James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS)
CNS News & Views:
December 2017
Cutting-edge research in emerging WMD fields
2017 has been a prolific year for CNS researchers, who have published deep-dive research and analysis into the newest and most challenging issues in WMD nonproliferation. The CNS Occasional Paper series demonstrates the diversity and breadth of our in-house expertise, including new studies on: 
The Frigate Bird test was the only US operational ballistic missile launch with a live warhead, an experiment that North Korea threatened to repeat.
The North Korea Standoff Will Get Worse
In an op/ed in the NY Daily News , Joshua Pollack warns against "waiting for a big diplomatic breakthrough," and that Kim Jung Un is likely far from finished expanding the DPRK nuclear and missile capability: 

"And part of the reason is that he seems to have found the perfect foil in this American President, who speaks loudly, spitting invective at Kim with regular frequency, and carries a stick of yet-to-be-determined size."

Are Arms Control Agreements Losing Their Value?
In a new story published by the National Interest, Senior Fellow Nikolai Sokov writes of the inevitable fate of the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty and calls for an updated, relevant replacement for it.

"For a former negotiator, old treaties are like old dogs. They grow feeble and eventually pass away. You watch the last years of their life with growing sadness, but know that some things in life are inevitable. The big difference is whether you get a new puppy afterwards or not. The INF Treaty seems to be dying and no replacement is in sight."

Read more.
Youth Communicators in front of Cenotapho for A-bomb victims at the Hiroshima Peace Park
Youth Communicators in Hiroshima
For the second year in a row, four students from the Critical Issues Forum were invited to present their work at the Forum of Youth Communicators for a World without Nuclear Weapons, organized by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on November 26, 2017.

The forum kicked off a week of high-level nuclear disarmament-related meetings organized by the United Nations.
Jonathan B. Tucker (1954-2011)
Jonathan B. Tucker CBW Symposium
On December 13, the CNS Washington, DC, office hosted a day-long symposium, in conjunction with the National Defense University's Center for the Study on Weapons of Mass Destruction, on the newest challenges to combat the spread and use of chemical and biological weapons. 

Topics included the Future of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons; Japan's Germ Warfare and American Obstruction of Justice at the Tokyo Trial; Horsepox and Its Implications for National Security; and Rhodesia's Chemical and Biological Weapons Programs.

The symposium is named after Jonathan B. Tucker, one of the world's leading CBW experts who led CNS's CBW Nonproliferation Program for fifteen years.

From all of us at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, we wish you the happiest of holidays and all the best for the new year.