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Rural road>
A Note from National RTAP Executive Director Robin Philips

Thank you from National RTAP to all of our partners in rural and tribal transit for a fun and productive year!  The conferences in Omaha and around the country gave us a chance to get to know you and make new friends.  These relationships will bear fruit in the coming year, making our industry stronger and prepared for new challenges and opportunities with our diverse perspectives and experience.  We will be here to support you as you work to respond to changes in funding and programs and the needs of your communities.  Happy New Year and all the best to you and your families, teams, and programs! 
Upcoming National RTAP Webinar:  Hours of Service and Electronic Logging Devices - What You Need to Know

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Mandate final rule compliance date was December 18, 2017 and all carriers subject to the rule must use self-certified ELDs registered with FMCSA by December 16, 2019. 

This webinar  on Friday, January 12, 2018 from 2:00-3:00 PM ET , featuring industry expert Mike McDonal, will provide guidance to rural transit agencies about the FMCSA Hours of Service (HOS) regulations and the ELD Mandate, including an overview of the regulations, compliance, management, technology and implementation.    Register for the webinar .
Upcoming National RTAP Disaster Preparedness Peer Call Series: Getting Ready for the Worst
This first installment of the National RTAP Disaster Preparedness Peer Call Series: Getting Ready for the Worst is co-organized by National RTAP and the South West Transit Association (SWTA).  It will take place on January 17, 2018 from 2:00-3:30 PM ET.
Updated Bloodborne Pathogens Topic Guide

The Bloodborne Pathogens Topic Guide   in the National RTAP Resource Center was updated in December 2017.  Links to a dditional National RTAP Training Modules with information on bloodborne pathogens were added, including  2 the Point and Safety Training in Rural Transit ( START ), as well as the  National CPR Association Bloodborne Pathogens Study Guide.
Call for Presentation Abstracts for RIBTC 2018

National RTAP is a sponsor of the 23rd National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation (RIBTC):  Changing Lives, Strengthening Communities , which will take place in Breckenridge, Colorado between September 30-October 3, 2018.  The deadline for  abstract submissions is January 7, 2018.
National RTAP Solicits   Nominations for New   Review Board Members

For 2018, National RTAP is soliciting nominations for two state transit officials and three rural or tribal transit operators for its Review Board.   More information about this great opportunity, the nomination form, and instructions on how to apply are  available here .  The deadline is January 15, 2018.  
FTA and U.S. DOT Updates

U.S. DOT's Developing and Sustaining a Transportation Systems Management & Operations Mission for Your Organization: A Primer for Program Planning is a resource to help State DOTs, planning organizations, and operations organizations to  identify strategic, programmatic, and tactical elements needed and describes guiding principles for transit systems management and operations.

FTA recently produced a  video describing how their Tribal Transit Program provides funding to help meet the transportation needs of American Indian tribal residents.  FTA also announced the Project Selections for the FY 2017 Tribal Transit Competitive Grants.

An Employee Notice from U.S. DOT on Drug Testing: Part 40 provides guidance to transit organizations and operators on questions including, "Do I need to tell anyone about my prescribed medications?" and "What should I tell my prescribing physician?"

FTA's December  Transit Safety and Oversight Newsletter is now available.  The issue contains the article, "Sensitive Security Information: What is It and How Do We Protect It?"
Resources and News


A public meeting on the Tribal Transportation Self-Governance Program Negotiated Rulemaking Committee will be held January
8-12, 2018, from 9AM to 6PM ET in Sterling, VA.


TRB will conduct a webinar on Vizguide: Data Visualization for Transportation Agencies, on Tuesday, January 23, 2018 from 2:00-3:30 PM ET. This webinar will describe techniques for displaying and reporting information in a visually pleasing manner. 


A new American Hospital Association guide, Transportation and the Role of Hospitals, explains the link between transportation and health and discusses the role of hospitals and health systems in addressing transportation issues, improving access and helping design and support better transportation options.  Case studies from rural areas highlight hospitals and health systems that are successfully addressing transportation issues in their communities.

The NADO Research Foundation has released a summary of the Regional Transportation Planning Organizations Peer Exchange that occurred on June 30, 2017 in conjunction with the National Regional Transportation Conference.  Themes discussed included mobility, resilience, and emerging technologies.
Welcome New State RTAP Managers!
National RTAP extends a warm welcome  to our community  to several new State RTAP managers - Talbot J. Hauffe, Wyoming; Deborah Bach, New Mexico; Tyler Bender, Ohio; Christina Borino, Nevada; Kaitlyn McClanahan, Tennessee; and Jaimie Baldwin, Oregon.  If you would like to get in touch with them or any State RTAP Manager, visit our Directory of State RTAP Managers.
Look for us at these upcoming conferences!
  • Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 7-11
  • South West Transit Association, Denver, CO, March 5-7
  • Michigan Rural Transportation Managers Workshop, Mount Pleasant, MI, April 25-26
  • Montana Transit Association Spring Conference, Bozeman, MT, May 21-25
December 28, 2017
Annual Meeting
Washington  D.C
January 7-11, 2018

Tribal Transportation Self-Governance Program Negotiated Rulemaking Committee
Sterling, VA
January 8-12

World Bank Group
Transforming Transportation 2018
January 11-12
Washington, DC

National RTAP 
Hours of Service and Electronic Logging Devices - What You Need to Know
January 12, 2-3PM

RFPs and Competitive Contract Negotiations
January 15-19
Lewisville, TX

SWTA/National RTAP
Disaster Preparedness Series: Getting Ready for the Worst
January 17, 2-3:30 PM
Peer Call 

Tribal Transportation Unity Caucus Meeting
January 17-18
Phoenix, AZ

Project Management for Transit Professionals  
January 17-18
Houston, TX

Vizguide: Data Visualization for Transportation Agencies
January 23,  2-3:30 PM 

Idaho Technology Transfer Center
Safety Fest of the Great Northwest
January 23-26
Boise, ID

Quality Assurance and Quality Control
January 24-25
Miami, FL

Orientation to Transit Procurement
January 29-February 2
Chicago, IL

South West Transit Association
2018 SWTA Freedom Through Transit Annual Conference
March 5-7
Denver, CO

Center for Tribal Transportation
National Transportation in Indian Country Conference
September 17-20
Duluth, MN

National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation
Sept 30-Oct 3
Breckenridge, CO

For a listing of all National RTAP and other national events, view our  Calendar . To submit an event, email

All event times listed as Eastern Time
Resource Spotlight
National RTAP Marketing Toolkit

New photos of buses, operators and passengers have been added to the National RTAP Marketing Toolkit in December.  The high-resolution photos in the Toolkit's photo library can be used online, in email, social media and print promotions resources.  

The Marketing Toolkit also contains an extensive marketing how-to guide and planning workbook, a graphics library, templates and other tools.
National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.

Contact us:
Main:  5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.:  718 7th Street NW , Washington, DC 20001