February 13, 2018
Provider deliverable file naming
The names of files sent to Mercy Maricopa are extremely important as they are used for routing of deliverables to the intended destinations.  This is of particular importance when submitting files through an SFTP connection.  While use of an incorrect or unexpected file name will not prevent transfer of a file to Mercy Maricopa, the files will not be made available to the intended recipients.  Please see the Mercy Maricopa Provider Manual for allowable deliverable file naming conventions.  Mercy Maricopa will only accept and/or acknowledge provider deliverables which conform to the specified naming convention.

As always, don't hesitate to contact your  Provider Relations Specialist/Consultant with any
questions or comments. You can find this notice and all other provider notices posted on our  website.
Thanks for all you do!
QB 3242
