December 19, 2017 Issue 47
When Administrative Burdens Take Over, Physicians and Patients Lose

Based on the feedback I received from my last message in the Nov. 21 Kentucky Health eNews , I think it’s safe to say the issue of administrative burden touched a nerve for many of you.

I am encouraged by that fact because I believe the Association has chosen a wise platform to work toward improvement for physicians. I truly feel this may be the biggest challenge ever to face the practice of medicine. 

5 Questions With Sarah Spurlock, Stites & Harbison PLLC
Speaker at KMA’s Physician Employment Contracting Symposium
KMA is pleased to introduce a new feature series, “5 Questions With.” Each month, KMA staff will interview a person of interest or thought leader making an impact in the world of healthcare and ask them five important questions.

Sarah Spurlock , KMA legal counsel and attorney with Stites & Harbison PLLC, answered this month’s five questions regarding KMA’s upcoming Physician Employment Contracting Symposium. The event will be held Saturday, Jan. 27 from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Louisville Marriott East. Members who are employed or considering employment are encouraged to attend to learn more about how to modify or enter into an employment contract.

Megan Mercer—A Person of Integrity Striving to Reach Her Full Potential
"Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground."

Megan Mercer keeps this quote by Theodore Roosevelt on her desk to remind her to be mindful of her foundation while striving to reach her full potential.  

Modifier Madness—Focus on Modifier 25
The  Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act   (HIPAA) includes  administrative simplification requirements which define standards for certain electronic health transactions. These include claims, enrollment, eligibility, payment and coordination of benefits. These requirements apply to  covered entities  such as health plans, healthcare clearinghouses, physicians and other healthcare providers that conduct certain financial and administrative transactions. These standards also address the security of electronic health information systems.

Will electronic health record systems finally be able to “talk to each other” in 2018? 21 st Century Cures Act to Help Reduce Administrative Burdens Related to Electronic Health Records 
In 2016, Congress passed the 21 st Century Cures Act. One important piece of the extensive law begins January 1, 2018: the law attempts the transition to electronic health record (EHR) data interoperability. This would essentially enable different EHR systems to talk to one another. The law prohibits the blocking of heath information and explains that not sharing information is “preventing, discouraging, or interfering with the access, exchange, or use of information.” 

Martin and Croley Recognized by National Cancer Institute (NCI)

KMA members Monte Martin, M.D. , and Jessica Croley, M.D., KentuckyOne Health , both received an "Appreciation Award" for their successful level of participation and number of patients they have enrolled to NCI clinical trials.
Neurosurgeon Davies to Retire

Congratulations to KMA member Theodore E C Davies, M.D., of Paducah, who will retire at the end of this year after practicing medicine for over 46 years.
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