News, cost savings and business support from your Winnipeg Chamber


While there are some definite wins in Budget 2018, the federal government continues to ignore the growing potential of financial storms. 

Why a rainy day fund is crucial

Have you experienced poverty - or are you concerned about it in our community? Take the provincial government's survey as they build their poverty reduction strategy. 

Give input based on your experiences
Business support

An upcoming GoodLife Health & Wellness Leadership Summit is based around the thesis that to lead others, you first have to take care of yourself. 

From growing your ecommerce to sales coaching to leveraging your LinkedIn page, there are fantastic free classes and webinars for professionals from our friends at WTC Winnipeg.

Until the end of March, we're asking you to help grow your Chamber. Connect us to one of your business contacts who should be a Chamber member and - if they join - you'll get a $100 gift card.

Until March 27, you can apply to the Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba for projects that help improve your team's safety.

Our online directory lets Winnipeggers search for your business by expertise - but are you listed under every appropriate category?

Along with their signature Intercultural training programs, Manitoba Start travels to Winnipeg businesses to offer free one-hour courses.
Leadership development

With the final State of the City Address approaching (March 23) before the civic election, we sat down with Mayor Bowman to ask about fixing roads, the business tax, and his upcoming priorities.  

Having a great idea is meaningless if people aren't willing to follow you. Leadership is all about managing people, so are you building the right skills?

"Creating this space was perfect for me... where women felt comfortable and youth could be comfortable." The owners of Arabesque share their dream of a welcoming hookah cafe in Winnipeg. 

Our good friends at CPA Manitoba are welcoming new FCPAs and handing out awards - and we couldn't be more proud of members being honoured.