ClearWater Conservancy: August 2017 enews
Summer Wrap-Up: Accreditation, Night beFORE Celebration, & Friends of Conservation
ClearWater has been putting your support to work in many ways this summer. Thanks for making a big difference in our small community!
National Accreditation Renewed!
ClearWater Conservancy has been awarded renewal of its land trust accreditation from the Land Trust Accreditation Commission. Originally achieved in 2012 and now renewed through 2022, this accreditation award proves once again that, as part of a network of only 389 accredited land trusts across the nation, ClearWater is committed to professional excellence and to maintaining the public’s trust in its conservation work.
“Renewal of our accreditation demonstrates our ongoing commitment to permanent land conservation throughout Central Pennsylvania,” said Deb Nardone, executive director for the Conservancy. “This national recognition amplifies our dedication to making our local region a healthy and beautiful place for us and our children’s children. Through proactive protection of special places such as the Meyer and Everhart properties in the heart of State College, we will continue to uphold this commitment to our community.”
“It is exciting to recognize ClearWater Conservancy with this distinction...”  Read more...
Join us this Sunday at Mountain View Country Club for The Night BeFORE!
You're invited to join us on for ClearWater Conservancy's “Night BeFore” Event on Sunday, August 27th from 5-9pm at Mountain View Country Club. Visit with friends and enter to win great prizes all while supporting ClearWater's conservation efforts.
$15 admission (kids under 12 free) includes:
  • Beer from Otto’s Pub and Brewery
  • Live music with Danny Brumbaugh
  • Light hors d’oeuvres and ice cream
  • Entry into the evening’s main event, a BALL DROP contest. Watch as Alpha Fire Co. releases up to 1,000 golf balls from their ladder truck and WIN $1,000 if your ball lands closest to the pin.
This will be a great time to have fun with the whole family and connect with fellow ClearWater Conservancy supporters! Golf-Fest golfers and children under 12 are admitted FREE! You don’t need to be present to win the ball drop or any of the great raffle prizes such as Penn State vs. Pitt Tickets , a stay at The Nature Inn , Disney Park Hopper Passes , and $1,000's in other great prizes!
Centred Outdoors Celebrates over 1,400 visits this summer!
Over 120 people climbed Mt. Nittany the week of August 13 during our LAST week of Centred Outdoors! Together we stressed less and explored more...hiking well over 1,200 miles across 1,400+ individual adventures. Thanks to everyone who came out to Sunday's Wrap-Up Party at Millbrook Marsh and congratulations Stephanie Herzberger, winner of the GRAND PRIZE, a Conduit Kayak from Tussey Mountain Outfitters!
Slab Cabin Run Initiative: Help us Cross the Finish Line!
Thanks to incredible support from YOU , ClearWater Conservancy has raised $2.47 million towards a $2.75 million goal for the Slab Cabin Run Initiative!
In the time since the project was publicly announced on October 28, 2016, community support from a variety of groups and individuals, along with support from municipalities in the region that depend on the wells as a water source, has helped ClearWater Conservancy raise 90% of the funds needed to fully fund a land conservation easement on the property.
Community support for the initiative has been diverse and inventive. “From community yard sales to school fundraisers led by students in kindergarten and first grade, we are encouraged and moved by the community’s willingness to commit their time and energy to ensure this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity does not pass us by,” says Deb Nardone, ClearWater Conservancy’s executive director. Read More...
Lexie Orr takes on role as Water Resources Specialist
Lexie joins the ClearWater team as Water Resources Specialist, following a one year commitment with AmeriCorps where she supported the Spring Creek Watershed Commission and Association, helped launch the Spring Creek Watershed Atlas and served as Adventure Coordinator for the Centred Outdoors program.
In her new role as Water Resources Specialist at ClearWater Conservancy, Lexie works closely with the Water Resources Monitoring program to collect important water quality and quantity data and the MS4 partners to implement programs, including Watershed Clean Up day. Lexie completed her undergrad work at Bucknell University with an emphasis in Biology and completed her MS in Ecology at Penn State this past fall. You can contact and welcome Lexie via email at .
Ann Donovan, thanks for all you do for conservation!
Ann Donovan will be retired from her position as Watershed Specialist from the Centre County Conservation District as of August 31.
Ann was involved with ClearWater Conservancy in countless ways, contributing to the success of many riparian buffer projects and serving on the Watershed Cleanup Day Committee for many years.
Ann reminds all of us who are dedicated to conserving our natural resources of Margaret Mead's words, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed it’s the only thing that ever has."
Warm wishes for a joyful retirement, Ann, and thank you for the lasting, positive impact your work has had on our local environment.

Environmental Film Series this Fall
Foxdale Village Green Committee and the UUFCC Green Sanctuary Committee present a fall film festival: Love Your Planet: An Environmental Film Series :
All films start at 7 PM and are free and open to the public. Discussion will follow after the film. Address: Foxdale Auditorium, 500 East Marylyn Avenue, State College. Closed captioned (CC) is available. 
Memorial for Bob Eberhart
On September 3, there will be a memorial service at the Barrens to Bald Eagle Wildlife Corridor to honor Bob Eberhart, who passed away on August 13, 2017. 
Bob's conservation efforts made a lasting impact on our community in many ways. He was a member of the Halfmoon Township planning commission for over 22 years and helped preserve 2,000 acres of land in Centre County. He played an active role in the Spring Creek Watershed Commission and the Spring Creek Watershed Association. He also served on the Spring Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited board of directors for more than a decade and was the recipient of the George Harvey Spring Creek Heritage Award in 2010.  
Please save the date, September 3, when fellow friends and colleagues will honor Bob Eberhart at "Bob's Bench" at the Barrens to Bald Eagle Wildlife Corridor (details to follow).
Congratulations Jim Lanning, Distinguished Service Award Recipient!
Congratulations James H. Lanning for being selected to receive the 2017 Distinguished Service Award - Veterans Service at the Trout Unlimited Annual Meeting this September in Roanake, VA.
Jim designed Spring Creek TU's Veterans Serivce Program, resulting in "a large, highly organized volunteer network supporting a program that reaches more than 500 veterans and their family members annually with more than 20 fishing and fly tying events each year."
Jim, thanks for all you do as an involved community member and as a Board member of ClearWater Conservancy and Spring Creek Chapter Trout Unlimited. The connections between our people and places are stronger and healthier because of your continued efforts. (In photo: Jim Lanning (left) sits with Joe Humphreys (right) during a Centred Outdoors event jointly hosted by Spring Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited, PA Fish and Boat Commission, and the Veterans Service Program this July.)
ClearWater Conservancy 814-237-0400 ||