ClearWater Conservancy: November 2017 enews
Working together for people and place to make a big difference in our small community.
Remembering Elwood Hatley
Elwood Hatley, age 81, Penn State Professor Emeritus of Agronomy, beloved husband and father, and dedicated member of ClearWater Conservancy, passed away peacefully on October 19th with Carolyn, his beloved wife of 58 years, by his side. Elwood had a profound love for the land and instilled a great love and respect for nature in all of his children and grandchildren. As a dedicated volunteer for ClearWater, Elwood served as site steward for several conservation easements and conducted water quality testing with the Senior Environmental Corp of Centre County at Galbraith Gap and Slab Cabin Run for over 15 years. Just recently, he and wife Carolyn, also a committed member and volunteer for the organization, were honored with the 2017 Donald Hamer Leadership Award for their steadfast efforts in making the Slab Cabin Run Initiative a success. We at ClearWater Conservancy extend our deepest sympathy to Elwood's family during this difficult time. We'd also like to express our sincerest gratitude for the incredibly positive impact Elwood made on our community by selflessly sharing his expertise and passion in order to conserve our region's natural resources, one project at a time.
Thank you, Native Gardeners!
On November 16 an all-star crew of volunteers winterized the native garden at the ClearWater office. In just two hours, Pilar, JoAnn, Terry, Karen, and Sofia (pictured from left to right) chopped, clipped, cut, and tidied up the native landscaping. Visitors are welcome to stop by the office (2555 N. Atherton St.) anytime to see the native garden and gather ideas for growing natives at your own home or office.
Thank you, Day of Caring and PSU Volunteers!
On October 5, Day of Caring Volunteers from the Clearinghouse for Military Family Preparedness donated a day to maintain the young trees growing at the Barrens to Bald Eagle Wildlife Corridor. Did you know? The "B2B Corridor" is located in Stormstown, owned by ClearWater Conservancy, and open to the public year-round ( directions and tips for visiting )? Pictured above are Penn State students from an Environmental Resource Management class (pictured above) maintaining the Heywood Stream buffer on Tadpole Road on October 6. A huge thanks to the many volunteers who commit their time and talent to these important projects!
Boots on the Ground: Improving Technical Support for Farmers
The Chesapeake Bay Commission released its new policy report on agriculture technical assistance. Titled “Boots on the Ground: Improving Technical Assistance for Farmers,” the CBC’s report is the first Bay-wide effort documenting the escalating need for more technical assistance to guide farmers in planning and installing pollution control practices. The report states, " Farmers have been — and will continue to be — critical to the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay and the thousands of miles of local streams and rivers that provide the Bay’s life-blood of clean water. ...But in spite of its considerable efforts to date, the agricultural community needs to do more if we are to restore local and Bay water quality. And we must assist farmers by making tools available to them to help them do the job ." Read and share the full report...
Seeking First Night Volunteers
ClearWater and Centred Outdoors are hosting a resolution exhibit at First Night in Downtown State College on December 31, and are looking for volunteers to help out in 2 hour shifts throughout the day. Will you help us greet visitors as they hang their goals on the "Resolution Tree?" Ice sculptures, music, and more...there's so much to enjoy throughout First Night, and volunteering with your friends or family is a fun way to take in all the excitement. Please email Rhonda today if you're interested in volunteering for a shift. Thank You!
ClearWater Conservancy 814-237-0400 ||