#153, February 14, 2018

Let's talk about how to BEGIN planning your celebration.

Especially about how to START planning the perfect music.  

Want  to do it well?  Let me give you a handy Tip.  

But First, Let Me Tell You a Little Story:

Ever have a "deja vu" moment?  I did recently.

Does this ever happen to you?

Then I remembered, I actually WAS there years ago. 
Hard to forget that visit. 

That visit could have ended in a disaster, and  
it taught   me   a great lesson   for how to begin 
planning anything.  

More about that lesson in a minute.

That old room is now a small theatre, and 
I recognized the little stage in the corner.   

But about 30 years ago, it was just a run-down 
hotel ballroom.  

I was there talking with an eager young entrepreneur.  
He'd asked me to meet him there, and we were 
dreaming big.  

He wanted to convert this old room into   a fine 
supper club, and book the Magnolia Jazz Band 
to entertain there.  

Oh, the prospect thrilled me!  Mainly because 
he was so energetic.  

Full of confidence and big ideas.  

Also because he hinted at a great steady engagement 
for my band.

He told me he'd worked at DisneyWorld, in Florida, 
and he   planned to re-create some of their success 
here   in San Jose.

We talked about which features to keep in the room 
and   which   to change.  

His enthusiasm impressed me...

...until he asked  "When does the big tourist season 
begin around here?"


What big tourist season?  

Sure, people love visiting   the San Francisco Bay Area 
year-round.  But as far as   I knew, there's nothing here 
like the "spring break"   or the annual "summer vacation" 
season that Florida   tourism enjoys.

He had no idea!  Hadn't he asked anyone before?

Poor guy.  His plan was doomed from the start.  
He needed lots more help than I could give him.  

Sadly, I don't remember hearing about his supper 
club again, and I never had another opportunity 
to talk with him.

But I still get a lot of mileage from telling his story.

And I tell it often.  To people like you.


Because these days I help people plan the music 
for their weddings and parties.  

Celebrations where my band will  entertain, 
c reating the elegant, upbeat mood they want.

I LOVE helping people who have realistic ideas 
of what they want. 

REALISTIC -- that's the secret.  Not at all like that fellow
from DisneyWorld.

So here's that tip I promised you:  
Start your plan with several REALISTIC ideas.  

Usually I help people begin planning music by having 
them focus on practical ideas that could pay off big.  

We start there, by answering a few questions like 
"What would you like your celebration to sound like" 
and "What kind of music will create that mood"? 

Realistic ideas often come from "word-of-mouth" 
recommendations from friends.  Or from catching 
us in action   at a friend's wedding, or at a party, 
or at a   business reception. 

And now that we're talking about 
planning wedding & party music...
Valentine's Day and St Patrick's Day are just ahead, 
and you might be involved with planning an 
exciting holiday celebration.

And if you or a friend are engaged to get 
married, you might also be involved with 
planning the wedding.

Perhaps both. 

So the next time you or a friend  are looking  for 
upbeat, elegant music,  played the way you want, 
think of us.

Where can you can preview us?  Here: (see details below)

Wed, Feb 14,  6:00-9:00pm
Valentine's Day Dinner
Parcel 104, 2700 Mission College Blvd, Santa Clara

Wed, Feb 21,  6:00-9:00pm
festive open house
Starbright Theatre, 1770 W Campbell Ave, Campbell

Saturday, March 31, 12:00-3:00pm
Wedding Showcase
Saratoga Springs, 22801 Big Basin Way, Saratoga

Caterer?  Wedding or Event Planner?  Bride?  Groom? 
Enjoy the festive mood we'll create.  You'll hear the 
popular standards, jazz classics, and Latin favorites. 
Please stop by and say Hi.

And when it's time for your wedding or next party, 
please reply to this note or call 408-245-9120 
and tell me about the mood you're looking for.

Now, watch me greet visitors to my Facebook Page.

Let's chat soon.

Robbie Schlosser | Magnolia Jazz Band
"Elegant, Upbeat Music for Weddings and Parties"  

P.S. Want wedding or party music?  See our reviews on  Yelp.  
       Have you seen photos of us in action on Instagram

Now, for the "fine print":   You're receiving this reminder because we've worked together sometime in the last 43 years, or you enjoyed our music somewhere, or we met at an event, or you subscribed on, or you read my BLOG, or you joined my friends on social media, or you read our excellent reviews on Yelp and WeddingWire .  Whew!  

However you found me, THANK YOU!

Now, let me ask 3 favors:
1. If you enjoyed reading this note, please forward it to your best friend.
2. While you're here, visit our Reminders Archive for more of my stories.
3. And if you haven't subscribed yet,  CLICK HERE for your next reminder.