August 27, 2020

Dear BB&N Community:

I am excited to share with you Connected@Home: BB&N's Remote Learning Plan.

In our initial survey earlier this month, we asked families to identify the likelihood of sending their children to school if we were to open in person. The results of that survey showed us that 4.8% of families were somewhat unlikely to send their children and 7.2% of families were very unlikely. With that information in hand our academic team, led by our Chief Learning Officer, Dr. Jed Lippard, developed the following plan for students who will be remaining at home while we open in person under the hybrid model. 

As the plan explains, in an effort to provide students and families with maximum flexibility during this unique school year, we are offering BB&N@Home, a remote learning option for those needing or electing to continue their education from home. For as long as necessary, BB&N@Home will be available as a high-quality, parallel option whenever the campus is open for in-person learning. 

We invite you to learn more about BB&N@Home in order to make an informed choice about which mode of learning best suits your family’s needs. And most importantly, let us know by Monday, August 31 at 10 AM ONLY IF your child/ren will be participating remotely through BB&N@Home by completing this form. For families with more than one child opting for BB&N@Home, please complete a separate form for each child. You do NOT need to fill out this survey if your child/ren will be accessing school in person. Please note that the data stemming from this survey will inform 2020-2021 class lists, and therefore these lists will be communicated later than in prior years.

I am excited that we are getting close to opening school in the hybrid model, and I know I speak for our faculty and staff when I say that we cannot wait to welcome students back to our campuses.


Dr. Jennifer Price
Head of School
P.S. A reminder that if you or your family are struggling in any way due to the implications of the pandemic, please let us know via this confidential form. We are ready to help in any way we can!