - 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 21. Please be sure to mention the BFA fundraiser.
Thursday, Feb. 22

Middle School kids will participate in " Dodgeball for Dollars" from 12:45 - 3 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 22 , in the Thunder Gym. This event is held in conjunction with our elementary students' Jump Rope for Heart activities, and funds raised by our middle school students will benefit both the American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society.

The Student Accountability Committee (SAC) is meeting from 4:10 - 5:10 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 22, in the BFA Conference Room. 

Seussical Jr.
Beginning at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 22, there is a dress rehearsal for Seussical, Jr.

Ben's Brigade is meeting from 8 - 9 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 22, at the Starbucks inside SuperTarget ( 1265 Sergeant Jon Stiles Dr).  
Friday, Feb. 23 and Saturday, Feb. 24

We hope you'll join us for Seussical Jr. at 7 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 23, and Saturday, Feb. 24 on the BFA Performance Stage.
Additional Upcoming Events: BFA Calendar
Middle School:  Athletics 
Ben Franklin Academy
2270 Plaza Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Main Office: (720) 383-4519 
Attendance: (720) 432-9239 
Fax: (303) 974-1738
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.
Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, and literacy. We will be a data driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering the arts, sports, nature, and character.
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.