The Centurion Law Enforcement
FCPO Newsletter and Bible Study

The "thin blue line" covered by the blood of Christ.
Fellow Officers ( Sheepdogs ) & Supporters:

Last week's Bible study (" Cops & Compromise") elicited some interesting feedback. While much of it was very positive (thank you), I also received some negative responses and some "unsubcribers" from those angry with being confronted by the Truth (even though the study did not single out any one particular area of sin or compromise, and it was the Holy Spirit doing the "confronting"). Accordingly, I'm countering with God's response:  

For the time is coming when people will not endure  sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,  and  will turn away from listening to the truth and  wander off into myths.  ( 2 Timothy 4:3-4 )

Folks, for many, "the time" is now!  My prayer is that those convicted will repent and get right with God while there is still time to do so!  Bottom line, and in keeping with this week's message, I'm pressed beyond measure to run Code for those who are lost (backup of the eternal kind).  

This week's Bible study will most certainly "add on" to those who rail against the Truth, but since I'm not here to please men but rather God alone, I'm staying the course He has set for me.   While I've taught on this subject before, it would appear that a refresher (and a fresh look) on this issue is very much in order: scroll down to " One Way Only ."

And speaking of last week's message, here's the updated "Cops & Compromise." As always, past editions are re-posted on ouwebsite, Twitter and Facebook pages.  Also don't forget to check out the latest batch of resources, prayer requests and announcements  posted for you below!

Here locally, our next regularly scheduled FCPO-Denver "cop church" fellowship won't take place until December 4th given that Thanksgiving falls next week (NO MEETING on November 20th).  That said, "Thanksgiving" will be the subject of next's week's newsletter Bible study.  If you're working over the holiday, be safe and get home to your families.

Stay safe on the street while running to the battle behind Christ our Captain!  



(2)  My friends Adam Davis and  Lt. Col. (Ret.)  Dave Grossman's devotional book is a must-have for married couples: Bulletproof Marriage!   


(1)  Pray for the more than 90 First Responders in CA who have lost their homes in the fires.  Pray for those battling on the front lines, and pray for rain!  

(2)  Pray for a wounded Parker Co. (TX) deputy.

(3) Again, pray for our nation and it's leaders. "When the righteous are in authority, the  people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules,  the people groan."  (Prov. 29:2).  The "righteous" as used here?  Those who are godly and govern biblically.

Have a prayer request or announcement you would like included here? Need prayer?   Email me !  I also post prayer requests the Centurion Law Enforcement Ministry Facebook page.  


The Sheepdog Seminars is led by my friends Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, Officer/Minister Jimmy Meeks and fellow church safety expert Carl Chinn (among others). Outstanding, highly recommended training for every sheepdog (sworn and unsworn alike)!  The seminar schedule is on their website, including this one coming up here in CO on Nov. 16th (this Friday)Pueblo Sheepdog Seminar.  

The Centurion Law Enforcement Ministry

The Centurion Law Enforcement Ministry is a national, FCPO-affiliated, evangelical Christian outreach to our own in law enforcement. These newsletters and Bible studies are part of this effort and past editions can be found on our website and our social media  ( Facebook and Twitter ) feeds. As always, feel free to adapt these messages for your own individual or group use and please share them with others. 

The Centurion LE Ministry is lead by Police Officer and Chaplain/Evangelist Michael "MC"  Williams, a 32-year (and counting) law enforcement veteran and sought-after instructor and speaker at churches [including the well-received Centurion Church Security Seminar], retreats and both law enforcement and civilian conferences and seminars around the country. Contact MC via email for more.   

Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers
FCPO-USA exists to provide biblical support ("backup"), accountability and iron sharpens iron fellowship to Christian officers first in the U.S. and throughout the world as well. Our metro-Denver chapter of the Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers -- (aka FCPO Chapter 217) -- is a Centurion Law Enforcement Ministry affiliate. We meet most 1st and 3rd Tuesday evenings starting at 7 PM in the Denver-Metro suburb of Highlands Ranch (email me for address and details) for profession-focused and life-focused  Bible study, prayer and servant-warrior/sheepdog fellowship (the iron sharpens iron kind). Spouses are both welcome and encouraged to attend with their LEO and this is how you can get a FREE Centurion t-shirt or ball cap!

With the Thanksgiving holiday upon us, our next meeting won't be until December 4th...hope to see you then!  
One Way Only

" can we know the way?" 
Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me."  
(John 14:5-6)

Police officers and the public alike know and  understand what a "ONE WAY" sign means.  Sadly, there are still those who will try to get away with going the wrong way on a ONE WAY road.  Consequences might include a citation, but also perhaps a semi that is not going to be able to stop in time.  Clearly, the sign is meant both to inform and to warn.  Likewise, this week's Bible study does the same. Let's dig in!

Is Jesus the only way to God?  In today's "progressive" society, many rail against such a notion and state it is not "inclusive" enough.  Yet Jesus -- God in the flesh -- could not have been any clearer:
    "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me'" ( John 14:6). 
Does Jesus really mean that?  Can there not be any "other" way?  The context, as understood in the original Greek, is an emphatic "NO!" from God Himself!  

Now unbelievers (those have yet to become Christians as God alone can define it), the question often arises, "But, what about those who live in deep Africa or Tibet or somewhere else, and have never heard of God? Do they go to hell, even if they are good people?" Do "Christians" really maintain that Jesus is the only way?  

First off, scroll down to the "Good Person Test" below and, if you take it, you'll come to understand that there is no such thing as a "good person" outside of those who are in a genuine, born again, personal relationship with God in Christ (stay with me here...). 

Secondly, and tragically, a number of surveys do in fact show that many "Christians" (??) reject God's word on the subject and continue to wrongly insist that there are multiple paths to salvation. Thankfully, God is not subject to man's "opinion polls."  He is clear...only ONE Way until salvation!  
Jesus is the Only Way - The True Concept of Salvation

So how can Christians rightly state that Jesus is the only way to God?  Part of the problem with this question is based on the false premise that one can be saved by b a concept of salvation by works. In other words, the person asking it still believes that people can get to heaven by being good enough. Scripture says this is decidedly not the case: 

" As it is written: 'There is no one righteous, not even one'" ( Romans 3:10). 

" Therefore no one will be declared righteous in His sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we became conscious of sin" ( Romans 3:20). 

" All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: 'Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.' Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, 'The righteous will live by faith'" ( Galatians 3:10-11). 

Since no one is good enough to get into heaven (if they were, then Christ's sacrifice would have been meaningless, and the entire Christian religion is empty and void), then we must rely on our faith in the One True God, and allow ourselves to be saved by His grace alone. 

This grace is conditioned only on acceptance. And indeed, " everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved" ( Joel 2:32Acts 2:21Romans 10:13). 

And God clearly states that He will judge our hearts. " For the LORD searches every heart and understands every motive behind thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever" ( 1 Chronicles 28:9). 

But What Does Jesus Say?

When Christians say that Jesus is the only way to God, they base this on the words of Christ in Scripture. From Scripture, we also know that God will judge our hearts. God also knows our opportunities. The person who grows up having never read Scripture or having never been introduced to Christ, but is devoted to the god under whom he was raised, may have an excuse -- I say "may" because something inside them (the Holy Spirit that tugs on everyone's heart -- see  Revelation 3:20) should guide them into a belief that their religion is false, or at least that something is wrong with it. It is something they may struggle with their entire lives. 

If you grew up in one of the myriad cultures that performed ritual human sacrifice as a form of worship, then something inside you should say that is wrong. The same with someone who only knows Islam, Buddhism, or any of the tribal religions still practiced around the world, but less obviously. Something inside -- the Holy Spirit that you seek -- should make you uneasy with any sort of strict adherence to the false religion. 

Jesus is the Only Way - The Heart of the Matter

How can Christians say that Jesus is the only way, when there are people in parts of the world who have never heard about Jesus? Once you get to the heart of a question like this, you see that it rarely -- if ever -- is even a question at all. The fact that they are even around posing the question demonstrates that they aren't so much concerned with "those poor people that never heard about Jesus," but rather are looking for ways to either delay or get out of making a commitment to the Living God. 

If they are truly concerned about them, shouldn't they also be concerned about themselves? Why haven't they accepted God yet? Is God good enough for those in Africa or Tibet, but somehow not good enough for them? Do they "believe there is a God" or "believe in Christianity," but do not care enough for themselves or God to actually become a Christian? 

The Bible doesn't speak to this issue, because we are commanded as Christians to " go and make disciples of all nations" ( Matthew 28:19). What we are supposed to do is tell the world about the God that saved us-and if He truly did, isn't it natural to tell people about it? I mean, if someone saved you from a burning building, you would tell everyone. How much more so should we tell people about the eternal salvation God has given you? 

If we are doing what we as Christians are supposed to do, then we needn't worry about those that may not have heard the message yet. Because we both understand our God, and know that He is powerful enough to present Himself to all, "s o that men are without excuse." ( Romans 1:20)

Are we clear now (it should be "crystal")?  If not, our friends at Got Questions Ministries address this further in the wholly biblical, "Is Jesus the only way?"

So now, after all this -- and with a huge ONE WAY ONLY sign in front of your face -- do you still not  know "the Way?"  If not, I implore you to consider the following: 

(1)  Perhaps you still cling to the false hope that you can "earn" or otherwise "badge" your way into heaven and escape hell because you are a so-called "good" cop or "good" person. That there has to be "another" way despite all the EVIDENCE to the contrary? That you don't need God? That "blessed are the peacekeepers" is in the Bible (NOT)? Or that God will save us because of "blessed are the peacemakers" (Matthew 5:9 is not about cops unless it is a Christian officer who happens to be sharing the hope he or she has in Christ with others)?  Take  the  Good Person Test  and see how you do.  

(2)  J esus' first recorded words in His earthly ministry were and remain, " Repent and believe in the Good News " ( Mark 1:15 ).  To repent  is a "180" -- a complete, radical change of mind and heart as it relates our sin. To believe  (pisteuo in the original Greek) as Jesus intends it here is to cry out to God for your salvation and wholeheartedly  surrender in repentance and faith in Christ  in the same way we have "faith" that our body armor will do its job against the rounds it is intended to stop, that our weapons will function properly in when facing criminals intent on destroying us, or that a warrior's parachute will open when it is supposed to (we stake our very lives on it)!  And the "Good News"?  That is simply the Gospel of Christ

(3)  This same concept of " believe " (the saving/changing kind) is further revealed in John 3:1-21  where Jesus says, "... you must be born again. " Note our Lord's emphasis on the word " must " (not "may" or "should"): this is ultimately the life-saving/life-changing  personal relationship (and NOT "religion") with Jesus Christ that I stress here every week (see What does it mean to be a born again Christian ?) through which we are in fact made "righteous" before a just and Holy God. 

(4)  As I shared here today,  Jesus is in fact the only One who can save us and the ONLY way we can be saved (John 14:6Acts 4:12)! 

(5)  Then, with this in place, open your heart to:  How can I be saved? 

(6) More?  Take a few minutes to watch police officer (Major) Travis Yates'  Cops and Salvation

Have you said "yes" to Jesus as your Lord and Savior but are wondering what to do next? Then click on,  Now what?   Understand also that the "Now what?" MUST include regular "iron sharpens iron" (Prov. 27:17) fellowship with other believers -- including (for us cops) other mature Christians and Christian officers who can help support you, encourage you, disciple (help you grow) you in the faith while holding you lovingly accountable.  Message me for help in doing that!  

More questions?  Here to serve -- contact me   


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