Don't miss out on some important gatherings!
Monthly meeting of the Benzie Dems this Saturday and a rally in TC to follow!
Dear Benzie Demz & Friendz-
Remember how lousy we felt a year ago, on Inauguration Day? 
But do you also remember how much better we felt the day after, when one of history's largest demonstrations rocked the planet? All those signs and spirit and pink pussy hats, all around the country, including 3,000 folks marching in Traverse City!
Millions rediscovered and re-affirmed their immense power that magnificent, memorable day. It echoes still, even in snowy, winter-quiet Benzie County. In fact....
This Saturday, we're gonna help bring back that spirit in two really cool and, we hope, inspiring ways. Our monthly meeting at Party Headquarters presents two women who really got the message on that great day a year ago and are now running for office. Then, we'll host a carpool from our parking lot to the Women's March in Traverse City. 
Here's how it can go:
After 9:30 a.m. coffee and snacks, we'll welcome, from lovely Empire, Michigan, Kathy Wiejaczka! (pronounced 'Why-JESS-ka'). She'll tell us why she's running for the 101st State House District--Kurt VanderWall's seat. Kathy's a wife and mom who, for 39 years, was a nurse in many settings, from special ed to college instruction. She's on Facebook.
Then, after quick EC approval of a few things, including a cool winter thang we'll unveil then (no hints!), we meet another woman with that Pussy Hat Spirit, big time!  
She's Dana Nessel; she's from the Detroit area, and she's running for state attorney general. Dana's served as an an assistant prosecutor, a defender of indigent clients, manager of a downtown law firm, and successful gay marriage rights attorney. Here's her web site.
When Dana's done, some of us head to Traverse City for the 1 p.m. Women's March.
We'll have some high-density road snacks and a fresh pot of coffee for any and all departing marchers-bring your own go cup so you can fill it up on your way out the door, and maybe share a ride.
Here's hoping you can make at least a morning or afternoon of it with some of your fellow good citizens. There's big doin's--we'd hate for you to miss 'em! Especially when guided by songs like this brand new one: Mavis S. channels Michelle O.
Turn it up! Turn it out! See you there! 
Jim Dulzo, Carroll Volpe, Mike Ross
Chair & Vice Chairs
Benzie County Democratic Party