"Every Cat, Every Day Benefits From Winn-Funded Research"
December 27, 2017
Winn's Weekly Feline Research Byte

Ending 2017 and on to 2018 ~

2017 was an eventful year. Winn Feline Foundation had the largest amount of research grant funding in its history, almost $443,000.
Our End of the Year Summary gives more details.

This article in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA) looks back at potentially #EndingFIP and Winn's role in progressing this hope.

We look forward to 2018 where we celebrate our Golden Anniversary.
A JAVMA article again recognizes Winn Feline Foundation and 50 years of advancing feline health. Awesome!

There's no place like Winn for the future of cat health!
Winn Feline Foundation 
Phone: 201-275-0624 
Fax: 877-933-0939