word for the week
WORD for the Week for December 31, 2017
First Sunday After Christmas
Come and Worship!

WORD for Sabbath Beginnings | 8am Border Chapel 
Scripture Text: Luke 2:23-35 (NRSV)

Worship Leader: Rev. Dwight Haberman

Holy Communion:  I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: 'Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.'

And he replied: 'Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.' Minnie Haskins

WORD for Sacred Journey | 8:30am Art Gallery
Scripture Text: Psalm 148 (NRSV)
Reflection: Sacred Journey will look ahead to the New Year through the lens of Psalm 148, a powerful call to the wisdom of Creation and Creator. We will hear the message of the Hopi Indians as told through the voice of writer Margaret Wheatley and consider how we are being called individually and communally to walk into 2018. We will also take time to celebrate Bob Brinkley's ministry among us. This month Bob shared with community his intention to step away from worship leadership and planning and we want to give thanks for his gifts and the remarkable ways he has shared his faith.

WORD for Traditional Worship | 10am Sanctuary 

Scripture Text: Matthew 25:31-46 (NRSV)
Preaching: Rev. Nate Melcher
Reflection: Jesus offers so many memorable moments of teaching, it can be challenging to pick a favorite. Even more challenging, perhaps, is choosing which one is most, well, challenging! Which is it for you? To love your enemies? To resist revenge? To not worry? Perhaps this passage from the final public lecture from Jesus before the night he is arrested is the most convicting. Being called to be there for others requires listening to God with our hearts, keeping a watchful eye on our neighbors, and having active hands and feet of Christ to do the hard work of, well, doing the hard work! There are some Christians who have taken "The Matthew 25 Pledge," electing to cry out, "I pledge to protect and defend vulnerable people in the name of Jesus." Is this a pledge you can make? What does it mean to do such a thing in the name of Jesus? Consider reading more about the movement, and even taking the pledge, here: http://www.matthew25pledge.com/

For the Children: Are you excited for the new year? One fun way to celebrate can be to stay up a little later and have a cheerful countdown. But what are we counting down to, friends? A new year, that's for sure. I wonder if we're also counting down to a new day in which we can share the love of Jesus with other people. When we're kind to others, Jesus celebrates this, and can't wait to count down until the next time we share his love. Who will be the first person you are kind to in the new year?

Podcast Ministry

Subscribe ( iTunes), stream, or download Sacred Journey & Traditional Worship sermons.

Worship Bulletin Archive

The Bible is in your hands...

You're invited to "dig deeper." Here are a handful of resources:

Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church resources:
Worship Bulletins | online archive of HAUMC worship bulletins
Podcast Ministry | HAUMC Sacred Journey and Traditional Worship sermon podcasts
Devotional Ministry | HAUMC seasonal daily devotional ministry
The Life Mosaic | Rev. Nate Melcher's blog about faithful, creative, intentional living
Pause | Rev. Sally Johnson's blog about the contemplative spiritual journey

Scripture exegesis and commentary resources:
Bible Gateway | the Bible in hundreds of translations (NRSV, CEB, The Message, etc.)
BibleHub | parse out the original Hebrew (OT) and Greek (NT)
David Lose | commentary from the renound preaching professor and Mt. Olivet Senior Pastor
Enter the Bible | historical/cultural context for each book of the Bible from Luther Seminary
Oxford Biblical Studies | historical/cultural context for each book of the Bible from Oxford
Working Preacher | read and listen to lectionary commentary from Luther Seminary faculty

Art and Music resources:
Art in the Christian Tradition | The Jean and Alexander Heard Divinity Library at Vanderbilt
Hymnary | a resource for both modern and traditional worship music and hymns
Sing for Joy | a worship music and hymn resource from St. Olaf College


Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church
511 Groveland | Minneapolis, MN 55403 
612.871.5303  |  spire@haumc.org  |   hennepinchurch.org