eSpear for the week of February 13, 2018
Reading for the Week
"I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God's holy Word." (from the Book of Common Prayer, pg. 265)
Preaching: Lent 2018 - Be Reconciled to God
The preaching theme throughout the season of Lent is " reconciled to God..." from the epistle reading for Ash Wednesday (2 Corinthians 5:20bff). We will be reflecting together on "reconciliation" and what it means to be "reconcilers" engaged in a "ministry of reconciliation."
Week at a Glance
February 13 Shrove Tuesday 5:30 PM, Parish Hall
February 14 Ash Wednesday
February 18
Worship 8:30 AM
Worship 10:45 AM
February 19 Presidents' Day- Offices Closed
*If you click on one of the blue links above, it will take you right to that section of the eSpear!

Click here for the Sunday Worship Ministry Schedule.  If you are unable to serve at your scheduled time, please find a substitute and then inform your ministry leader.

For more information about opportunities to serve here at St. George, click here to be directed to our "Serve in Worship" webpage, which contains this schedule as well as information about all of our worship ministry opportunities. 
Talkin' St George!!
How do I become a member?
How can I get my child baptized?
What is confirmation?
Why do we have a bishop?
Where do different groups meet?
How can I get more involved?

Talkin' St. George is a conversation time led by Fr. Ram. It is geared to help those new to the Community find opportunities for connection and growth for themselves and their loved ones.

Adults desiring to be confirmed will read Unabashedly Episcopalian by Andy Doyle, Bishop of our neighbors, the Episcopal Diocese of Texas.

Talkin' St. George meets in the Commons Room in the Leadership Center from 9:45 AM-10:20  AM every Sunday unless otherwise noted. See weekly eSpear and Sunday Bulletin for upcoming Sunday schedule.
Daughters of the King...It's not too late!
Thank you to all of the women who attended the first session of the Daughters of the King study on Sunday, February 11. Our next study session is March 11 at 12:15 PM in St. John Meeting Room of the Leadership Center. If you are interested but are not sure it is for you, come to the next session or contact Susan Alwais for more information at 210-710-9513 or e-mail at There is no obligation to become a member if you want to just "sit in" on the study session.
Stations of the Cross Devotion Times
Everyone is invited to participate in our outdoor Stations of the Cross devotion times during this Lent. Gather with your fellow St. George community by checking the bulletin and
eSpear schedule weekly to see when the guided time will be for that week.

You may also consider walking these stations may as a private devotion or as a group devotion with your family or a group of friends. There are self guided books available at the front Leadership Center desk, and you may use the online guide with the link below.

Online Stations of the Cross:

May God bless your time of prayer and devotion!
Lenten Lunches are Back!
Starting this Sunday, St. George will be holding a Lenten Lunch at 12:00 PM in the Parish Hall/Cafeteria. All members of the St. George Family are invited to break bread over crock pots of homemade soup and warm bread, and share in conversation about our Lenten journey. Come one Sunday or enjoy them all! There will be no program or agenda--we will enjoy connecting person-to-person during this spiritual walk we take each year.

Soon, every member of the St. George Parish will be receiving a phone call from a fellow parishioner to sign up to bring a crock pot of soup on ONE of the Sundays during Lent (although you areinvited to eat at all of them!). It can be homemade or store bought, and we hope that all parishioners consider participating.

Soup Assignment:
February 18- Last Name A--- thru Copeland
February 25 - Last Name Crawford thru Hamilton
March 4 - Last Name Hamlin thru Meier (in the Leadership Center)
March 11 - Last Name Melton thru Sherriff
March 18 - Last Name Shumway thru Z---
Lent 2018 right around the Corner!
Here's a resource that Fr. Ram invited us all to consider.

Let's read the Bible together!!

Read this note and follow the link below to find daily reading schedule and free study resources.

The Good Book Club is an invitation to join other Episcopalians in reading the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts during Lent-Easter 2018. Participants will start reading Luke on Sunday, February 11 and read a section of Luke's Gospel every day through the season of Lent. The entire season of Easter will be devoted to daily readings from the Book of Acts.

In addition to developing the reading schedule, The Good Book Club has brought together organizations from around the Episcopal Church, all producing helpful and engaging resources to help participants get the most out of reading Luke and Acts. Resources include printable Bible studies, podcasts, blogs, reflections and daily meditations, suggestions for children and youth engagement, a video series, and more.

To learn more:
Upcoming Events
Join us TONIGHT for our annual Pancake Supper!
Plan on joining us this evening to celebrate St. George style with pancakes, pancakes, and even more pancakes at our Annual Pancake Supper from 5:30-7:00 PM!

We will be serving pancakes, sausage, and fruit. Don't forget to stick around for the pancake races! Donations are accepted and will go to benefit the St. George Church Camp Scholarship Fund. Click here to learn more about the different camps and conferences that this fund helps provide to members in our community.
Ash Worship services will be held at 7:00 AM in the All Soul's Chapel, and at 12:00 PM and 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary. The Imposition of Ashes will also take place during all school chapels on Ash Wednesday.
Jubilee Free Sale
When:  Saturday, March 24, 2018 - 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

What is a 'Free Sale'?  It is much like a garage sale, except everything is FREE! All items are donated and underprivileged families from 10 area schools are given the opportunity to 'shop' this event. St. George, along with 8 other neighborhood churches will hold the 
Seventh Annual Jubilee Free Sale  on Saturday, March 24th. 

Location:  This year's Jubilee Free Sale will be held at the Churchill Baptist Church, 12400 Vista View.

How can you help?  By donating items and volunteering to help gather and distribute.

Donations:  Items should be gently used and serviceable
Children's Toys and Children's Clothing (Needed!) 
Baby items
Adult clothing
Appliances (both large and small)

Collection Dates:  Donated items can be dropped at Churchill Baptist Church Saturday, March 10 from 9:00 AM- 4:00 PM; Sunday, March 11 from 1:00 PM-4:00 PM; Saturday, March 17 from 9:00 AM- 4:00 PM; and Sunday, March 18 from 1:00 PM- 4:00 PM.

Volunteering Opportunities
Friday, March 23:  Need 20+ Volunteers to help unload the moving van at Churchill Baptist and set up the sale. Time is 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM.

Saturday, March 24:  Need 20+Volunteers to assist shoppers, maintain displays and clean up after sale. We will be working with volunteers from other churches. The Free Sale takes place from 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM. Start time that day for volunteers is 7:30 AM.

For information and questions or to volunteer, please contact Julabeth Carden at 210-365-6377 or 

Please consider being a part of this great outreach program. Make a difference in someone's life! 
2018 Save the Dates (Just a Few Highlights)
Feb. 13th Shrove Tuesday @ 5:30 PM
Feb. 14th Ash Wednesday @ 7:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 7:00 PM
March 1-3 MS Musical - Annie, Jr.
March 24th Jubilee Free Sale
March 25th Palm Sunday
March 29th Maundy Thursday @ 7:00 PM
March 30th Good Friday @12:00 PM
March 31st Holy Saturday @ 9:30 AM
April 1st Easter Sunday
April 30th Chain of Love
May 20th Bishop's Confirmation Visit, High School Graduate Recognition
July 9-13 Vacation Bible School
Sept-TBD Fall Parish Meeting
Oct. 28th Celebration Sunday- Ingathering
Take a family or friendship photo in campus and share it on your social media account with all your friends! Connect with us on Facebook using the hashtag #stgeorgelife.

Click here for a great article that has some ideas for how to set up the shots, etc. This is a great way to show the growing life of St. George.
Fr. Ram
To listen to a recent sermon, please click  here.  
Publication Request Form
We have a new form to submit publication requests!   Click here for the form.  Have a great week, everyone! 
Room Request Form
If you would like to reserve a room here at St. George for any ministry, please click here to complete the form.
Promise Plans/ Time and Talent
Below are links to electronic 2018 Promise Plans and a streamlined Time and Talent Survey.  Every member of your household is invited to submit an online Promise Plan and Time and Talent Survey.  You will receive a follow up communication from the Church Office upon receipt of these online instruments.  Please contact the Church Office should you have questions about these forms.

2018 Electronic Promise Plan - Click Here
2018 Time and Talent Survey - Click Here
Text Reminders
Join "remind" to get text reminders from the church about upcoming events! Follow the instructions in the picture below. 
Visit our web site at 
6904 West Avenue / San Antonio, TX 78213
(210) 342-4261 / 
For pastoral care emergencies during non-business hours, call (210) 721-7908