Pastor's Periodic Pondering  
by Pastor Josh Nelson


At our Church Council meeting this past week, we had some new members to welcome and acclimate to our agenda.  One of the first things we did was to brainstorm together a list of as many of the various groups that we have here at Family of Christ as we could.  Musical groups to committees, teams to Bible Studies, classes to sports groups.  This was a fun project to take on and it reminded us all of how many things are going on through the course of our life and ministry together.  For the Pondering this week, I decided to ask Andie on our staff to create the above "word cloud" from the list of groups we came up with.  It is simply an overhead view of the many ways we serve in ministry together.  And if there is a group that you don't know too much about - we're creating a "Spotlight Friday" through our social media that provides a picture of each group within the church, along with a short description of what they do.  Or you can ask Kim Schaeferle, Connections Coordinator, to tell you more about it. 
Keep up the good work of faith everyone, and let's see each other in church! 

(By the way, regular worship attendance is a great Lenten 
discipline to enact.)

- Pastor Josh


Join our Lenten FACEBOOK BIBLE STUDY!  Do this by joining the group through our Church's Facebook page. A weekly short video presentation will be provided by a pastor or staff member, Wednesday nights (Feb. 21-March 21) at 8:30 pm.  For that first hour of 8:30-9:30 pm, the presenter will respond in real time to anyone who types in (other responses are welcome in the days following to keep the conversation going).  You are invited to join us for this unique, social-media Bible study.

FoC packing sessions have been scheduled at FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN for every Wednesday throughout Lent , from 9:30 - 11:30.  Hunger never goes away, but you can make a difference.  No need to sign up, just show up.

Join us for LENTEN LUNCHES OUT each Wednesday (Feb. 21-Mar. 21) at Perkins Restaurant in Chanhassen at 11:45am.  We will do a brief Bible Study (led by Pastors & Staff) and a time of fellowship. 

We'll also offer Holden Evening Prayer services on LENTEN WEDNESDAYS (except for Mar. 7) from 7-7:30, where you join in song and prayer during this holy time of preparation. 

Finally, you can join us for an ADULT LENTEN SCRIPTURE STUDY at 9:30am each Friday through March 23.  Come for this pastor-led study and discussion of the Scripture readings for the upcoming Sunday worship services. We will us a resource from the ELCA called Daily Discipleship as the starting point for our  conversations. All adults are welcome!  Coffee and treats provided. Complimentary childcare is available.  Email Leann Thompson with questions.
Read the latest issue of Family News for more announcements.